#122 - Can EUkip Get NOTHING Right - Don't Blame Their Messenger!
Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!
I am the first to appreciate how easy it is to make mistakes however to castigate John Butterfield who attended a ceremony in memory of his Grandfather Jack's friends and those of his own Father in a later war who offered their lives for our freedoms is far from civilised. Note John Butterfield's age & with male relatives away at war during his education which was no doubt fractured it ill behoves people to refuse him tollerance.
I too am angry at the self seeking venal and self enriching betrayal by our Politicians and Snivil Cervants who like EUkip MEPs do all in their power to climb on the gravy train and feed at its troughs having gone Native.
EUkip pretends to the status of Political Party yet rather than organise training, issue direction and perform the fundamental acts of leadership their bewildered supporters need they are organising witch hunts, squabbling like ferrets in a sack to get on lists, making hardened enemies faster than they can recruit members and all this sandwiched between whoring, drinking and plotting.
Shame on you to a man that you left this elderly gentleman to honour OUR dead without guidance or support.
Congratulations John Butterfield you did the right thing though the mean and the dispiritted PC brigade baulk at the truth too readily.
You were let down by EUkip's leadership who in their arrogance & hubris failed to support you and give you guidance.
I understand between doses of vitriol and foul language Ms. Fuller, late of EUkip Press Office, is currently working in the Royal British Legion press office sad that she could not have given guidance to those she serves under, for the good of EUkip and others.
Outrage over "disrespectful" UKIP wreath
Wednesday 12th November 2008
A POPPY-selling pensioner has caused outrage among members of the Royal British Legion and his own political party for a message on a wreath at Worcester Cathedral."Distasteful, disrespectful and inappropriate" are just some the words senior figures at the RBL and Worcester & District UK Independence Party branch have described 75-year-old John Butterfield’s message which read:
“Thank you for our freedom.
We are having to fight another war against the EU cesspit that traitors have sold us into”.
Mr Butterfield, of St John’s, Worcester, who is a member of the RBL’s St John’s and Hallow branch and is also secretary of UKIP’s Worcester branch, said his personal message was not meant to be disrespectful – especially as his father Jack, fought in the Battle of the Somme.
Thank you John you did what you believed was best and no one should ask for more.
My Grand Father; who fought at The Somme, Ypres, Paschendale, Marne, Verdun, and so much more; and was a survivor of that Contemptible Little Army that set the standards we would all wish to be capable of, and his sons.
Jim - Des - Ken - Alan
Ken who started out with the 8th. Army in REME on tank recovery and then The Reichwald Forest and my Father from boy to man in Spitfires with DFC & CdeG avec Palm from France AND Belgium would have been proud of your humble effort.
I am - Just as I was proud of the shambolic Michael Foot turning up in a donkey jacket - there is more meaning in your Patriotic passion than in of the self serving front benches of The House of Commons.
I hope there will be a man of integrity in UKIP left, who sees this and prints it out to take to John Butterworth in Worcester.
Thank you sir.
But where were EUkip's great & the good, where was the leadership, where was the support, where was the guidance and where was the news letter to advise their Branch Chairmen of the Party Protocol?
Out whoring and carousing in Brussels no doubt.
A Brussels where, when liberated my Father had acquired a Motor Bike and with two chums the three of them rode around the city on the bike to see what damage they had done The Huns, my Father much the juniour, he together with Tedder & Johnson or Page I never did manage to tell from the photo did get just a tad drunk!!
Setting a tradition seemingly followed by EUkip MEPs - however they had earned it.
Page had been the Wing Commander when my Father flew with him in the very first Spitfire raid over Germany and Page had lost all the skin on his hands in a burning bale out and they were bodge grafted with skin off his stomach to get him in the air again!
The logs books record the message from the Air Traffic Controller to my Father, who was over Keil in a Spitfire when the clock turned Eight O'Clock and the controller issued the very technical message:
"Wars over chum, bugger off home".

Desmond John WATKINS
Perhaps someone might have the courage to print out a copy of this and demand the Editor of the squalid little rag The Worcester News be made to read it out at Worcester's next Council meeting and print it in full the next time he is publishing his fish and chip paper.
Consider the harm this thoughtless piece of shoddy journalism has cause an old man doing his best as he thought best.
We aren't all as clever and fortunate as this grubby little editor with his squalid little ad. rag.
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
MAY I SUGGEST – since there is no political party of repute advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country:
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper: