Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

Perhaps without libel or flatullent bluster Bob Feel Martiniz of Swindon, might identify a single solitary deliberate lie of consequence that I have EVER stated on a Forum or elsewhere.
Please identify a single solitary untruth that I have stated regarding EUkip and its corruption.
Perhaps it would show just a smidgeon of intelligence if you were able to explain to the rest of us why, if I have so grievously misled people was NuttAll's ill considered, vexatious and malign letter threatening Anthony Butcher in the most degenerate and under hand manner seeking to suppress the truth by threatening FREEDOM OF SPEECH utterly bereft of a single solitary legal fact to show where any untruth had EVER been printed against the corrupt, fraudulent, dishonest and morally degenerate NEC & leadership of EUkip.
The new EUkip with its BNP styling nay even fascist as made VERY clear by [URL=] Junius[/URL] in the posting of today on the blog, which seems to have a strange overlap of thought with the postings on Political Gossip UK blog.
The BFM has duplicitously wheedled out of responding to this postings elsewhere - perhaps one day he will develope a backbone of his own and answer the comments made.
:Originally Posted by Bob FM As always GLW plays his usual game of distorting the truth. Had I not mentioned my previous posts, he would have contended that junius's information had come from 'insiders', now he uses what I said to imply I have acted without evidence.My evidence for my stance is simple. The NEC are the section of the party who conduct discipline hearings. EE has been suspended and is likely to be permanently removed from the NEC, and despite knowing this he has continued to denigrate the party therefore I fail to see how the Regional Committee and our perspective MEP's can support him remaining on the steering committee.By the way GLW, I left the police with a Certificate of Exemplary Conduct. So I would respectfully suggest you withdraw your last comments.
Do you smell like you sound as thick as?
Quote:As always GLW plays his usual game of distorting the truth. Had I not mentioned my previous posts, he would have contended that junius's information had come from 'insiders', now he uses what I said to imply I have acted without evidence.
Do you smell like you sound as thick as?
Quote:As always GLW plays his usual game of distorting the truth. Had I not mentioned my previous posts, he would have contended that junius's information had come from 'insiders', now he uses what I said to imply I have acted without evidence.
Get a friend to read what I said on Democracy Forum and then explain it to you - if you have one!
Quote:My evidence for my stance is simple. The NEC are the section of the party who conduct discipline hearings.
Quote:My evidence for my stance is simple. The NEC are the section of the party who conduct discipline hearings.
Do try not to be so dull - next time you pull your ears apart try mental floss - an old bit of rope will do!
READ YOUR OWN CONSTITUTION & RULES - think it through, much as EUkip are following the example of the BNP - (The BNP in blazers) even pretending they have been infiltrated by them rather than are BNP in style and look, we know they are working towards setting aside The Disciplinary Committee and changing the rules & Constitution to create a 'Constitutional' junta out of the NEC with an unelected little puppet as dictator, thus an attempt to keep the weak and self seeking Farage out of the firing line.
READ YOUR OWN CONSTITUTION & RULES - think it through, much as EUkip are following the example of the BNP - (The BNP in blazers) even pretending they have been infiltrated by them rather than are BNP in style and look, we know they are working towards setting aside The Disciplinary Committee and changing the rules & Constitution to create a 'Constitutional' junta out of the NEC with an unelected little puppet as dictator, thus an attempt to keep the weak and self seeking Farage out of the firing line.
Then in January sending out a copy of the in house comic Independence News with an expplanation that they have been infiltrated and need to take firm action and want to do it all above board by making a change in the Constitution and rules and conning the well meaning patriotic members who haven't a clue what is really happening into voting for the changes.
Meanwhile suspending various people or refusing to renew their memberships until AFTER the 12th. December, the closing date for NEC applications.
These crooked bastars who have corruptly gained Kontrol of the party will have their spin on their 'Reichstag Fire' moment to rattle the glass for their decent members just like 'Kristell Nacht' where the Germans were duped into believing all the woes of Germany were the fault of Jews and their money grabbing profiteering!
Quote:EE has been suspended and is likely to be permanently removed from the NEC, and despite knowing this he has continued to denigrate the party therefore I fail to see how the Regional Committee and our perspective MEP's can support him remaining on the steering committee.
Well you aren't up to speed lad - there is a new revisionist version available from the cockroach - get him to scuttle over with a copy for you.
I should imagine Eric would be quite pleased if they have formally chucked him off as an individual of substance it will absolve him of liability for the party debts - as an NEC member he would be jointly and severally liable which won't effect the fraudulent Bannerman, liar that he is, since he only has the little flat between the railway lines at Acton as he hasn't had a proper job for many years, which lasted, or so his CV indicates.
It would also sver Eric from association with the bunch of bullying illiterates and foul mouthed irresponsible idiots. Just imagine having to listen to Linda up the Duff shouting at people on the NEC - clearly discernable on tape and the MP3 recording. With those neck muscles puffed up she must look like a badly chipped refrigerator with a head!
Or the vituperative hissing of EUkip's own legal consultant in her famed role out of school as a Japanese No Actor.
With Jill poor lass - so confused that one look from Farage and she falls in line whether in front of or behind his tame book keeper or not there is no doubt F.A. in it as they reverse order for attention.
What a ghastly ambition that people might think such people are friends! No wonder he doesn't meet with the rest of the NEC before the meeting in the Hotel for their plan of attack meeting.Having only just joined the party Bob let me warn you - Dr. Eric Edmond was ELECTED on by the MEMBERS because of his integrity, probity and unimpeachable track record - also because he had extensive banking experience - the purpose was to try to get to the bottom of the accounts and assure members that what seems to be several £Millions that have gone missing have in fact been legitimately accounted and legitimately spent.
