#112* - Eastern Region Rises Against Corruption of EUkip Leadership It Seems!
Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!
I though we could get back to showing just how corrupt the management of EUkip is by mailing copies of a few eMails that are in circulation amongst certain members of the NEC & leadership of EUkip – some have come direct from the EU and some from those who are amongst or with access to leadership or NEC computers including their owners ;-)
Sorry not to supply Mr. Farage and his corrupt cronies and Brown Shirts with further identities to add to his Reichstag Fire expulsion lists once he has enacted his Hitler style Enabling Act thereby dispensing with the Disciplinary Committee structure, deselecting those on the NEC who will not act as his puppets and muppets, suspending the Constitution and subsuming to himself and a few enforcers the right to expel people who will not go along with his lies, deceptions, duplicity and determination to at all cost get re-elected to the troughs on the gravy train.
It increasingly looks like: the only real funding will be siphoned to fund Farage getting his snout back in the EU troughs and then clearly the funds will be depleted – Farage’s idiot milch cow Alan Bown will have spent out – having been fool enough to pay for Nigel Farage & Andrew Smith’s unprofessional and irresponsible antics and lies.
Any Court cases will be brought against EUkip, where the duped NEC are bankers of last resort, and Farage will most probably jump ship.
He has already PROVED he is duplicitous, selfish, incompetent, without any leadership skills, unable to delegate, corrupt and dishonest. He and his cronies have also proved that they have no reputation to uphold nor have I ever wittingly misled or lied or they would have slapped a writ on me! However TRUTH is my provable defence ;-)
Political Parties and men of integrity sue to defend their name not to make money!
I have ONLY told the truth – whether you like it or not.
You have my name, my address & my phone number – I have offered to be cross examined to establish I am telling the truth, at any mutually convenient time and place; before a public audience – those who I have exposed as liars, frauds, cheats, spivs and fools are more than welcome to cross examine me, to try to establish my details and opinions about them are untrue and or libellous, as I have NO wish to mislead or lie about anyone or anything.
How about these letters now ;-)
Before you read them do be aware that George Curtis is a liar and corrupt – a coward, only too willing to curry favour by outright lies, as long as he thinks he will not be found out – he has been!
George Curtis has to my CERTAIN knowledge lied about me and also Robin Page & John West – I have read George Curtis’s weedling report to the NEC and also his eMail to the corrupt self appointed regional committee, which as we know harbours also the proven cheat and rascal Andrew Smith.
Smith acting WITH Farage and others looks as if he may well cost EUkip between £500,000 and £1,000,000 with his dishonesty and lies, in cahoots with Nigel Farage, David Lott and others.
George Curtis is a revolting coward and a sordid low life who when confronted on the phone was unable to give honest account of his grubby behaviour.
Anyway do read these letters from the NEC archives ;-)
Dear All'
I would not normally interfere in another branch's business, but in view of the contents and the fact that I have been copied in I will.
According to the rules as in force when this new committee first met, it was not elected as the rules then dictated. It was appointed by Tom Wise, which was not a legitimate means of 'election'.
David Bannerman was given full\ documentation as to the illegality of the committee, and he repeatedly promised to sort it out. However he did not do this, and when he left the Party Chairmanship, the dosier was handed to John Whittacker, who maintained e-mail contact with me keeping me up-to-date with his progress in the matter. He replied to an e-mail of mine early this year with words to the effect that the problem had been sorted, because the new rules published in February 2008 would apply.
George Curtis'\problem now is that he has not followed the Feb 08 rules, so the committee is still\ illegal, and has been since early 2006. Incidentally he also illegally dissolved the previous committee.
George Curtis p.s. at the end of the invitation for the 29th Nov meeting is untrue, the activists who have been in regular contact and will be at the next meeting, meet for the good of UKIP and Britain, and` are fed-up with the rule-breaking at all levels of UKIP, not to mention the lies and deceit.There will be some senior UKIP members there and I strongly suggest that G Curtis sendsout a retraction of his p.s.
yours with many good reasons for fighting against the EU,
In a message dated 07/11/2008 12:03:49 GMT Standard Time, reeve@ukip.org writes:
To Peter Cole.
Again your email is completely inaccurate and misleading. The email referring to 'batches' was sent to your home email yesterday.
PETER REEVE (reeve@ukip.org)
06 November 2008 13:06:43
peter cole(home) (kingcolehole@ntlworld.com)
Please also note that : Georges role as the Eastern Counties Chairman's is legitimate. We have, on several occasions, checked with the appropriate people in the hierarchy of Party that there is no problem and all relevant individuals have been happy that both the committee and its officers are sound until just after the European Elections 2009.
