Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, their anti UKIP claque & the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Painfully shy, awesomely brave, the unknown heroine behind Anne Frank's diary
By Glenys Roberts
Last updated at 11:48 PM on 12th January 2010
Without The Diary Of Anne Frank, the world might never have known the everyday horror of life under the Nazis.
The little book by a talented teenager who died in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp has become one of the world's best-sellers since it made its first appearance in 1947.
The diary describes in haunting detail the terror experienced by Anne's Jewish family hiding from jack-booted Germans in an attic in occupied Amsterdam.
Courageous: Miep Gies, the woman who hid Jewish youngster Anne Frank from the Nazis and guarded her diary that became one of the world's most-read books
The book has become so familiar that it is hard to remember that without the humanity and bravery of one woman, it would never have been published.
Miep Gies, who has died just a month short of her 101st birthday, saved the diary pages from destruction by the Germans and gave them to Anne's father, Otto - the only member of the Frank family to survive their unimaginable ordeal.
Miep was Anne's confidante and the last of the handful of 'helpers' who enabled the Franks to hide for nearly two years before their capture. Her death is the final chapter in a tragic, but inspirational story.
Though she was showered with honours by the Israeli, German and Dutch governments, Miep was so shy and unassuming that few people know how she came to play such a major role in the Franks' dreadful saga.
One of the few non-Jews to help the Dutch community when the Germans invaded in 1940, she was an Austrian Roman Catholic by birth. Born in Vienna in 1909 and christened Hermine Santrouschitz, she was sent by her parents to stay with a family in Leiden in the Netherlands after the great upheavals of World War I led to food shortages in Austria.
Anne Frank, whom Gies protected
The Dutch family - who gave her the nickname Miep - later adopted her and moved to Amsterdam. By the outbreak of World War II, she was working as secretary to Anne's father, the wealthy director of an Amsterdam company producing pectin, the substance that causes jam to gel.
The charming Miep soon became a friend of Otto, his wife Edith and their two daughters, Margot, eight, and Anne, five. In 1941, when Miep married her Dutch boyfriend, Jan Gies, the Franks gave the happy couple a reception in the office.
By 1942, the mood had changed entirely. Persecution of the Jews in Holland was so bad that Otto realised that if his family were to have any chance of surviving they would have to go into hiding.
He asked Miep if she was prepared to help them. Without hesitation, and at very real risk to her own life, she agreed.
OTTO had prepared a secret annexe - its entrance concealed by a bookcase - in the attic above the firm's offices. In July 1942, the family went into hiding there, leaving a false trail indicating that they'd fled to Switzerland.
Soon afterwards, they were joined by other Jews - the Van Pels family and Miep Gies's family dentist. Eight people in all.
'Every day you saw trucks with Jews heading for the railway station, from where the trains left for the camps,' Miep said later. 'Nobody ever heard from them again, so I was glad Otto went into hiding.'
Miep was just 33, newly married and with everything to lose. Yet she and a group of three others at the factory set about the life-threatening task of smuggling in food and provisions for the Franks while they were in hiding.
Since food was rationed, they begged, borrowed and bartered from farmers and shopkeepers. 'I had to buy food on the black market,' she said. 'My husband Jan also helped by providing me with so-called ration cards he had obtained illegally.
'I also knew suppliers like the greengrocer, who understood what I was doing and would help as much as he could.'
She made many visits a day to the attic, concealing supplies under her coat. And it was Miep who brought in the paper on which Anne would write her diary.
Miep Gies in 1931
At lunchtime, when most of the warehouse workers went home to eat, Miep and her coconspirators lunched with the family in their hiding place.
As Anne Frank recorded: 'They come upstairs every day and talk to the men about business and politics, to the women about food and wartime difficulties, and to the children about books and newspapers.
'They put on their most cheerful expressions, bring flowers and gifts for birthdays and holidays, and are always ready to do what they can.'
For two years, they were the only people the Jewish families saw. The families couldn't leave their hiding place and, as we know from Anne, it was easy enough under these conditions for everyone to get on each others' nerves.
One night, Miep stayed in the attic with her husband.
'It opened my eyes for the awful position of my friends,' she said. 'To live with eight people in such a small place, never being allowed to go out, never being able to talk to friends and always fearing the coming of the police.'
During the day, when the offices were full of workers, the Franks had to speak in whispers. And as the bathroom waste pipes ran right through the factory, they could not flush the waste in case it was heard.
Throughout it all, Anne confided everything to paper, saying: 'The nicest part is being able to write down all my thoughts and feelings, otherwise I'd absolutely suffocate.'
At first, Miep did not tell the family the true horror of what was happening to other Jews in Amsterdam.
But in 1943, she broke the news that many of the Franks' friends had been rounded up and transported in cattle cars to Westerbork, the big holding camp on the German border from where Jews were transported to the death camps.
By June 1944, things were looking up and Miep was able to tell the Franks about the Normandy landings by the Allies.
They finally dared hope that they might have escaped with their lives.
But all that changed at 10.30am on August 4, when the Gestapo arrived. Upstairs in the attic, Anne was helping Peter with his homework. Downstairs in the office, Miep was sitting at her desk. She recognised from the voice of one of the arresting officers that he was Viennese and, as a fellow Austrian, she managed to charm him. That probably saved her life.
Anne Frank's diary: Gies was the last living person in the group who had helped hide Anne's German Jewish family, who had sought refuge from the Nazis in Holland
Within seconds, the soldiers had gone into the attic. Anne looked up and saw an SS officer pointing a gun at her head. They had been betrayed.
