The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, their anti UKIP claque & the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
More On 'Leaving' UKIP by Gregg Beaman
Who has two primary blogs worth reading, in my opinion:
General Election Blog
Covering smaller parties in the general election.
A Brief Encounter
I was heartened yesterday to receive a letter from senior and respected members of the UK Independence Party expressing their thoughts, and fears, on the future of the Party. I agreed with them and some of the reasons I stood down as lead candidate in the North West for the Euro elections, and as Regional Organiser, are virtually the same.
Of course the clique in control of the party have tried to blacken my name. They have accused me of using a pseudonym on an internet forum to criticise the Leader. I was not registered on that forum but anyway, big deal, it shows how small-minded the current leadership clique are and how they respond to criticism perceived or real.
They also accused me of using my position as Regional Organiser to gain advantage in the election for the list in the North West. Paul Nuttall, and his little sidekick in Brussels, Michael McManus, lodged a complaint about a letter I supposedly sent to members canvassing their support in the Euro election poll. Of course the letter doesn't exist as every member in the North West knows. The complaint was withdrawn anyway, but they have still used the imaginary letter to try and blacken my name.
Note that this blog is no longer 'Gregg Beaman's Blog'. The reason being that I was tired of receiving unpleasant 'anonymous' comments after I stood down. Who was sending the unpleasant 'anonymous' comments? Well at least one sender was Rachel Oxley. How do I know? Because I goaded the 'anonymous' one and received a text message from Rachel Oxley owning up. How very grown up and mature. Is she the kind of woman who should be Vice Chairman of a national political party?
I then had Lisa Duffy emailing people claiming that I stood down because of a debilitating illness and because I had only expected to come third rather than first. More fibs from a member of the ruling clique.
One of life's ironies is that it was only in May 2008, at the North West Spring Conference in Morecambe, that Rachel Oxley and Lisa Duffy had complained to me that Annabelle Fuller had spent the Saturday evening texting Nigel Farage, quite suggestively and quite openly, about what she wanted to do with him when he came to the North West the following day. Lacking the courage of their convictions they happily passed it on to me. But later Duffy was terrified that the Party Chairman was upset with her for 'spilling the beans' on the Leader. And that was after them specifically asking me to pass on their concerns to the Party Chairman.
But Lisa Duffy was that way inclined. Before the last leadership election she had phoned me in a terrible panic after she had been contacted to consent to Farage's nomination but had already promised to consent to David Campbell Bannerman's candidacy. She didn't understand that democracy worked that way. She clearly lacks the courage of he convictions, if indeed she has any convictions. Don't fight for what you believe, just stay in with the right people seems to be her philosophy.
A few weeks before I stood down I had been critical of Nigel Farage to Rachel Oxley, describing him as a liability. It may be a coincidence but Rachel Oxley never spoke to me again after that. I only received an email from her informing me that she would no longer speak at a meeting of members that I had organised in Cumbria. Not very professional I thought, but very spiteful. I now see that it typifies the lack of respect for the members that typifies certain people in the current leadership clique.
That is some of the background that added to my increasing disillusionment over the last couple of years and, ultimately, to my decision to walk. But, most importantly, I had come to realise that after having MEPs since 1999 the Party had failed to move our cause forward. In 2008 we still only achieved 2% in the Crewe and Henley by-elections. A quarter of our MEPs elected in 2004 had gone, and I don't need to go into detail. In my opinion too many of the remaining MEPs have been seduced by the position, especially the current party leader, and they ignore the fact that we have failed to make any impact in Parliamentary elections, which they continually argue will come with the resources gained from having MEPs.
In August I was told that Paul Nuttall was to become Party Chairman. I knew then that I could no longer continue. I had always felt that Paul was only in it for what he could get. The way he grovelled to Farage, even starting to dress like him, had made me cringe and some of us in the North West had even started referring to him as 'Scouse Farage'.
When the results of the members' poll were announced I was told that Farage was jumping up and down ranting that I had to be removed from the top of the list, and I heard that from three different sources. I wondered what had happened to the Party that had offered so much hope to so many of us. All my doubts about even standing in the European elections were still there and I was not prepared to stand if all it meant was a good living for five years for no political gain. Their behaviour had convinced me, more than ever, that there is an element in the Party only interested in the 'gravy train', their own vanity and little else.