Hope this helps. Pete
Peter Reeve
Regional Organiser
UKIP Eastern Counties
From: peterc@tomwisemep.co.uk
To: lenbay@tiscali.co.uk; reeve@ukip.org
CC: MartinHarveyONR@aol.com; johnwest81@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: meeting 29th Nov. & Len Baynes intention to stand against UKIP in elections.
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 09:13:40 +0000
Good morning Len,
To-date I have NOT been notified by Mr Reeve about ‘Batches’. I must agree with your last statement about Mr Reeve standing down but as Mr Curtis is a self appointed so called chairman of an unlawful committee I could not care less what he does as by UKIP’s own rules the position he states he holds does not exist!
From: Len Baynes [mailto:lenbay@tiscali.co.uk]
Sent: 07 November 2008 08:52
Cc: Peter Cole; MartinHarveyONR@aol.com ; johnwest81@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: meeting 29th Nov. & Len Baynes intention to stand against UKIP in elections.
Peter again you get it wrong please read my E-Mail as it was intended I quote '' If this situation is not resolved preety damn quick I will become independant'' That in your wildest dreams is not a statement of fact, I was in this party long before you had even been on the distant horizon and will not get out just to allaviate a thorn in your side. I am afraid I cannot make the 29th of November due to a family birthday in Enfield but I am confident I will be truthfully informed of proceedings by my chairman.
As for my name on the national list it will be submitted when and if my branch select me and my chairman approves, I honestly think that is the right proceedure. But under the present situation I feel my call for you and Mr. Curtis to stand down is perfectly justified.
----- Original Message -----
To: Len Baynes ; peter cole(home) ; jan baynes ; george curtis
Cc: del1young@yahoo.co.uk ; derek norman ; jill_seymour@btopenworld.com ; john west ; martin harvey
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 2:46 PM
Subject: meeting 29th Nov.þ & Len Baynes intention to stand against UKIP in elections.
To Len Baynes, Thanks for your email (Copy below), which I have forwarded to George Curtis as requested. Your suggestion that I have not included Peter Cole in the circulation lists are inaccurate.
I have already explained to Peter Cole (and john West) in emails this morning that : (So the batch with ‘C’ in and the batch with ‘W’ in haven’t been sent out REALLY so what has and how come I know people whose name begins with both ‘C’ & ‘W’ that have received your grubby fiddlings?) "Because we have been very successful in recruiting a large number of candidates in the Eastern Counties the advert has gone out in several batches and will be completed by the end of the week.
I look forward to seeing you on the 29th Nov."(Rubbish – you have the sum total of 1,770 members on your Eastern Region data base and of that 470ish have eMail addresses – Do cut the spin – EUkip’s corrupt leadership is FINISHED) I have also included a copy of the circular (below) for your and their attention.
However your stated intention to stand against a UKIP candidate in elections is interesting and could explain some of your recent activity.
Thanks for letting me know. Please may I remind you, your Chairman and your Secretary via this email, that only candidates on the 'National Approved List' may go forward to a Constituency to be considered for selection as a Westminster Candidate for UKIP.
You are currently not on that list as you have not applied. If I can help with any other matter please do let me know. Pete Peter ReeveRegional OrganiserUKIP Eastern Counties reeve@ukip.org07792 290434Circular :
Subject: FW: Sat 29th Nov - valuable meeting date for your diary!þ
To all Branch Chairmen, (That we haven’t dishonestly removed) Westminster Prospective Candidates (That we haven’t dishonestly removed) and Prospective Local Candidates (That we haven’t dishonestly removed) We are very pleased to invite you to a full campaign briefing & discussion (Propaganda and spin rally to tell you a pack of lies?
We will also provide the latest fantasies in the Reichstag Fire Ploy to seize control of the party – your help is needed to aid this corruption) There will be senior party members present (That we haven’t dishonestly removed) who will give us details of the campaign plans and provide plenty of time for question and lies.
We will also have a full policy Question and Lie session, to go through any part of the manifesto or specific policy detail that you wish to discuss and address. Will Bannerman be resigning having lied to the party and brought EUroScepticism into disrepute and will he resign from his EU job that involves promoting the EU?
The aim of this meeting is to be an interactive session where senior party members can listen to your ideas and thoughts as well as provide answers to any questions that you have. I will provide details of the venue and full agenda very shortly. Please will you keep free in your diary for this valuable Reichstag rally.
Please do feel free to invite your branch officers and activists' to come along and participate. If you have any queries please contact your Regional Organiser on (I’m not here to advertise corruption) Regards George Curtis Eastern Counties Chairman (Self Appointed Liar)
PS : We confirm that this an official UKIP meeting on CUT. We understand that some people may be inviting some branch chairmen etc. to an unofficial meeting in Newmarket (around 8th Nov) designed largely to attack the Party (NO Mr. Curtis you will find it is to expose liars like you).
They are attempting to disguise this as a meeting for activists, but we stress this is not official, not authorised, and no senior members will be present (Well that is a relief it will prevent them having to listen to liars like you or the sordid little desk delivery man Bannerman the liar, cheat and fraudster working for the EU).
We do recommend you attend this meeting. If you have any queries please do contact *******..[THE PHONE NUMBER THE LIAR GEORGE CURTIS GIVES IS THAT OF PETER REEVE ONE TIME RO BUT DESELECTED BY VARIOUS BRANCHES AND SUBJECT OF NUMEROUS COMPLAINTS TO THE NEC.] Peter Reeve lives with Lisa Duffy & her children and I gather a few of his – you will note La Duffy dishonestly gained her seat on the NEC and will no doubt be voting on the matter of Peter Reeve and the subject of those who have lodged legitimate complaints against Peter Reeve.
George Curtis’s phone number is: 01206 – 322 3221 Do phone him up and point out he is a liar and a coward and the meeting on the 8th. is very much official as it has been openly advertised with due notice
From: lenbay@tiscali.co.uk
To: reeve@ukip.org
CC: peterc@tomwisemep.co.uk; del1young@yahoo.co.uk; rebeldel@talktalk.net; jill_seymour@btopenworld.com; johnwest81@hotmail.com; MartinHarveyONR@aol.com
Subject: meeting 29th Nov.
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 13:59:21 +0000
Peter please forward this to George Curtis. your actions in not inviting our branch chairman are at least diabolical and at best a downright insult.
I shall be standing in the local elections next year for Doddington and my name will go forward as PPC for NE. Cambs and I will do this with or without your sanction if need be as a independant. The actions of the present leadership and NEC, over the question of Mr. Abbott and Mr. Edmonds fill me with disgust and I am afraid if the present situation is not resolved preety damn quick I will become independant and stand against the official UKIP candidate and I know I have the following from the last election to make an impact.
I call on you both now in the interest of the party to stand down.
Then here is another letter the author of which I have removed as my NEC contact MIGHT not wish it to be known he had a copy of this ;-)
Dear George Curtis
For one who has long been associated with an unelected "committee" to refer to the Newmarket meeting as you do in your postscript is laughably impertinent, in fact from anyone with any substance it would be slightly insulting.
The Newmarket meeting comprised grass roots members of the party most of whom have no political ambitions beyond the withdrawal of Britain from the E.U.. A number of us are members of long standing and of proven loyalty; far from wishing to damage the party we aim to strengthen it through the elimination of unconstitutional and undemocratic practises.
Nigel Farage has often said "This is a grass roots party." and paid lip service to the debt owed to the "grass roots". A modicum of leadership at N.E.C. level would have resolved our position long ago, instead we have been treated with condescension and disparagement.
This one is about the great arsehole of the East the liar, coward and general low life George Curtis and his dishonest attack on the meeting of the 8th. November – what a creep he is!
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 21:42:53 +0000The unelected chairman of an unelected committee has the nerve to attack an elected chairman for holding a meeting.
You couldn't make it up.
John West
From: reeve@ukip.org
To: lenbay@tiscali.co.uk; kingcolehole@ntlworld.com; jan-clark@tiscali.co.uk; gscurtis@aspects.net
CC: del1young@yahoo.co.uk; rebeldel@talktalk.net; jill_seymour@btopenworld.com; johnwest81@hotmail.com; martinharveyonr@aol.com
Subject: meeting 29th Nov. & Len Baynes intention to stand against UKIP in elections.
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 14:46:17 +0000
To Len Baynes,
Thanks for your email (Copy below), which I have forwarded to George Curtis as requested.
Your suggestion that I have not included Peter Cole in the circulation lists are inaccurate.
I have already explained to Peter Cole (and john West) in emails this morning that :
"Because we have been very successful in recruiting a large number of candidates in the Eastern Counties the advert has gone out in several batches and will be completed by the end of the week. I look forward to seeing you on the 29th Nov."
I have also included a copy of the circular (below) for your and their attention. However your stated intention to stand against a UKIP candidate in elections is interesting and could explain some of your recent activity.
Thanks for letting me know. Please may I remind you, your Chairman and your Secretary via this email, that only candidates on the 'National Approved List' may go forward to a Constituency to be considered for selection as a Westminster Candidate for UKIP.
You are currently not on that list as you have not applied. If I can help with any other matter please do let me know.
Peter Reeve
Regional Organiser
UKIP Eastern Counties
07792 290434
Circular : from The Curtis chappie [*CUT* BORING!!!]
