I think you will find the posting on PoliticalGossipUK of interest CLICK HERE
It makes some interesting comments and some very valid points.
I do believe, having watched the sordid behaviour of Mark Croucher and his mallicious, dishonest and unfounded attacks on people over many years on behalf of Searchlight and his puppet masters - I believe that PGUK is overly generous/optimistic in his interpretation of the behaviour of Croucher who has been loudly crowing on the internet that he is fund raising for the underhand and untrustworthy pro-EU Searchlight.
Draw your own conclusions when you read up on the facts!
Don't forget it was the liar Mark Croucher who tried to con people into believing I was a supporter of the BNP without a shred of evidence and contra every legitimate fact he or anyone else could find and then in desparation he tried to con people into believing I was anti Semetic - again inventing the story without any evidence and in total denial of every fact anyone could find.
Mark Croucher is utterly untrustworthy and a proven liar who has done much to damage UKIP and make it the slime pit it is today, aided by Searchlight.
The facts are readily available and despite the lies of people like Croucher, Denny, Feel Martinis and the corrupt platform provided by Anthony Butcher, Brendan Padmore and tacit support from others - Track the Facts!
*Force Politicians & Snivil Cervants To Remember They WORK FOR US; make
Public Servants ACCOUNTABLE!*
*The corruption of s...
5 years ago