As far as Farage is concerned I knew when I met him, during the Preston by-election in 2000, that he was the personification of vanity and ego with little behind that wafer thin facade. I have seen his childish temper tantrums when he doesn't get his own way, when I was on the NEC and later when I was on the Elections Committee. I have seen him bully people and have stood up to him when he has tried to bully me. He must be one of the coarsest most vulgar individuals I have ever come across. The proposed changes to the party constitution are a result of the complete lack of principle of the current leader and chairman and, it must be said, the lack of courage shown by certain members on the Party's NEC.
One thing Farage has excelled at is driving decent, honest people away. There is no room under Farage's leadership for open debate and discussion, and God forbid there should be any disagreement with him. When people have had enough and go his clique then proceed to try and blacken their names, and others have had much worse smears than I have directed at them. He only wants around him people who are easily flattered and who do not think for themselves.
The current changes to the constitution, if approved, will remove the right of the members to contribute to the party's future and will certainly remove the right of members to criticise the decisions of the leadership. UKIP will then be no different from the European Union that it was formed to fight.
Finally I remember appearing in a TV debate in 2004 when Labour MEP Arlene McCarthy accused UKIP of lacking the principle of Sinn Fein, who refused to take their seats in a parliament they opposed. I have thought long and hard about that comment since and have to say that Sinn Fein are now power sharing in Ulster. Where are UKIP?
Interestingly when this was published on an open forum immediately articles based not on honest testimony but based on lies and deceit seemingly manipulated and released by Mark Croucher through a web site he seems to control on which he has lied, defamed, abused and threatened - I incline to accept the public published statement of a professional IT specialist and ex EUkip NEC member.
Quoted as source was not The Common Man(*1), perceived as Croucher, a blog set up seemingly to lie about those who were devoted UKIP supporters in order to try to discredit them for the anti UKIP claque he was not quoted directly as he has been proven to be engaged in attempts to extort money by abuse of the Courts to help fund his criminal associates the pro EU extremist Searchlight. But by another serial disembler 'All About UKIP' another blog that whether by design or stupidity has done much to help the anti UKIP claque by falling for ALL their propaganda and spin and playing completely into the hands of EUkip's utterly corrupt leadership, with their lies, dishonesty and self serving damage done to these United Kingdoms.
Not surprisingly the diversionary dishonesty from 'The Common Man' and there are few more common than the serial liar Mark Croucher at whose door can be laid some of the worste dishonesties and lies that have so damaged UKIP - anti UKIP campaigners like Croucher and Fuller, McGough, Smith and so many other dissemblers and self seekers may well have destroyed UKIP in their greed.
I do believe that Farage's damage, so clearly predicted, was not in fact as vile as the anti UKIP parasites of EUkip, many sheltering in shame behind pretentious pseudonyms. Farage is a performer, a show off and an abject failure as a leader - I just do not believe he had the basic ability to to devise the plots of his parasites as he was far too busy considering his image and his income!
It has been the scum that gathered around Farage in the hope that they might gain from betrayal of UKIP who have done the real damage and if there is so much as a scent of them after the new leader is in place then there is clearly no future for the party.
Under no circumstances should the enemy within be tollerated and the EUkip anti UKIP leadership claque MUST be removed for the sake of the future of these United Kingdoms.
With regard to Gregg Beaman's blog/account which was the starting point of this letter perhaps if anyone can identify an inaccuracy of substance they might be so good as to advise me accordingly as I for one believe it in its entirety as every fact has been substantiated it would seem and is in accord with the other factual sources I have.
I believe Gregg Beaman's summary over that of the anti UKIP claque of self seekers and those seeking self enrichment - not to mention it is a known fact that Paul Nuttall is a liar and a cheat not just a puppet and Croucher again and again lives down to expectation in his efforts to destroy UKIP for his personal gain..
YOU as the reader must consider the evidence and act with integrity and help to clean up EUkip.
(*1). See: CLICK HERE
where Anthony Butcher, a supporter of the corruption in EUkip as shown by his having banned members of his forum based upon lies and seeking to uphold denial of freedom of speech - thus rendering his forum a form of entertainment rather than serious comment . However in the reference given he states unequivocally:
"Just to clarify, the Common Man is Mark Croucher and Rosie is in fact Gregg Beaman's wife."
I incline to believe him in that he is usually cautious to a fault, since his occupation is I understand computer IT sourcing ISPS and tracing information seems integral to the job.
What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.
Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.
The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!
To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we thus leave our children and the future, with shame!
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
Updated 23:40hrs. 16-Sep-2009
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