clearly in the past the author of the 'e'Mail below has made something of a fool of himself making some particularly vile and offensive attacks on me based on absolutely no fact - but clearly designed to undermine my outspoken opposition to racism, Islamaphobia, The BNP and probably The EU.
Unfortunately he has been too cowardly to meet and explain why he has taken such a dishonest stance, but never mind.
Here is his latest Round Robin:
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 11:57:12 +0100
From: Andrew Edwards
David Bannerman
Derek Clark
Geoffrey Bloom
Gerard Batten
John Bufton
John Agnew
Michael Natrass
Nikki Sinclaire
Paul Nuttall
Trevor Coleman
William Earl of Dartmouth
Marta Andreasen , marta.andreasen@europarl.europa.eu
Follow-up to last Friday's post.
Chief Hypocrite!
So who was the most hypocritical, and the most dangerous (to British sovereignty) panellist on last Thursday's BBC Question Time?
Here's some clues. e's a serial adulterer
He's well known to drink to excess
He refuses to reveal anything regarding his personal gained from his own EU expenses or allowances, whilst condemning MP's for their greed
He refuses to answer concerns about financial misappropriation within his own Party
He uses loopholes in the rules to employ a family member, despite promising not to do so
He boldly condemns racism in Britain, but surrounds himself with extremists, anti Semites, promoters of the 'Protocols of Zion', along with ultra extreme Homophobes when in Brussels
He is amoral and vain He claims to be fighting for British Sovereignty, yet his main publicist is .... the Europhile BBC.
Have you worked it out yet?
Yes that's right, there's only one British politician who whom all the above apply
He's well known to drink to excess
He refuses to reveal anything regarding his personal gained from his own EU expenses or allowances, whilst condemning MP's for their greed
He refuses to answer concerns about financial misappropriation within his own Party
He uses loopholes in the rules to employ a family member, despite promising not to do so
He boldly condemns racism in Britain, but surrounds himself with extremists, anti Semites, promoters of the 'Protocols of Zion', along with ultra extreme Homophobes when in Brussels
He is amoral and vain He claims to be fighting for British Sovereignty, yet his main publicist is .... the Europhile BBC.
Yes that's right, there's only one British politician who whom all the above apply
Nigel Farage
You are the ultimate Hypocrite!
Comment from Farage on questions put to the 'Question Time' panel
Last Thursday as a member of the 'Question Time Panel Farage waxed eloquently about the greed and cynicism of MP's and voiced a belief that some would go to prison.
The hypocritical Farage is happy to
work alongside such men when in
But Farage is not only a hypocrite, he's also dangerous. Why? Because he (aided heavily my the BBC and others) provides the traitorous political establishment with a mirage that deceives the electorate into believing UKIP really is a viable alternative to the Lib/Lab/Con axis at Westminster. With UKIP under the control of Farage nothing could be further from the truth.Farage never tires of saying that he look forwards to being out of a job, when Britain leaves the EU. But does he? Somehow I doubt it, for that would mean giving up his suite of offices and his chauffeur driven limousine, not to mention the money.
Farage has a limousine
(with chauffeur)
similar to this one -
for his personal use!
And if he's nothing else, Farage is vain. Where else, apart from Brussels would he have such a stage on which to perform. Where, apart from Brussels would he be pampered by sycophantic toadies? No 'our Nigel' doth protest too much! Farage has NOT achieved this alone as he has surrounded himself with near useless self seekers - can YOU name a single EUkip MEP of consequence, callibre or political gravitas? A discreditted Spaniard of muddled background, a liar and a cheat who seemingly has little knowledge of his background but is happy to lie about it, a near staffer of the EU's NFU, a drunken womanising fool (yes another one), a bent & untrustworthy ex copper, a strange homosexual who finds Lega Nord's anti homosexual policies such that she has not refused to sit with them, a semie literate bufoon, a self proclaimed swindler who betrayed his country, a near invisible Tory peer who failed as a Tory & of course Farage.
The 13 EUkip MEPs are clearly a useless bunch at best and in many cases so self serving they care not a damn for others or our Country.
Can YOU name a single solitary achievement of value carried out by any EUkip MEP in the 4 MONTHS they have been collecting their salary and expenses - Just one that moved Britain ONE fraction closer to leaving The EU.
TO LEAVE THE EUThe 13 EUkip MEPs are clearly a useless bunch at best and in many cases so self serving they care not a damn for others or our Country.
Can YOU name a single solitary achievement of value carried out by any EUkip MEP in the 4 MONTHS they have been collecting their salary and expenses - Just one that moved Britain ONE fraction closer to leaving The EU.
Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!
Greg L-W.
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