From: lenbay@tiscali.co.uk
To: MartinHarveyONR@aol.com; johnwest81@hotmail.com
Subject: Fw: Selection of PPC
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 13:29:15 +0000
Having been through this process twice ,I am certain the branch acceptasnce comes first and then the selection panel or maybe I am getting senile, or heaven forbid Mr. Reeve has got it wrong yet again
----- Original Message -----
To: Len Baynes
Cc: jan baynes
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 12:21 PM
Subject: Selection of PPC
Len Please let me clarify. BEFORE you approach a branch for selection you MUST FIRST be on the National Approved list. This requires you to first apply to the process, then have an interview (The selection panel is organised by and includes the regional organiser). You will then be informed if you are on the approved list or not.
If you get onto the approved list - Then and ONLY then can you make an application to a constituency Association or Branch. Tom Wise, John West and Peter Cole all went through the process with varying outcomes and may be able to help you understand. I look forward to receiving your application form. If you require a copy of the form to complete, please let me know. I have again copied the Fenland Secretary into this email to confirm she is aware of the appropriate process.
Peter Reeve
Regional Organiser
UKIP Eastern Counties
07792 290434
From: lenbay@tiscali.co.uk
To: reeve@ukip.orgCC: peterc@tomwisemep.co.uk; MartinHarveyONR@aol.com; johnwest81@hotmail.comSubject:
Re: meeting 29th Nov. & Len Baynes intention to stand against UKIP in elections.
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 08:52:28 +0000
Peter again you get it wrong please read my E-Mail as it was intended I quote '' If this situation is not resolved preety damn quick I will become independant'' That in your wildest dreams is not a statement of fact, I was in this party long before you had even been on the distant horizon and will not get out just to allaviate a thorn in your side. I am afraid I cannot make the 29th of November due to a family birthday in Enfield but I am confident I will be truthfully informed of proceedings by my chairman. As for my name on the national list it will be submitted when and if my branch select me and my chairman approves, I honestly think that is the right proceedure. But under the present situation I feel my call for you and Mr. Curtis to stand down is perfectly justified.
----- Original Message -----
To: Len Baynes ; peter cole(home) ; jan baynes ; george curtis
Cc: del1young@yahoo.co.uk ; derek norman ; jill_seymour@btopenworld.com ; john west ; martin harvey
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 2:46 PM
Subject: meeting 29th Nov. & Len Baynes intention to stand against UKIP in elections.
To Len Baynes,
Thanks for your email (Copy below), which I have forwarded to George Curtis as requested.
Your suggestion that I have not included Peter Cole in the circulation lists are inaccurate.
I have already explained to Peter Cole (and john West) in emails this morning that :
"Because we have been very successful in recruiting a large number of candidates in the Eastern Counties the advert has gone out in several batches and will be completed by the end of the week. I look forward to seeing you on the 29th Nov."
I have also included a copy of the circular (below) for your and their attention. However your stated intention to stand against a UKIP candidate in elections is interesting and could explain some of your recent activity.
Thanks for letting me know. Please may I remind you, your Chairman and your Secretary via this email, t hat only candidates on the 'National Approved List' may go forward to a Constituency to be considered for selection as a Westminster Candidate for UKIP. You are currently not on that list as you have not applied.
If I can help with any other matter please do let me know.
Peter Reeve
Regional OrganiserUKIP Eastern Counties
It is amazing that with this sort of behaviour – the lies and dishonesty that was the scam to its cronies as PPCs for the EU where they were happy to fleece members for £250 to compete in a rigged election and then steal £1,000 from those they listed to do the hustings work with no chance, agreeing Farage can personally select the top candidates in each region in April.
and where did Bannerman scrape up £1,000 or has he sold the desk!
EUkip leadership & NEC have admitted they are corrupt and that is why they refunded the money for breech of contract to several candidates who demanded it (including Lynnda Robson, Robin Page and no doubt others - at the moment I gather claims have been lodged in the Courts by others!).
They KNOW that EUkip hasn’t a leg to stand on as their internal report by their own Returning Officer clearly stated the election was corrupt and should be re-run by a trustworthy body as the Leadership had proved untrustworthy – which is why I published the facts.
I hope the honest members who turn up to the meeting later today will be able to make forward strides to clean up the party in the East working towards removal of liars, cheats, the corrupt, the self interested and the crooks – the likes of Bannerman, Reeve, Duffy, Gulleford, Titford, Curtis, Smith, Agnew, Whitmore & similar pond life attracted by the troughs on the gravy train.
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
MAY I SUGGEST – since there is no political party of repute advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country:
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:LEAVE THE EU
*Force Politicians & Snivil Cervants To Remember They WORK FOR US; make
Public Servants ACCOUNTABLE!*
*The corruption of s...
5 years ago
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