You may also note that EVERYONE of intelligence and integrity has, without exception, been steadily and inexorably removed by the BNP tactics of the incumbents.
This may sound far fetched but be minded of the dross on the NEC and understand that the following people were forced to quit for asking for details of accounts:
Petrina Holdsworth, Chairman - Barrister early retirement, husband a Judge.
Petrina Holdsworth, Chairman - Barrister early retirement, husband a Judge.
John de Roeke, Treasurer - Independent Import Business & Finance.
Ian Gilman, - Early Retirement from own business which he sold.
Gill Chant, I do not recall
Anthony Butcher, Independent web based businesses.
Ian Gilman, - Early Retirement from own business which he sold.
Gill Chant, I do not recall
Anthony Butcher, Independent web based businesses.
Richard Suchorzewski, ex Chairman of Wales, Leadership contender banker qualified Banking, accountancy, IFA, Mortgage Adviser & Consultant - Primary business M&A.
Lynda Guest, ex British Airways now family engineering business.
Currently being engineered duplicitously are:
Dr. Eric Edmond, Retired ex Civil Serbvice Heath's Negotiating team re. EU membership. Later University Maths. lecturer, laterly Bank of England executive Market Maker.
Lynda Guest, ex British Airways now family engineering business.
Currently being engineered duplicitously are:
Dr. Eric Edmond, Retired ex Civil Serbvice Heath's Negotiating team re. EU membership. Later University Maths. lecturer, laterly Bank of England executive Market Maker.
Dr. David Abbott, Medical Practicioner USA, Canada & Britain
- both of whom have asked for financial information.
Then we have Delboy - well they are scared witless of him as they fear dumping him because some may see it as racist to get rid of a black man - however it would have more integrity than treating him as the tokenry 'coon' and taunting him as the in house 'boy' without anyone to back him up. Unfortunately Del - honest as he may or may not be (no one knows as to this date he has never produced a CV or told anyone what his job is, if he has one).
Then we have Delboy - well they are scared witless of him as they fear dumping him because some may see it as racist to get rid of a black man - however it would have more integrity than treating him as the tokenry 'coon' and taunting him as the in house 'boy' without anyone to back him up. Unfortunately Del - honest as he may or may not be (no one knows as to this date he has never produced a CV or told anyone what his job is, if he has one).
Sadly he ends up losing his temper at being taunted and starts shouting in the belief that if he can shout louder he will be believed, unaware that he who shouts loses the argument and with the chavs, low lifes and BNP look alikes on the NEC he stands no chance.If as you claim Dr. Edmond should NOT be on the Regional Committee perhaps you could advise us all as to what level you believe honesty, integrity and probity should commence in EUkip - you don't want it from the leadership - you don't want it from the NEC - you don't want disciplinary committees - now you don't want it at regional level.
You surprise me that you received :
Quote:By the way GLW, I left the police with a Certificate of Exemplary Conduct.
Obviously I have nothing to retract as I asked a question, I did NOT make a statement.However I am surprised and must assume it has been down hill ever since. In view of you willingness to tollerate, even issue, lies and dishonesty. Your bullying aggressive attitude, your loutish behaviour and your staggering stupidity.
That is so much more redollent of the police of today than of yester year - possibly your part of the force was ahead of its time.How much evidence of corruption does one have to place under your nose - how many proven decent people must point it out to you, how blind are you to the obvious etc.
Just when, as an ex policeman do you wake up or do you just rush off after peeing in a bottle in the back of a van where you have been all night and without propper intelligence, backed up by no clear instruction get your mates to hols an innocent man still in his seat on the Tube and without warning put 6 soft nose rounds in his head and one in his shoulder and then with your mates breeze off to the canteen to boast about it until the holiday tickets for you and the family come through from HQ.
Come to think of it you do have a lot in common with the modern police force - part of the canteen culture where if you are patted on the head and invited to the pub for a drink by the head hocho in the canteen you will do ANYTHING to stay with the in crowd.
How deeply ashamed you will feel (but sadly probably not) when you realise that smarter men than you have conned you and you have been offensive, ill mannered, bullying and a total oaff with people who keep trying to wake you up to facts before your very eyes.
Had it not occured to you Bob that your only consistent support here are paid running dogs, idiotic and unanaltyic children of little or no life experience and McGough who is a proven liar, who lied to cheat his friends and dupe his associates to gain advantage over them in his lust to get his snout in the feeding troughs on the EU gravy train.
Do wake up Bob, look about you and THINK analytically.
There is more to this than YOu can be expected to have caught onto.
You are just making a complete Rse of yourself.
Please don't reply it will serve your cause badly whatever you say but if you GENUINELY want to know what is going on either come and have an ale in Chepstow or give me a phone call, or ring Niall or Eric or David Abbott, or Petrina, or Ian Gilman, or Andy Parsons (Cstream), or Paul Wesson (Aardvark), or Rob McWhirter (spon plage), or Geoffrey Collier or a host of others.
We are in the main individuals of some substance and achievement, a majority retired and of independent means to a greater or lesser extent - to a man unimpeachable patriots with a command of our glorious language and a willingness to risk all for our country.
What has a single solitary member of your much vaunted leadership team and NEC done that was not seeking personal gain?Just look at some of the scum that has floated to the top in EUkip with Farage.
These are ALL individuals you can not find a substantive factual fault with and NONE seek cash gain in EUkip.
Think for a moment - do you think they are ALL telling YOU lies just for fun?
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country:
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