#119* - The Betrayal Of The Branches & Democracy (02)
Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!
shortly after I had written #118* - The Betrayal Of The Branches & Democracy (02) I received the follow up correspondence from an associate who had received it from an NEC member - in view of the current sordid Kafkaesque show trials following Nigel Farage's orchestrated 'Reichstag Fire' moment of the last NEC meeting may I assure one and all that neither Dr. David Abbott nor Dr. Eric Edmond have EVER leaked confidential NEC material to me.
For those who will screech like banshees as they chase around their little play pens like the packs of, out of control, bullying children in William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies' - Consider 'Time Lines' and when they joined the NEC or for that matter the party - relative to my inside information from the NEC from well before Michael Holmes was ousted in a similar witch hunt.
Well back to the 'Plot'!
It would seem that acting with scrupulous honesty and having not received even the courtesy of a reply from the NEC Martin Harvey called a further meeting for the 8th. November - invitations were duelly circulated with adequate time allowed and this time 20 individuals arrived for a further meeting.
It will be noted that the oleagenous Gollom had in fact sent to the meeting, just as were sent Hitler youth & Brown Shirts to disrupt meetings, this time it was the faintly ridiculous Ian Jonathan Smith (telephone number: 01842 - 861 980 chek with him if you like) supported by Herbie Hitt like Mutt & Jeff they set about their task but increasingly they showed they were ill prepared and hadn't much of a clue what they were talkinmg about - the final straw was when Smith made a total pratt of himself by displaying his fantasist theories of how MI5 work - one born every minute!
It was shortly after this that they slunk off unable to answer simple questions.
Interestingly, although most of those present at the first meeting attended, the appologies received were all genuine save one and exceeded the number received at the first meeting. The one was from one odd ball who lacked the courage to admit he had been bullied but chose to claim he had been reading his tea leaves or checking the entrails or some mumbo jumbo as an excuse! PRATT!
Yet again the meeting was well organised and chaired, unlike NEC meetings and after Smith & Hitt grovelled off the meeting continued amicably - though disapointment was registered that the leadership & NEC were too self interested and ill mannered to even acknowledge receip to the earlier declaration and allthough there was a prety strong support for withdrawing support and actively campaigning against UKIP in the interests of British patriotism and values - moderacy prevailed!
Martin Harvey competently steered the meeting to a further approach to the NEC & Leadership though therein IS an implied ultimatum!
It is fortunate that we have friends in the NEC and leadership 'team' and even those who are a part of it. This helps greatly towards keeping members informed of the duplicitous and self serving behaviour of what can only be described as the scum that has seized control.
Just read their eMails and even if you wish to believe their lies and attrocious behaviour - perhaps YOU can justify the collapse in membership, activists, branches and votes not to mention the lack opf funds or funders, the near silence of 2 embarrassed Peers and the burgeoning number of Court cases and investigations by Police, OLAF, Data Protection & others.
----- Original Message -----
From: MartinHarveyONR@aol.com
nigel.farage@europarl.europa.eu ; Massa Nigel
ukipbootle@yahoo.co.uk ; Puppet Chairman Paul NuttAll
shawforddavid@hotmail.com ; Dr. David Abbott
alanbown@btinternet.com ; Alan Bown
del1young@yahoo.co.uk ; Delboy Young
Jill_seymour@btopenworld.com ; Jill Seymour
eric.edmond@tiscali.co.uk ; Dr. Eric Edmond
dcbdcbuk@yahoo.co.uk ; David Bannerman or his 'claimed' Daddy's Desk!
rjoxley@lineone.net ; Rachel Oxley - legal adviser to the NEC & Leadership
mazuckerman@bensonmazure.co.uk ; Ma Zucherman of Bent & Manure - idiot!
douglas.denny@btopenworld.com ; Douglas Denny, serial liar and proven corrupt
cgill36@hotmail.co.uk ; Christopher Gill who has brought shame on his name & reputation & should know better
lisa.duffy2@tesco.jet Lisa Duffy who has no place on the NEC having clearly cheated to get there - without morality or integrity.
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 7:58 PM
Subject: Newmarket Declaration.
Further to my e-mail sent to you at the end of September that included the Newmarket Declaration, a second meeting was held last Saturday, the 8th November, as had been suggested by those that attended the September meeting.
After considerable discussion, it was agreed to send to you all, the following request;
Newmarket 8th November 2008
Having submitted the ‘Newmarket Declaration’ to the Leadership with no satisfactory response, we formally request that before the 29th November 2008, we have a meeting with the UKIP Leader and other members of the Leadership, whereby the situation could be resolved properly and amicably.
We resent the implication that we are disloyal to the basic principles of our Party.
The above sent by e-mail 10-11-08 on behalf of the supporters of the Newmarket Declaration.
Martin Harvey.
Already lies, distortions and abuse are being put in place to destroy the honest men and women who signed this declaration.
Filth like Bannerman will scrape the bottom of the barrel aided by the chavs that are acting as bully boys and enforcers - it is all so similar to Germany in the inter war years but due to arrogance, hubris and ineptitude this shower in EUkip's leadership played their hand badly and orchestrated their 'Reichstag Fire' moment when they had too weak a hand and insufficient competent crooks trained and are now reliant on idiots to carry it through motivated only by their own greed.
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
MAY I SUGGEST – since there is no political party of repute advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country:
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:
*Force Politicians & Snivil Cervants To Remember They WORK FOR US; make
Public Servants ACCOUNTABLE!*
*The corruption ...
6 years ago