EUkip folk seeking their place with their snot in the trough - irrespective of the total failure of achievement of their self serving, self enriching MEPs to date and those with ANY interest in UKFirstParty will find this of great interest:
EUkip members must be seriously disapointed at the weak and muddled, inaccurate and unconvincing PPB, I always thought that stood for Party Political Broadcast however after this sad and cost cutting advert for Nigel Farage as a one man band, its unsourced and unconvincing figure work and the palpable stupidity of fielding the utterly discreditted and untrustworthy lisping and whining of the Political Prostitute from Spain they are further undemined as a credible party.
Consider the membership of UKIP were dedicated to the principle of withdrawal - This P*** Poor Broadcast displays an absolute lack of principle it just drones on about money and 'not fair'.
The reasons for determination to leave the EU are founded on the principles of independence, self determination, democracy, justice, Sovereignty and the right to make our own laws in our own Parliament to suit our own needs and our own peoples.
Farage and the failed bean counter (one of dozens of accountannts in the EU - she was NEVER The Chief Accountant - she was just a.n. other functionary and a hugely flawed one at that) - Maryta Andreassen & Farage make it look like one man's feifdom which wants to pay less - the entire video was without passion or conviction - patriotism or principles.
Oh so VERY EU - but isn't that what EUkip do these days as usefull idiots for the EU working for subsidiarity of Britain TO The EU and in committee to strengthen the control of vassal states.
Clearly The Faragista Fan Club have lost the plot!
Greg L-W.
*Force Politicians & Snivil Cervants To Remember They WORK FOR US; make
Public Servants ACCOUNTABLE!*
*The corruption of s...
5 years ago