#118* - The Betrayal of the Branches, The Members & Democracy (01)
Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!
This meeting called by Branch Chairman Martin Harvey, who I understand unequivocally confirmed that his associate Michael McGough who stood in the farcical selection scam corruptly orchestrated by EUkip's leadership based on lies and dishonesty - Michael McGough clearly claimed in his election statement that he was the elected PPC for EUkip in Harlow which is a lie he failed both to appologise for and also to correct.
The notice of the meeting called by Martin Harvey in the Eastern Region was widely known and attended by around 25 people, I understand, however there were 21 eligible voters representing 21 different Constituencies.
The meeting was civil, well mannered, well organised and I understand well chaired
(not a bit like an NEC meeting then!)
The subject matter was I understand debated and a form of wording agreed for a clear message to EUkip's leadership and NEC.
This has subsequently been named 'The Newmarket Declaration' and I have fortunately been supplied with a copy, together with a covering note, by a friend of democracy with access to a relevant EUkip computer.
I do hope that the friends of UKIP and the intentions of the Grass Roots of the party to campaign to leave the EU are making sure that they not only delete the copy of the eMail to my associate which is forwarded to me are removed from the >SENT<>Deleted< box - this will further make it difficult for the corrupt and venal leadership, NEC and their lakeys from confirming who are my intermediaries and also which members are supplying me direct from the EU.
Just a warniong as the level of lies being spread around about me are escallating to protect the guilty one must assume - even the Foul Mouthed slut Annabelle Fuller surfaced again this evening bobbing to the surface like something unwholesome in a septic tank.
I undersatand she is likely to be hauled in for questioning for the criminal breech of The Data Protection Act - implausible as her nonsense about taxi drivers and Morocco seemed to all but Wittaker who ill advisedly signed the letter - I wonder when he is asked to sign his witness statement in his defence as the then Chairman whether he will be as happy to attest to the version of events he put his name to originally.
I digress a little.
To return to 'The Newmarket Declaration':
I append a copy below Martin Harvey's polite request to the NEC members and Farage's puppet chair - frequently to be sat upon no doubt!
Make of it what you will and when the answer comes to hand I will publish that also.
----- Original Message -----
From: MartinHarveyONR@aol.com
To: ukipbootle@yahoo.co.uk ; shawforddavid@hotmail.com ; alanbown@btinternet.com ; del1young@yahoo.co.uk ; jill_seymour@btopenworld.com ; eric.edmond@tiscali.co.uk ; eric_edmond@hotmail.com
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 10:21 PM
Subject: UKIP 2008.
Dear Mr Nuttall, and NEC members,
Last Saturday 27th September, there was a meeting in Newmarket of UKIP Activists from the Eastern Counties, chaired by myself, Martin Harvey. I am chairman of the Broxbourne and Harlow UKIP branch.
The agenda was a positive one to do with campaigning for maximum effect at all elections. After the first two agenda items had been completed, I realised that the problems within the Party were dominating the discussion, and a vote was taken that determined that the problems be debated in order to clear the air so that usual business could continue.
The ensuing debate produced a declaration that received unanimous support from the meeting, and I set out that declaration below.
The Newmarket Declaration.
At a meeting of Eastern Counties Branch Chairmen representing twenty one Constituencies, Branch Officers and Members, at Newmarket on 27th September 2008,
The following points were resolved;
The Eastern Counties regional committee is constituted contrary to its own binding rules, therefore its decisions since its inception, including the MEP selection process, have been and `are unlawful.
The dissolution of the existing committee and the establishment of a new committee in accordance with UKIP rules, be effected forthwith.
That such election be overseen by an impartial independent body.
We note seriously the grave reservations of Piers Merchant, in his official capacity as official returning Officer about the conduct of the Eastern Counties Selection Proceedures.
Newmarket 27th September 2008.
Over a month later and after an NEC meeting EUkip's sordid claque in leadership have NOT responded but I do hear that there is likely to be expulsion from the party of some who signed the document!
You will appreciate that Nigel Farage & his sordid claque of low lifes orchestrated their 'Reichstag Fire' moment at the NEC on the third and are currently following the example of Adolf Hitler this event has given rise to their equivallent of an 'Enabling Act' the achievement of which has been celebrated by several of the plotters by way of 'washail' and I understand that a celebratory dinner is on the cards as the plot rolls forward.
Already there have been limited Kangaroo Courts and ambush procedures - these have been reliant on abuse of the spirit of the Constitution - one is surprised as a Jew Michael Zucherman being a Practicing Solicitor (at the moment!) has been happy and enthusiastic in his persuit of this plot in the position of Party Secretary - a position in which he is woefully in remiss of duty - it would seem his orgasmic salivations at the very scent of rising up the prospective MEP list if he can engineer the ousting of Gerard Button & Ralp Attkinson during the 'Kristall Nacht' period has overcome him.
We understand that there will be a period of flagrant abuse of the residual constitution that was so evicerated by the inept OR dishonest actions of Michael Zucherman, already the Disciplinary Committee would seem to have been disenfranchised! Next no doubt the full benefits of the 'Reichstag Fire' moment will be exploited and the Constitution itself subsumed by the new dictatorial powers of the elite!
Draw your own conclusions since YOUR morality is a matter for me - however I have no need of Polls to tell me how to act with integrity, in a moral, fair and decent way. I stand by my morality and my judgement.
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
MAY I SUGGEST – since there is no political party of repute advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country:
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:
*Force Politicians & Snivil Cervants To Remember They WORK FOR US; make
Public Servants ACCOUNTABLE!*
*The corruption ...
6 years ago