The Frank family and their friends were herded out. Miep never saw Anne again.
Miep risked her life by going to the Gestapo headquarters and pleading for her friends. When they refused to listen, she returned to the attic with a friend called Bep.
'I went upstairs to the Franks' bedroom and there we saw Anne's diary lying on the ground,' she recalled later.
'I said: "Let's pick it up." Bep stood there looking around in a daze.
'So I said: "Pick it up, pick it up - let's get out of here!" We did the best we could to collect it; we were so frightened!
'We went downstairs and there we were, Bep and I. "What now Bep?" I asked.
'Then she said: "You're the oldest. You should keep it." '
So Miep put the pages away in her office desk drawer.
The Frank family were first incarcerated in Westerbork's grim punishment block. Then, on September 3, 1944, they were put on the infamous train to Auschwitz.
The men were separated from the women. A month later, Anne and her sister were transported to Belsen, leaving behind their mother, who died in January 1945.
Otto Frank, front row centre, the only surviving member of the family in 1945 with Miep Gies, front row left, Bep Voskuijl, front row left, Victor Kugler, back row right, and Johannes Kleiman
By a cruel irony, Auschwitz was liberated by the Russians just days afterwards and Otto was released. He returned to Miep in Amsterdam, hoping he would see his daughters again.
Two months later, he received a letter telling him that 18-year-old Margot and 15-year-old Anne had died of typhoid in Belsen, just weeks before the camp was liberated by the British.
Miep was with him when Otto received the news, and couldn't find the words to comfort him. Then she remembered Anne's diary, took it out of the desk and gave it to him, saying: 'Here is your daughter Anne's legacy to you.'
Otto knew Anne had wanted to be a writer, so he allowed it to be published.
And when, in 1957, the Franks' secret hiding place was made into a museum - where today Anne's original handwriten pages are displayed - Miep Gies was the foremost supporter of the venture and its objective of warning against the dangers of anti-Semitism, racism and discrimination.
To view the original article: CLICK HERE
On the day when The Daily Mail featured the story of genocide and racism in EUrope and the bravery of the few - Nigel Farage was on television telling lies and trying to defend his racist chums!
Here is what Farage said on Andre Neil's Politics programme today!
NF: If she thinks that she is going to be better off sitting next to Nick Griffin and various other people well that's her choice.
AN: But she's still one of your MEPs isn't she? So...what are you going to do with her?
NF: Well ... Well, no, I think that the National Executive Council of UKIP are going to take some fairly tough action. I'm afraid that she stood for us as a candidate without declaring the fact that she had been declared bankrupt in 2005 and the NEC of the party take a pretty dim view about that.
AN: You seem to have quite a few troubles with your members don't you?
AN: I think that ...
NF: We have had, yeh
AN: you lost 25% of your MEPs in some way in the last time. You've now lost another one.
NF: Well we've tried, we've tried to do what we can. We do full criminal record bureau checks on people. We are doing what we can to get good people, but you know the Conservatives have lost one already this parliament. These things happen. I'm not happy about it, but the important thing is that we get on as EUkip and fight 500........ YADAH YADAH YADAH
Here is a comment from what was UKIPForum:
29 seconds
NF Don't worry about Mr Van Rompoy he's just the figurehead the real power stays with the European Commission
or could it be this
Don't worry about Lord Pearson he's just the figurehead the real power stays with Nigel Farage and his cronies
What a snidey little interview by a disgusting little humbug of a "man"
For the sake of the UK Nigel FOD
& on Bloggers4UKIP it seems even Bob Feel-Martinez is slowly waking up - those pills must be working hey Bob!!:

'Group respects the freedom of its delegations and Members to vote as they see fit."'
I suggest you read the agenda of the individual groups before criticising Nikki's actions, your comment above clearly indicates that collectively responsibility is not an issue for group members.
I am beginning to think that morality, integrity and truth is being sacrifice for personal gain, by some in this party as certain posts indicate.
Nikki is to be applauded for her actions. Voters in the country will see such an action, against the back drop of a politically system both here and in Europe which is morally bankrupt.
Any suggestion that Nikki is acting with anything other than integrity is demonstrating the moral bankruptcy of those concerned.
I suggest you read the agenda of the individual groups before criticising Nikki's actions, your comment above clearly indicates that collectively responsibility is not an issue for group members.
I am beginning to think that morality, integrity and truth is being sacrifice for personal gain, by some in this party as certain posts indicate.
Nikki is to be applauded for her actions. Voters in the country will see such an action, against the back drop of a politically system both here and in Europe which is morally bankrupt.
Any suggestion that Nikki is acting with anything other than integrity is demonstrating the moral bankruptcy of those concerned.
The question now is whether Malcolm Lord Pearson IS leader and has the integrity to stand by Nikki Sinclaire as he promised he would and if Michael Zuckerman and Clive Page have the morality to publish a statement each confirming that they were well aware that Nikki was a fully discharged bankrupt and that it is scurrilous for a drunken phillanderer, serial liar, self enriching bully who consorts with prostitutes is really in a position to promote lies on TV bringing EUkip into disrepute as he tries to smear Nikki with racism on National TV to protect his own personal and financial interests in his racist, xenophobic, anti Jewish extremist allies in the pan EU political Party Group the EFD.
IF Lord Pearson has any honour he will publicly censure Nigel Farage and call for him to stand down from all offices other than MEP and present before a disciplinary hearing for bringing into disrepute the Party and the EUroSceptic cause.
An apology from Nigel Farage is clearly not sufficient.
What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.
Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.
The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!
To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we thus leave our children and the future, with shame!
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election: