

Monday, 31 August 2009



Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!



as ever I found myself listening to the Westminster Hour yesterday (Sunday 30-Aug-2009) on BBC Radio 4 - a programme that can be listened to on iPod or whatever on the BBC web site for a week if you CLICK HERE

Yes I know that The Westminster Hour is largely garbage - sort of 'The Westminster Bubble does The Archers' as a friend of mine described it - yes it is light weight and far from consequential, but that is surely no excuse for the so called leader of a political party to lie outright.

For more details CLICK HERE

It does look very much as if Farage's contribution to The NO Campaign is very similar to that of Declan Ganley and for much the same reasons I expect - for details CLICK HERE

It is sad to see this level of self interest and disloyal dishonesty, from those seeking self enrichment on the EU Gravy Train, when there are only 27 campaigning days left to help Ireland maintain its liberty and even the slightest vestages of democracy!


What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:


Saturday, 29 August 2009

#605* - IN SUPPORT of UKIP

#605* - IN SUPPORT of UKIP

Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!


A Reprint From Dr. Eric Edmond's Blog:

"Pro UKIP, anti Farage's EUKIP"

I wholeheartedly support UKIP's core policy of withdrawal from the EU and negotiation of a Swiss type free trade agreement with Europe and Brussels. My problem is the current UKIP leadership seems to have no strategy to achieve these aims. Sitting on EU committees in Brussels does not further our policy aims. Indeed it is positively working against UKIP policy! This has to stop and the current leadership has to go and go quickly to stop it. Otherwise our cause is lost for my lifetime.

The current most effective advocate of our policy is Daniel Hannan, the Tory MEP. He has written another very effectice piece in today's Telegraph entitled,

"There is no harm in agreeing to disagree"
(to view the article CLICK HERE)

Cick on the title to read the full article. Hannan is still trying to get the Lisbon Treaty vote reversed, something the Farage UKIP Cabal gave up months ago to concentrate on their number one priority, getting on the EU gravy train.

Hannan is an outstanding politician, well educated, thoughtful and articulate. His latest YouTube interview done in the US market can be seen by clicking on the link below,

To View Hannan's Latest YouTube Interview

Its beautifully crafted for the US market and rooted deep in Anglo Saxon democratic traditions embodied and articulated by Thomas Jefferson, the third US president and principal author of the US Declaration of Independence. It is a must watch piece, far more so than his attack on Brown.

Most significantly Hannan talks of how the Internet breaks the stranglehold of the leftist media if used correctly by a skilled, well educated exponent. He calls this disintermediation. Sadly, UKIP had such people but they have all left, appalled by the actions and selfishness of the UKIP ruling Cabal or been forced out by Farage. Farage and his Cabal are simply not in Hannan's league, intellectually, morally or in media skills but worse they deny the floor to those that are.

Getting 13 MEPs does not move us one step closer to getting out of the EU. It entrenches us deeper in the mire. Even if UKIP had 70 + MEPs the result would be the same and we would be even further embedded in the EU. The money such as it is remains largely in the MEP's own pockets and frankly money is useless without a plan on how to use it to achieve one's policy goals.

We need a new leadership and a new strategy. We need it soon and we need it in the UK. Let those who support the EU go to Brussels where they can be seen for the collaborators they are.
posted by Eric Edmond at 01:40 on 28-Aug-2009

Junius said...

Another excellent article from Dr Edmond.

UKIP under Farage is not worth a single vote. But let us not forget that if we get rid of Farage we could end up with Bannerman or Nuttall as leader!

The whole lot must go or UKIP will be forever tainted by corruption and dishonesty.

28 August 2009 11:00

Greg L-W. said...


as a long term supporter of UKIP and a lifetime opponent of racism, bullying and corruption I aplaud your article.

It will be noted that I have without fails for a dozen years or more supported UKIP and made unreserved attack on individuals, politicians and organisations which are a part of the EU or espouse its further progress.

When it became clear to me with a great deal of inside knowledge and contacts, after many years of assistance to UKIP, that there was within UKIP a self serving, self interested, self important clique and claque best known as EUkip.

EUkip has done much harm to UKIP and would seem now to be all who derive income or status from their relationship with the EU. EUkip's leadership is seen by the reasearchers, translators, MEPs and others working in and on the EU project as no more than a part of the establishment project.

To be true they are seen as one of the more risible aspects of the EU and command absolutely no respect whether from those espousing or opposing the central projects of the EU.

EUkip has now gathered around it some of the most unpleasant racists, xenophobes,sexually intollerant advocates of ethnic cleansing and the slaughter of imigrants - presumably the politicians most like them as they permit them through 'job sharing' or more accurately 'job sharing out' to represent EUkip and thus Britain on some committees whilst EUkip members represent them on their committees.

I would contend that it is sloppy writing to use UKIP as a definition when talking of the MEPs, staff, leadership and their unpleasant supporters - they are accurately defined as EUkip, having largely gone 'native'.

The bribes, largesse and status available to those participating in the EU project are clear and generous such that one can not be surprised when they turn the loyalties of the weak and those without ethics, morality and integrity - those who would be happy to 'Go Native'.

UKIP is without leadership and EUkip has befouled the reputation of EUroScepticism and its most stalwart wing namely UKIP.

I most dedicatedly and relentlessly support EUroRealism, EUroScepticism & UKIP as a non racist, non xenophobic, sexually tollerant, caring, largely libertarian, patriotic group with no willingness whatsoever to remain a member of The EU - having myself rather larger horizons for my Country than the introspective, corrupt, navel gazing, communist styled, centralised and undemocratic EU - looking to a Britain of independence and values negotiating, trading and leading on a global basis with and through our natural alies and in their interest - The Commonwealth and The Anglosphere.

We are a global trading nation NOT the servants and lakeys of France & Germany (see Treaty of Elysee CLICK HERE). Westminster is and has been our law maker for 1,000 years and so it should remain, not a rubber stamping office as an extention of the bureacracy of the behemoth of EUrope no longer answerable to the people or Britain (see: CLICK HERE)

Greg L-W.

29 August 2009 07:21


It is well worth studying in some detail those who are most willing to betray their Country within and on the periffery of EUkip by attacking or seeking to undermine both organisations and individuals who relentlesly seek to defend these United Kingdoms, act Patriotically, oppose racism, xenophobia and corruption and take a tollerant stance on issues of legal perversions.

Individuals opposing membership of The EU and upholding the principles of UKIP whilst upholding a relentless determination to work for peace and withdrawal from The EU are all too often attacked by those in EUkip who see their personal incomes and status having 'Gone Native' feweding from the Troughs of The EU or merely riding on The Gravy Train.

You will note how relentlessly individuals like Niall Warry, Dr. David Abbott, Geoffrey Collier, John West, Richard Suchorzewski, Dr. Eric Edmond, Alistair McConnachie, Dr. Richard North, Robin Page, Junius and myself are attacked and by whom - virtually without exception it is by those seeking to protect their EU income or status. On occasion there will be amongst such treacherous low lifes those making attacks directly of course, who are acting dishonourably for personal self enrichment, but consider the broader spectrum!


What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:


Friday, 28 August 2009



Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!



It is now 2.1/2 years since Rob Watts wrote this article for the Sunday Telegraph and he has now moved on and is working for The Sunday Times.

It was originally stated at the public hustings for the Leadership Election in which the lies of people like Annabelle Fuller, Mark Croucher, David Lott, Douglas Denny, John Moran, Jim Carver and others of the low life of EUkip dishonesty corrupted the process, in the long term destroying UKIP as we have seen as it became dependent on the Westminster expenses publicity for a protest vote in The EU elections and has now alied itself with those like it to form a pan EU Political Party Group as some of the most revolting racist, xenophobic, sexually intollerant politicians since Eichman, Goebbels, Miterand & Barbie!

During those hustings David Bannerman, best known for his lies about his ancestry and cheating to get elected in the Eastern Region, he spoke out to add detail to a statement made by Richard Suchorzewski which he was well placed to make as Chairman of the party at that time.

Bannerman stated that the income to the party from the various activities at Ashford was more than 10% of that income nearer 15%.

Years later and 2.1/2 years since Rob's article with trust in EUkip's accounts rock bottom amongst a number of well informed individuals the subject of who trousered the money and howmuch they stole rages on.

Minded of the fact that the media have shown that the most meagre of MEPs can reasonably steal over £1Million from the tax payer whilst in office without breaking any laws and based on Farage's claim in this article when measured against his Chairman at the time it would seem as if a very great deal of money has not only not reached the party but 'gone missing' or been used for private gain.

We are well aware that Andrew Smith as treasurer for this period not only left his post in haste abrogating on his duty when asked 28 simple accountancy questions relevant to the party accounts by The NEC but had clearly misled the Electoral Commission over donations such that the party found itself in Court and was found Guilty of electoral offences.

I do not believe I would be wrong in stating that EUkip has proved a hugely successful self enrichment scam for a small grouping - one need only read the press and study the details of Tom Wise to be very certain of this, he even boasts he has no idea of any job he is supposed to do for the 'loads a dosh' he trousers! Others are no doubt more duplicitous in hiding their activities but there is no denying that every MEP is in exactly the same position:


or to Read the fuller details CLICK HERE

& still now no plausible answers on the various activities at Ashford or running credit cards through a hotel's account in the west country, nor the £250,000 of tax payers money given by the EU for a petition which never took place, nor accounts of public money showing over 50% of income as 'other expenses' etc. etc.

One notes the donations as listed by The Electoral Commission and the absences speak volumes whilst those who feel they have unsafe seats in the run up to an election would seem to feel investing part of their gains may buy a further round with their snouts in the trough of The EU - one of the greatest scams of the modern era for the talentless would seem to be to aid the EU as useful idiots acting as Massively Expensive Parasites - the MEP whose sole job is to act as a highly bribed sales rep for the EU, for one could NEVER claim the EARN their income other than in the betrayal of their fellow countrymen!

That EUkip lies as a party to try to silence its critics and has a small team of 'terriers' endlessly harrieing those seeking transparency and an end to the corruption.

Well I remember The Cray brothers who used to threaten people, even making efforts to corrupt the courts to intimidate on their behalf, they threatened and bullied through attacks on family and friends and efforts to bankrupt their opponents - so very like some of the behaviour of some in support of EUkip and retaining snouts in the feeding troughs on the EU Gravy Train.

Ukip donations 'failing to get to party HQ'

By Robert Watts
Published: 12:01AM GMT 18 Feb 2007

Ukip's Nigel Farage: 'No money has disappeared'
Hundreds of thousands of pounds donated to the UK Independence Party has failed to find its way into the party's central accounts, a senior Ukip official has confirmed.

David Campbell-Bannerman, the party's deputy leader, has said that only 15 per cent of funds donated to Ukip through a call centre in Kent has been paid into the party's head office accounts.

Outrage over the Ashford call centre has been blamed for the resignations of at least six senior party officials over the past 18 months.

Five former members of the party's national executive committee, Ukip's governing body, have told this newspaper they believe about £500,000 is unaccounted for in the party's head office accounts.

These claims are disputed by Ukip's leader, Nigel Farage. "All the money raised by Ashford can be seen in the accounts for the south-east unit - no money has disappeared," he said.

"The Ashford call centre was something that I opened up. It doubled the party's membership and it made a very substantial profit. It's the single most successful thing Ukip has ever done. "

The Ashford call centre was set up in October 2003 by Mr Farage, who then ran Ukip's south-east regional office. Staff processed donations and annual membership subscriptions.

However, even though the staff processed donations from across the country the money was paid into the accounts controlled by the south-east office.

Members of the NEC at the time said they were appalled that this allowed Mr Farage to control the majority of donations to the party. They also said for a nine month period in 2004 and 2005 Mr Farage declined to provide the NEC with details of how much money the call centre generated. Mr Farage claimed that the south-east unit controlled the office because the central party did not want to. "The NEC did not want to have any responsibility or risk for Ashford because we had run call centres in the past at a substantial loss," he said.

"We ran call centres in London and they lost £5,000 to £6,000 every month. I said: 'This is ludicrous, let's do this professionally'. The NEC refused to take responsibility for it."

Mr Farage said that the call centre raised at least £400,000 over three years. He said the majority of this money was spent on promotional DVDs, videos, postage and leaflets.

Last week, The Sunday Telegraph revealed that Ukip filed its latest head office accounts more than six months late. It is understood that over the past few days some of the party's donors have sought assurance from the Electoral Commission before they donate more to the party.

However, disgruntled party insiders said questions about the call centre, which closed last year, are a "running sore that won't stop".

A recent resignation letter by Ukip's former chairman in Wales, Richard Suchorzewsji, refers to "financial and transparency issues" involving "the Ashford call centre and various aspects of Ukip accounts".

It is understood that the call centre was also one of the motives for the resignation of Linda Guest, who last week sent a fiercely-worded letter to the party's chairman, Dr John Whittaker, and other members of the NEC. She wrote: "I see no point in supporting any party that is controlled by a leadership that displays such contempt for democracy when it comes to its own members."

To view the original unbelieved excuses from 2.1/2 years ago CLICK HERE


What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:





Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!



Living in Monmouthshire I become aware of activities in wales before many and UKIP is very thin on the ground in Wales & Monmouthshire - mainly due to lack of calibre and the incredibly unpleasant nature of many of the few who do exist.

I made little of a nebish councillor on an utterly irrelevant council reneging on his electorate who voted for an independent and now find they have some clown obsessed with such important matters as chewing gum, sex with murder suspects, smoking and other UTTER irrelevances.

My word how many publicans must be heaving a sigh of relief that they can claim a smoking ban has destroyed their business rather than admit it is largely due to their inability to change with the times and admit they have been out manoeuvered by competitors in a period where there are ever more pubs closing down despite the increase in licenses granted for on sales!

I wonder if these failed publicans have noticed that there are no flint axe makers left and few people enter department stores trying to buy gas mantles.

Yes I saw the article in Wales on line when it was first published but felt a story about a nobody in an irrelevant council supporting an irrelevant party EUkip was pretty much irrelevant.

Lets face it all parties have problems at their lower end - should they be blamed when their minions are found wanting?

I note the story was given large on Anthony Butcher's corrupt little forum and on EUkip's main site when these two characters became turncoats. One would think it was the second coming!! I guess since EUkip has so few elected representatives out of the 30,000 electable offices in Britain syphonning off £500,000,000 from the public purse for themselves, EUkip still have less than 20 for all their huff and puff! For source on 30,000 CLICK HERE

OK so parties have problems - they have candidates who get charged with sodomy of minors like EUkip did, they have MEPs who get sent to prison like EUkip, they have MEPs who lied about who they were to get elected like EUkip did, they have MEPs facing criminal proceedings like EUkip, they have a leader who has trousered £Millions like EUkip, they have a chairman who is a liar and a cheat like EUkip, they have bent ex coppers in office like EUkip, they have Press Officeers with convictions for theft of public money like EUkip, they have advisers who are serial business failure like EUkip, they have researchers potentially facing prison like EUkip, they have had a majority of their MEPs under investigation by Police &/or OLAF like EUkip, they have been found guilty in Court of criminal electoral fund raising like EUkip, they run unregistered lotteries without accounting the income like EUkip, they are dependent on turncoats for noticable representation like EUkip.

So I overlooked an irrelevant turncoat councillor or two!

Then I noted that Junius had made much of the matter, what was UKIP Forum had given it large and General Election Blog had also.

I then thought of the criminal cases that could befal a party, as listed above and minded that EUkip have a mere 20 or so elected representatives out of 30,000 yet I could not think of another party which could lay claim to each of the examples given of crime or missdoings!

So here is the article:

EUkip: Welsh EUkip Turncoat councillor makes a fool of himself!

A VALLEYS councillor is under investigation by his own party, following a web forum posting asking if people wanted to bed a murder suspect.

Adam Brown was one of two previously Independent members of Merthyr Tydfil Council who last month announced they were joining UKIP.

Since August 2007 the Gurnos councillor has been a regular contributor to the Bluebirds fans’ web forum

On July 18, a posting from Coun Brown’s account launched a poll on the question “Amanda Knox? Would you...?”

Amanda Knox is an American student currently on trial for allegedly murdering fellow student Meredith Kercher in the house they shared in Perugia, Italy, in 2007.

In a posting on July 21, Mr Brown chipped in to a discussion about rented accommodation on the same forum.

In it he said: “Simple really don’t take housing benefit tenants. Not worth the risk.”

Then on July 8 he initiated a poll called: “Does anyone give a **** about [Cardiff City manager] Dave Jones’ book...?”

Brendan Toomey, leader of the Merthyr Council Labour group, said: “If these comments were made by Coun Brown, and it looks very much as if they were, then he has slurred many of his constituents who are legitimately claiming housing benefit.

“To suggest that it is too risky for a private landlord to take on housing benefit claimants is entirely offensive.

“As for conducting a ‘poll’ regarding murder suspect Amanda Knox, it is obvious what Coun Brown is alluding to, and I find it completely insensitive and inappropriate.

“Labour will be referring him to the standards committee and I hope his national party leader will discipline him for his behaviour.”

Commenting on the Amanda Knox poll, Mr Brown at first said: “It was an example of ‘laddish’ behaviour on a football message board over two years ago.”

When it was pointed out that the Amanda Knox posting occurred last month rather than more than two years ago, he said he wanted to revise his statement, saying he knew nothing about it.

He thought a friend must have posted the comment using his (Mr Brown’s) username.

He admitted posting the messages about housing benefit and Dave Jones’ book. He claimed he had been put off letting to tenants on housing benefit after tenants living in a home he owns in Merthyr caused £5,000 worth of damage.

Last night UKIP Wales MEP John Bufton said the party would launch an inquiry into the matter.
To view the original article CLICK HERE

To Quote Junius on the matter:

Oh dear. UKIP’s leadership can really pick em. It never rains but it pours!

His first month as a UKIP councillor and already he is facing an inquiry and possible expulsion from the party!

Such is the calibre of UKIP’s latest recruits!

For more on this fool see my previous article: LINK

For Junius' original of these comments CLICK HERE

You will note my cautionary posting when these two irrelevant little councillors were first much vaunted by EUkip on their web site (for lack of good news one must presume) and Kevin Mahoney was near orgasmic in his glee on Butcher's squalid little forum - however who would really expect much more from Mahoney with his vituperative attitude and lack of political nouse as he drifts from party to party seeking someone foolish enough to grant him preferrment - unaware of the damage he does EUkip with his support.

I gave the caution on Junius Blog as follows:

Greg L-W. said...

do correct me if I am wrong but it seems these two relatively irrelevant chappies on Merthyr Town Council having been elected as Independent have fallen out with everyone and have refused to participate in a democratic decision of the council (one I might say, with which I heartily disagree - even in the new communist style Governance from The EU!)

On this issue of earth shattering importance they in their sagacity decided to betray their electorate who wanted Independent Councillors, and become party bound.

Since EUkip's avowed policies are to assist the EU in creating Pan EU political (Parties) Groups and imposing greater subsidiarity on Britain with EUkip working in committees to ensure better legislation over vassal states and throwing their lot in as good EUropeans to lead the racist, xenophobic, sexually intollerant EFD who advocate bombing and machine gunning immigrants and dressing up perverts as rabbits and hunting them.

Do you think it will make much difference having these hunts in the Valleys?

SORRY - DUE TO SPACE LIMITATIONS in Blogger answers I have continued this at: #590* being posted just after 15:00 03-Aug-2009

My apologies to the Juniae and I will well understand if you opt not to publish the link!

But I will be a little M***** after all that work ensuring accuracy to publish the truth ;-)

Greg L-W.

03 August 2009 09:21

To view my original comment CLICK HERE

To view the full comment/article with pics. etc. CLICK HERE

Clearly it would seem EUkip will take anybody's cast offs - one need only consider the liar and cheat Bannerman, the discreditted and dishonest political prostitute Marta Andreasen, the Tory reject Bob Spink who eventually so soundly denounced EUkip.

EUkip finds itself made yet further of a fool by Wales OnLine with:

AND a big week for the UK Independence Party too, as two Merthyr Tydfil councillors joined the party, giving Ukip its first council seats in the Valleys.

Adam Brown and Neil “Jock” Greer were previously independents, but who can doubt they will provide a huge boost for a party whose representatives have often had a reputation for being fruit-loops with incoherent views?

Mr Brown has passionately campaigned for a ban on the sale of chewing gum in Merthyr town centre and lives outside the borough because his house in Merthyr reminds him of his dead grandmother. Mr Greer has previously stood for the complete-opposite-of-Ukip, Forward Wales and last year attacked those councillors who switched party allegiance without submitting themselves to a by-election (which he himself is now doing).

They should fit right in, eh?

The original being at CLICK HERE

I do not for a moment define any of these hundreds of facts as more than small matters but I challenge EUkip to balance their own books by showing their big achievements made by their own efforts since their foundation in 1993.

As a long term and VERY active supporter of UKIP and an unflinching opponent over almost half a century of racism, sexual intollerance, corruption and loss of Justice, our Sovereignty, our rights to self determination and continued right to control of our borders, foreign policy, defence and alegiances in trade and commerce throughout the world both in and outside of The Anglosphere and The Commonwealth.

I would dearly love to have seen achievements of UKIP of which decent people of integrity and morality with ethics and patriotism could support.

One notes the minisculism used by their vile staff and senior supporters that so demean EUkip as they TRY to nit pick their way attacking unsalaried past devotees and ex supporters. Surely these imbeciles realise that the likes of Croucher, Septic, Mick McGough, StAthan (Kevin (Foxy) Mahoney need we wonder at his shame and use of a false name!), Douglas Denny, Brendan Padmore, The congenital idiot Bob Feel Martinis (a EUkip PPC!!!!!!!!!!), Paul Nuttall (lies, bullying and corruption), little Joshua Onion and all his sock puppets and others like them on Forums do far more harm to EUkip than ever could Junius, Warry, Collier, Gillman, West or even myself - they give absolute credibility to our postings as they struggle to defend the indefensible.

They show our various blogs and postings to be factually accurate as like fleas climbing an elephants leg with intent to rape they clamour and shout of the achievement they aim to make and how false are the statements of individuals like us as they run from fair and open debate.

per exempio read the clamourings about 'The Defence Fund' clearly in an attempt NOT to establish the truth but to deflect attention from the £Millions gone missing from EUkip it seems. Had they wished to establish the facts and truth they would merely pick up the phone and ask me for any detail they want. They have my telephone number!

Yet they run away from the truth to hide their shame!


What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:


Thursday, 27 August 2009



Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!


You may recall that I recently published an article on a certain UKIP MEP who had been seen leaving a ‘gay’ club in the company of a black gentlemen.

Here is the original article in full:

A UKIP MEP - one of the new intake - was spotted at 3 am this morning leaving a notorious gay club in Strasbourg

He was seen by the researcher of a Tory MEP leaving the club in the company of a black man. What Mr X was doing in a gay club at that time of the morning should perhaps be left to the imagination!

There has been constant speculation in UKIPPER circles about this MEP’s sexuality ever since he first joined UKIP. He has always denied being a homosexual and has repeatedly said that he is "still looking for the right woman".

I hate to disappoint him but I don’t think he will find her in that particular club!

I can confirm that UKIP’s Press Office got so upset over this damaging exposé that they immediately went into spin mode.

They even managed to get Paul Wesson - aka Aardvark - to post a denial on the British Democracy Forum.

Here is the denial:

'Seven' is the name of the bar and the bouncer is indeed a black guy who is known to many parliamentarians. Apparently it is not a gay bar.

He later added:

My Brussels/Strasbourg sources suggest other MEPs of different parties frequent the joint. They're all 'in the clear'.


we have no time, no date, no MEP name and no 'witness'.

I am saddened that Mr Wesson - a usually intelligent man - was so ready to promote UKIP’s lies and propaganda.

And if Mr Wesson had bothered to read my original article he would have seen that I did in fact give a time, date, location and witness.

Can I suggest that in future Mr Wesson checks the facts before he again decides to promote UKIP Press Office lies?

Here are the facts:

The MEP was seen leaving a notorious gay club at 3am in the morning.

The incident took place on 16th July.

The club is located in the centre of Strasbourg.

It was not the ‘Seven’ club.

He was seen leaving the club in the company of a black man.

They were alone.

The black man was not a bouncer from the club.

The witness was a researcher for a Tory MEP. He does not wished to named at this time.

The MEP’s sexuality has been in question for some time.

Now it has been suggested that the sexual activities of this particular MEP are irrelevant.

This would be true if the MEP in question was open about his sexuality.

But he is not open about his sexuality.

He has lied about his sexuality to his colleagues. He has lied about his sexuality both to the public and UKIP members. Would he have been selected as a lead MEP candidate if UKIP members had known he was a homosexual? I very much doubt it.

And he still promotes the laughable story that he is looking for the ‘right woman’ - another lie.

These lies can be added to the other lies promoted by this man - his bogus ancestry for a start.

The man is a liar and needs to be exposed as such.

We need open and honest politicians - not serial liars who frequent sleazy gay clubs in the centre of Strasbourg or Brussels.

To view JUNIUS' Original article CLICK HERE


May I submit Junius rather misses the point.

Firstly David Bannerman is a liar and a cheat and whether he had been a pedarast with an interest in necrphilliac bestiality would have made little difference to his placement as lead MEP candidate in The Eastern Region.

May I remind Junius that EUkip's own returning officer has shown that the process of placement of the unpleasant list of candidates was utterly corrupt.

Junius and others may recal that Stuart Agnew loudly boasted that he had bought his position (I guess based on ability he had little choice!) , One only needs to note that no result to Jeffrey Titford's or Stuart Gulleyslime's investigation by the police and OLAF are ongoing and the attempts of the risible Zucherman for attempted witness intimidation are still in the hands of his union officials the Law Society.

I understand that Farage & Nuttall are still being slowly reeled in by the authorities and EUkip itself may well fall IF justice is done. The police when last I spoke with them are still persuing the abuses of Data by both the party and its executive and staff.

Clearly from my other blog CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE you will note I have more than proved that we can not trust our police or our courts to deliver justice - but let us hopw the various inquiries into EUkip see justice done and prison sentences used in an exemplary manner.

What the perversion of a EUkip candidate may be is an irrelevance as the party has shown it is without dignity, decency or duty.

What David Bannerman's sexual perversions may be has been shown to be irrelevant as are the opinions of the members who are regularly betrayed by the, without exception, scum that now leads the vile EUkip.

The SW Regional committee called for the banning of Gawain Towler - particularly after the revelations of his being caught by his wife, in the bath with his daughter, in an inappropriate condition. This has been admitted to as I am informed by several people.

Further Malcolm Wood made it clear that Gawain Towler had admitted his shameful behaviour leading to the extraordinary comment from the authority on such matters Elizabeth Burton:
'Don't all men get inappropriate conditions in a nice warm bath'!

That Gawain Towler admits - nay even boasts of certain of his perversions on his web site is clearly acceptable to his wife - tasteless, degenerate and ill judged as many may find it - however his wife was so concerned and angry at this incident that she posted details of his activities with his daughter on the internet, as Towler has confirmed. It was only posted for a short time before one assumes his wife realised that a criminal pariah was unlikely to deliver much by way of maintinance and it was removed with much sabre rattling - but long after screen capture and Gawain's own verbal confirmation to various others.

The individuals disgust me not for their legal perversions but for their venal disregard for morality and ethics and their willingness to aid the destruction of what USED TO BE Britain's best hope for liberation from The EU until EUkip became a part of the very institution that its members so reveilled.

The committee decided that The SW did not wish to campaign for, nor risk being represented by a man espousing such morals.

You will remember that in absolute disregard for either the members or of the principles of democracy Nigel Farage in dictatorial style overturned the wishes of the membership and reinstated the odious Towler! Such arrogance from such an incompetent is staggering - is it any wonder a drunken womaniser who consorts with prostitutes whilst trousering huge amounts of money pretending to represent others finds himself so closely in affinity with some of the most vile politicians in EUrope since Eichman, Goebbels, Mitterand, Himmler, Funk and Barbie in forming his new pan EU Party Group The NFD

Perhaps he and the odious liar and cheat Bannerman would be more at home in The Labour Party where Harrier Harman, doubtless with the consent of her husband Mr. Dromey the union leader as she campaigned for liberalisation of the laws of incest and lowering of the age of consent!

I do not decry legal perversions, but I do personally consider those who function in so small a minority, being between 1.1/2 > 2.1/2%, with a life style aberrant and perverse to the norm must surely be seen as of questionable validity as representatives of the norm!

Those that lie about their perversions and their ancestry, their achievements and their values must surely be seen as unsound. Just as I consider the discreditted Marta Andreasen, due to her lack of honesty, of morality, of ethics or of British values as a political prostitute is clearly an unwise choice to be placed high on various lists for we know for certain she cheated and lied to be GIVEN her position. AND had touted herself around various parties willing to prostitute HER principles to get her snout in the EU troughs again. Be minded she applied to the Christian Democrats TWICE and was turned down TWICE as unsuitable! The Tories made it VERY clear the first time!

EUkip is rotten to the core - as a long term supporter of UKIP I am revolted by the betrayal by the scum that run EUkip. Liars, petty crooks, fraudsters, cheats and the venally self interested they have gathered with others most like them to form the pan EU party EFD!! Racists, advocates of killing imigrants, 'HUNTING' and shooting homeless imigrants, ethnically cleansing perverst etc. etc. Oh how very EUkip in their now comfort zone as useful idiots for the EU.

We even note that EUkip's Chairman Paul Nuttall's dabblings in politics show the most staggering lack of knowledge or undertanding of Britain's political structure - whether in his blatant lies and bullying before he was dishonestly placed in Gregg Beaman's position as the lead candidate, in total denial of the principles of democracy, or his insult to the voters in his region within moments of having gained the position of MEP based on his lies, cheating and the dustbin protest vote - that such garbage was put in place is hardly surprising but sickenning for UKIP.

Paul Nuttall is a bully, a liar, a cheat and a petty crook - may I suggest you read his postings on Anthony Butcher's EUkip fanzeen Forum!

Greg L-W.


What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:


'inappropriate condition' substituted for the facts shortly after posting the truth.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009



Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!

#601* - EUkip & FACING The GENERAL ELECTION - Opinions, Including Dr. Eric EDMOND, elected by UKIP members to EUkip NEC.

2010 General Election - a Poisoned Challice

I am increasingly coming to the view that winning the 2010 UK General Election will be worse than losing it. The conventional view is that with finances in such a mess taxes will have to rise and public services be cut to bring some sense of fiscal probity to HMG. Without this the UK credit rating may well slip from AAA and we will have to pay a higher interest rate price to sell government debt, gilts. These necessary actions will be horrendously unpopular politically and will lead to a host of sob stories on UK TV with single mothers, the unemployed especially the young and the homeless being portrayed as victims of an uncaring government. This is an unedifying prospect for any government, particularly one with a small or no majority facing another election in 2011/12.

The over riding aim of all politicians however is to be re-elected back on to the gravy train. Margaret Beckett's claims in the DT this morning that "A career in politics leaves MPs out of pocket" is risible and shows how out of touch she is with the electorate. Does she take us for fools? The obvious conflict of interest between a desire to be re-elected and the poisoned challice is easily resolved - be relected as an opposition MP! This needs you to be selected for safe Labour seat and there may be some competition for those even after the expense claim junkies have been weeded out. The nice thing is you will then have Dave's inexperienced A listers to shoot at for a couple of years on a 'result' wicket just like at the Oval. Even Labour's bowling will look good and when Dave is skittled out for a low score, well all options are open!

The elephants in the room, the EU, Islamic birth rates and culture, the white under class living on benefits won't get a mention by the main parties. Why not? Because they are all vote losers stupid. Another sure fire vote loser is Farage's pet project to bring back grammar schools. For every child that gets into grammar school five to ten will not. So its one winner who might vote for you and five or more losers who will vote against you. I believe in selection in education but you have go to be a lot more subtle about how to bring it back than Farage's simplistic approach. The Cabal don't do subtle. They are not clever enough.

So how will UKIP fare in the UK general election? Not very well I fear. The leaders are all nicely tucked up in Brussels so there is no real incentive. There is also no District Councillor base to build on and no UKIP policies targetted at this election despite the valiant efforts of people like Alan Wood in Salisbury to build both these areas up. UKIP's core, get out of the EU policy is not a GE issue and is easy meat for its opponents who can point to the UKIP MEPs like Andreasen who is clearly not a withdrawalist.

Worse for UKIP however is that the BNP may get an MP. They have a local authority base in some areas with a number of councillors on some councils. The UK electoral system rewards this geographical concentration of support. Also the BNP core stop immigration policy will be a big issue in the General Election especially in these areas that people have to meet the effects of immigration day in and day out. They are a transparently British party, based in, and run from, and financed in UK . They don't have an Andreasen/EU flank that opponents can attack them on. They will almost certainly come second in one or two seats and thus be well placed for a further push if there is a quick second election.

All in all I fear UKIP has probably seen its electoral high water mark.

To view his original article CLICK HERE


surely UKIP's biggest problem is that they have clearly 'gone native' as EUkip.

Not only do they have the discreditted foreign national Marta Andreasen, who has been serially fired for her failure as a bean counter and even incurred allegations of racism when suspended by the OECD. A pro EU reformist who whored her principles around several parties before she could find one dumb enough or corrupt enough to be taken in by her - including TWO interviews with The Christian Alliance Party where at both of which she was rejected!

Then there is Trevor Colman who colluded in the theft of public money by seeking to cover up the frauds for which Tom Wise is currently facing the courts with Lindsay Jenkins. It does look as if Colman's 'payolla' for his collusion in crime, as an ex cop, was first place on the MEP list with a safish seat!

That EUkip has several MEPs under investigation by the Police, Legal Authorities and OLAF can help little - clearly their MEP (until he stood down) Tom Wise & their researcher being in Court for money laundering can help little.

Then of course the fact that they are likely to be penalised to the tune of around £1/2Million on the guilty verdict of The Westminster Magistrates Courts. There are also seemingly several £M of public money that would appear to have been trousered by EUkip!

A further problem EUkip will have at The GE is that they have allied with the people they see most like them to form a pan EU Political Party Group - thus they are now associated with extremist racists, advocates of xenophobic killings and sexually intollerant to form the EFD!

Perhaps EUkip should consider who actually saved them from wipeout in the EU elections and got 13 such crass MEPs in place:

Most Expensive MPs 2007/8
Member name Total claimed
1 Eric Joyce £187,334
2 Michael Connarty £183,466
3 Alistair Carmichael £176,190
4 Ben Wallace £175,523
5 Mohammad Sarwar £174,882
6 Charles Kennedy £174,232
7 Janet Anderson £173,556
8 David S Borrow £172,706
9 Jim McGovern £171,989
10 Fabian Hamilton £171,824

Greatly helped by such crass dishonesty as that of Hazel Blears, Elliott Morley, Barbara Follett, Alan Duncan, The Kirkhopes and their ilk.

I doubt EUkip's integrity such that they may award them medals at conference for their help, for without them EUkip WOULD NOT have had more than one or two MEPs elected and rightly so based on their track record and achievements with 12 elected MEPs during the preceding 5 years, during which they achieved virtually nothing of value to these United kingdoms, stole public money, abused their positions trashed their party UKIP and dragged the party into the gutter where clearly the leadership were more at home.

One need only read much of their publicity!

EUkip has destroyed UKIP with its dishonesty, lies, cheating and corruption.

They will NOT get an MP elected - a tragedy that UKIP has been so betrayed by its leadership - some of whom have even been 'wangling' for place with UKFirstParty without even resigning from EUkip - no doubt hoping to ride both horses to double their personal chances!

Sadly those left in EUkip have little or no understanding of morality, honesty, duty or ethics.

I have previously asked how David Bannerman, Nikki Sinclair, Gawain Towler etc. feel about having been grouped with the openly sexually intollerant politicians of the Lega Nord and others who believe perverts should be 'hunted, shot at and driven out'.

How do such as William Dartmouth square the circle, regardless of his dishonest and corrupt minder Malcolm Wood, with the view that imigrants in boats should be machine gunned and bombed?

We know, based on her track record, that Marta Andreasen will be happy to prostitute herself to any view and to lie and cheat to keep her snout in the EU troughs on the gravy train.

Then again we have asked whether EUkip's accounts are a fraud or whether Farage is a liar and has been stealing party money - answer came there none!

Do remember that we were assured by the foolish Nattrass that he had donated more to EUkip than he had earned - strange since there is no equivallence in the accounts - was he telling lies or are the accounts totally fraudulent?

Seriousy could any honest Brit. of morality advocate these low lifes should represent us anywhere let alone Westminster - of course not. No patriot would wish for such trash in our Parliament - the ones there now are an obscenity without adding such vile people as EUkip puts forward and fields as its spokesmen!


What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:




The Direct Link to include
in your 'e'Mails and on your Blogs & Forums is:


There are only 38 Days until The Irish are forced to vote again in a referendum to ratify The New Constitution Lisbon Treaty.

You may well find some facts to use to help them or some ideas if you CLICK HERE


Similarly may I remind you that you can help in another matter of common justice, which you may have read of in Christopher Booker's column in The Sunday Telegraph this week.

Photo: UPPA
Lord Justice Wall
described East Sussex's behaviour as 'disgraceful'

For more specific details CLICK HERE

If you would like more general info on the subject CLICK HERE


You may also wish to know more of the details regarding this man:

Which you will find if you CLICK HERE
& there will be numerous more entries to add to the several already posted, during the coming week or so.


But to really understand some of the background you will need to know more of this man:

Whose behaviour in the matter and that of 13-Mar-1996 can in my opinion be described as little short of evil.

For more background data CLICK HERE


You may find the words of Lord Burton of interest:


You will find much additional information if you CLICK HERE particularly if you follow the many links.

Then return to this blog and start reading back through the 600 postings in the realisation that in not a single one have I ever set out to mislead or have I ever failed to provide the truth and substantiation - I understand that to date I have NEVER made a substantive error or stated an untruth.

You must judge for yourself and if you are in any doubt of the facts having read the blog please do not hesitate to contact me and I will readilly endeavour to clarify and if you find an error PLEASE contact me and if it is substantive I will not only publish the correction but will make the appropriate apology.

I do appreciate that the scum that now support and run EUkip would rather tittle and tattle than address the facts and that they are only too happy to lie about me where they can hide behind false names or on platforms where dishonesty prevails and I have no right of response.

Interestingly NEVER ONCE have any of the mischief makers called me giving their identity to check a fact nor to correct an entry, save once where I had been misled deliberately over a resignation by two EUkip apparatchiks and the correction was made with apology within minutes!

If you repeat ANY statement I have made on my blogs I will be only too happy to stand by the statement and you in any Court in defence of the truth - assuming you have quoted me accurately and in context.

I make no claims of infallibility but you may be assured that I will honestly try to do my best in the causes I support. Including in support of UKIP, which I have fearlessly and constantly supported for over a dozen years.

It is sad to have watched so many of the honest activists of UKIP either drift away or become corrupted and follow the venal and utterly dishonest and dishonourable venal path of EUkip in such betrayal of these United Kingdoms. EUkip has not only associated itself with some of the most vile politicians in EUropean politics but has attracted like minded support from a vicious and vile claque seeking their own enrichment and aggrandisement.

EUkip has become a disgrace to these United kingdoms and I fear it may be too late for UKIP but we can but hope!

If I can help YOU in an honest and honourable endeavour of a patriotic or moral nature PLEASE do not hesitate to contact me.


Greg L-W.

For my FULL contact details CLICK HERE

Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!

since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:


#599* - AN OPEN LETTER re: Gawain TOWLER

#599* - AN OPEN LETTER re: Gawain TOWLER

Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!

AN OPEN LETTER re: Gawain TOWLER! IN THE LIGHT OF THE MISREPRESENTATION OF THE LOW LIFES SUPPORTING THE CORRUPTION IN EUkip & the apparent deliberate misrepresentation by the ever childish and imature Chris Mounsey.



some time ago you asked about Gawain Towler, and what I thought of him as an MEP candidate, which I outlined in some detail.

I note that he is likely to be an MP candidate in your area!

I also note that Anthony Butcher’s much corrupted and dishonest little forum has seen fit, in its pro EUkip section, where it is accepted for pro EUkip members to lie, libel and dissemble, largely without let or hindrance, sheltering in shame behind false names; yet those who support UKIP but expose the truth about their vile leadership as EUkip are removed, either on the flimsiest of pretext or based on lies, as in my case to lie yet again.

You may remember that I stated as a fact that Peter Reeve EUkip’s bully boy RO with the shaven head and lack of understanding of ethics or morality in the Eastern Region was under investigation by the police – which he was, and a number was supplied for the police complaint; none the less the corrupt and duplicitous moderator Brendan Padmore (sheltering his duplicity behind the silly name BA Ware!), in support of EUkip, and Anthony Butcher banned me for life having been threatened and bullied with a pack of lies from another of EUkip’s scum that has floated upward – Paul Nuttall, who is a proven liar and cheat.

Back to Gawain Towler who is a particularly odious little man, beyond his mere perversions – he is a liar as shown by various ‘e’Mails I have. Sent to me by someone whom he was trying to deceive.

As you well know over a number of years I have neither interest or prejudice based on people’s perfectly legal perversions, and perversion within marriage is no concern of others outside of the relationship, save where it may be either illegal or publicly harmful particularly to children.

As you will see from my comments on my blog – this is clearly NOT about prejudice or revulsion at particular perversions, for as long as they are legal. This is entirely about values and judgement, taste, trust and braggadocio.

It is my belief and contention, as it was The UKIP South West Committee’s, that Gawain Towler has shown himself to be unsuited to represent others in a political party as an MEP and I would contend unsuitable as a constituency MP.

Gawain Towler’s legal perversions are of no concern to me; though some, with a narrower view of the world, such as many Christians and all Muslims would be concerned. Towler’s alleged illegal perversions, though widely discussed, are a matter for the authorities to substantiate and act accordingly.

I would not have raised this matter again had not some on Anthony Butcher’s forum not seen fit to exercise their dishonesty to misrepresent my perfectly clear stance as some sort of delusional attack on me – sadly EUkip has attracted all too many perfectly vile and dishonest supporters who clamour like the claque of old!

There are various other articles on Gawain Towler on my blog which you can find with the search engine if you wish but for starters:
and the comments thereon!

I note that on Chris Mountsey’s web site, as republished on Butcher’s squalid forum, I stand accused of libelling him!
If I have I unreservedly apologise, as I have always tried to be accurate and honest and can think of no occasion where I would have wished either to libel him or to have misled others about him. Were his claim true he is of course encouraged to show where I have supposedly libelled him and I will not only make correction but clearly apologise.

Greg L-W.
[to Reply: other addresses are auto spam filtered]
for my contact details, blogs & views

We must work together to liberate these United Kingdoms from the undemocratic, corrupt, centralised, unaccountable and allien EUropean Union, which has been so damaging to Britain both in cost and destruction of our values, industry, commerce, governance, defence, British Justice, Commonwealth, borders & the Anglosphere.

No trustworthy politician has EVER provided a single solitary benefit of membership of The EU which justifies the £1.8 Million / Hour cost or loss of self determination and foreign or trade policy.

We All Know the benefits for politicians of the feeding troughs on The EU Gravy Train and the corruption at Westminster, where MPs & Peers are not required to declare the identity of their EU paymasters when they debate or vote!

I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:


Thursday, 20 August 2009



Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!


UKIP recent election results:

So much for Nigel Farage’s claim that UKIP’s support has increased since the Euro elections!

Goldsmid Ward, Brighton & Hove DC 23th July
Green 1456
Conservative 1104
Labour 816
Lib Dem 280
UKIP 129

Denton Ward, Tameside B.C 30th July
Labour 1258
Conservative 660
BNP 358
UKIP 193
Green 164

Brinsley by-election 30th July
Conservative 416
BNP 288
Lib Dems 224
Labour 68

UKIP’s support has now dropped back to pre-Euro election levels.

Under Farage’s inept leadership UKIP is still not seen as an alternative to the old party system. UKIP is simply regarded as the party of the Euro election protest vote - nothing more, nothing less.

But does Farage really care? He has been re-elected to the EU Gravy Train where he can claim even more in expenses, sit on committees, indulge in stupid stunts, get drunk in bars and forget his marriage vows.

Such a shame. UKIP could have made a real difference. But rather than use our MEPs to promote our domestic policies - when UKIP’s leadership can be bothered to publish them - Farage and co waste their time sitting on worthless EU committees.

Farage has been an MEP for ten years but we are still no closer to seeing Britain leave the EU. So much for UKIP battling for Britain and independence!

UKIP exists to serve the ego of one man. Until Farage and his sycophants are removed UKIP will continue to stagnate.

Don’t waste your time or your vote on UKIP, Farage or his dishonest, sycophantic MEPs.



It is unfortunate that EUkip has so undeniably destroyed the principles and ideals of UKIP.

The catastrophic UKIP results in the EU election where UKIP failed to get a single solitary reputable MEP elected merely liars, cheats and low lifes elected by those protesting against Westminster politicians putting their vote in the ballo0t box as with a dustbin.

No wonder with the dustbin vote they got garbage - garbage that sees itself as useful idiots working for the EU in return for incrementally enhanced bribes - a group which aware no one of stature or morality would wish to be associated with them has formed a grouping of some of the most vile scum in EUropean politics since WWII.

The true value of EUkip to the British electorate is shown in their votes at By-elections and local elections!!

To understand much of this problem one need only look at each of their MEPs one by one, then consider their salaried praise singers one at a time and then see just what vile creatures support them in public, such as on Butcher's corrupt little Forum, where many are so ashamed of their comments they hide behind silly names and others like Denny, Croucher, Onion, McGough and their ilk have done irreprable harm to the party, parlous as it is.

Junius with his mere factual statements has shown beyond doubt that EUkip is utterly politically irrelevant.

Of some 30,000 elected offices costing £Billions (where 646 MPs cost over £500M) and where an MEP can and largely does, trouser £1Million during their term - Even a corrupt congenital idiot like Tom Wise has ammassed a pension fund of around £1/4Million in just one term!

Of the 30,000 offices note howmany EUkip hold! 13 MEPs by default and around 7 or 8 elected councillors!

Clearly for all Farage and his cronies venal self enrichment Junius shows just what a waste of time the party is at large!.

Greg L-W.


What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:




Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!



it has been brought to my attention by Rob McWhirter, who phoned me from Zurich this afternoon, that some of the less savory members of EUkip would seem to be seeking to distract members of Anthony Butcher's corrupt and discreditted Forum, in which he provides a platform for regular dishonesty from EUkip members and supporters and has lied in order to ban those he is instructed to ban by EUkip's utterly corrupt leadertship, based upon lies.

Rob has informed me that EUkip low lifes are assuming others to be as corrupt and dishonest as they have themselves proved to be scum like Mark Croucher a proven liar, dissembler, cheat and serial commercial failure who has done so very much harm to UKIP over the years as he drags it into the gutter of his life - similarly you will note proven liars and the corrupt like Bob Feel Martinis and Mike McGough all totally discreditted - not by slander or libel but by substantiated fact have chosen to try to discredit the fund I asked for support for in November last year.

Here is my posting according to Butcher's Forum, sadly it can not be trusted as accurate as it has been proven that Anthony Butcher is dishonourable and a liar willing to alter the record to substantiate his own dishonesty.

You may having read his version care to visit the original version as I mailed it:

British Democracy Forum
Home Today's Posts
UKIP>#165* - FUNDING APPEAL - Clean-up Costs!!
Greg Lance-Watkins 12:59 PM 28-11-2008
Friday, 28 November 2008


Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!

May I make an appeal:


I am aware that there are those who have financial responsibilities and upholding decency in UKIP in the Eastern Region & elsewhere and defending UKIP and themselves against the corruption endemic in The NEC & EUkip is proving a burden to them, as they are ensuring that they do not put a foot wrong, as it might put them at risk, and advice must perforce be good.

An increasing number are fighting this battle to save UKIP fom being subsumed and I believe that all who value freedom should make a contribution relative to their means and just how much they value liberty, honesty and integrity.

I have asked Major Niall Warry (Green Jacket Rtd.), who is beyond reproach, to act as the collecting point and issue receipts for any and all monies contributed, which he has agreed to do, should this not suit YOU I have also asked Dr. Eric Edmond, who also is of utmost probity, to accept your contribution.

You may be absolutely certain of your donation being properly receipted through either and the monies received handled with utmost care legally.

Thank you - any monies over and above the legitimate costs will be contributed to the fund to clean up EUkip and re-establish probity, morality and integrity - The UKIP that was stolen from the members.

Major Warry & Doctor Edmond
together with the Wests will form the steering committee to liase on projects over and above the reasonable and legitimate needs.

I have used the word 'legitimate ', 'Advisedly' such that the fund does not nor can it be seen to infringe any laws which may make donors liable for ANY costs or expenses beyond the donation and the intermediaries no more liable themselves, under law.

Sometimes honesty costs!

I have launched this on my own initiative knowing that the parties I have nominated will be only too willing to help but due to commitments or legalities may need to nominate another.

Mrs. Voelcker unfortunately foresees problems, professionally for her as a Barrister, if she participates or nominates someone.

I would appreciate it if anyone feels they can assist Niall & Eric as a third collection point please contact me and I will obtain & publish contact details.

Major T. Niall Warry (rtd.) eMail address is
Dr. Eric Edmond's eMail address is

PLEASE contact them by eMail to have explained the details BEFORE you make any contribution - a day & evening phone number would be appreciated, which will NOT be retained and/or utilised for ANY other matter.

An un-named receipt will be issued for every donation received and no record will be kept of donors.

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62

I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country:

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:


Bob FM 01:03 PM 28-11-2008
An un-named receipt will be issued for every donation received and no record will be kept of donors

Very secure. So what happens to the funds not used.

chikrodah 02:11 PM 28-11-2008
I wasn't aware Petrina was a practising barrister. She's certainly not listed in the Bar Directory.

michael mcgough 03:19 PM 28-11-2008
Greg;I note you use the word schlenter on you blog meaning rough or imitation dianonds.
This sounds pretty dutch kosher to me,have you gone over to Mossad?But then you're more moss side aren't you.How's LEE?

Greg Lance-Watkins 03:25 PM 28-11-2008
Originally Posted by chikrodah:
I wasn't aware Petrina was a practising barrister. She's certainly not listed in the Bar Directory.


she is not currently practicing but as I understand it feels that her position and that her husband was a Judge may prove a professional problem in the future.

IF I am consequentially wrong in this comment it is not with an intent to mislead and I'm sure she would be happy to answer if PMd.

Greg L-W.

Greg Lance-Watkins 03:32 PM 28-11-2008
Originally Posted by Bob FM:
An un-named receipt will be issued for every donation received and no record will be kept of donors

Very secure. So what happens to the funds not used.


perhaps if you read things with some intelligence and generosity of spirit you might incline to seem more intelligent NOTE:

Originally Posted by :
Major Warry & Doctor Edmond
together with the Wests will form the steering committee to liase on projects over and above the reasonable and legitimate needs.

You must try to understand that not everyone is on the make and the take which would be how you see the world it seems.

Your endless snipping and sniping for ever wrong is beginning to make you look a bitter twisted little man who sees his self importance trickling down his leg.

Back off and stop making a fool of yourself.

Greg L-W.

Greg Lance-Watkins 03:44 PM 28-11-2008
Originally Posted by michael mcgough:
Greg;I note you use the word schlenter on you blog meaning rough or imitation dianonds.
This sounds pretty dutch kosher to me,have you gone over to Mossad?But then you're more moss side aren't you.How's LEE?

Your postings are getting more inane as you endlessly make a fool of yourself.

The one disadvantage in being a liar and a cheat is you lose all credibility - esspecially when you have set out to cheat your friends and dupe your coleagues.

Schlenter in normal Yiddish as used in Africa and much of America, also the Jewish communities in South America tends to mean fake or 'dodgey' though it may pertain to diamonds in some areas.

It tended not to be used by the diamond dealers in Africa nor Antwerp or America though I can not recall the term used, nor in IDD or IDB. I've bought and sold in Jhb., Rio, Caraccas & America but not Europe or Britain.

Schlenter is indubitably 'Dutch Kosher' or more accurately 'Dutch Yiddish'.

McGough or Goughmann - Kaufmann?


To view my original article on this blog CLICK HERE

I have no reason to believe that there has been any material alteration of this posting.

May I draw to your attention that I acted in good faith aware that Niall Warry was totally trustworthy having known him for many years.

I had originally included Petrina Holdsworth since I had known her for many years and knew her to be honest and trustworthy - sadly she felt participation to be inappropriate in view of her legal status (rtd.)

Thirdly, since he had been elected by UKIP members I had asked Dr. Eric Edmond to act as a collection point should anyone wish to make contribution through him and he asked me to use the 'e'Mail address as listed.

You will note that I believed there was no reason to distrust Edmond. I regret I could not provide such an assertion now, based upon personal experience and events passed on to me. I do NOT believe that Edmond would wish to be other than honest but there is no doubt that we have very different understandings of integrity, honourable behaviour and trust. With hind sight I would NOT have asked him to participate and I believe I made an honest error.

Whilst with EUkip several £Millions would seem to have been lied about, potentially stolen or corruptly accounted by the vile scum that has risen to leadership and support of the leadership of EUkip, one notes the flatullent clamouring of the nebishes seeking preferrment and crumbs from the troughs on The EU Gravy Train in support of racism, xenophobia, corruption and sexual intollerance of EUkip in its choice of partners of like mind in the forming of a pan EU Political Party Group.

EUkip is a public body and seemingly to detract from the facts of its corruption the low lifes and scum of EUkip seek to distract by questioning the honest efforts of a few to prevent the bullying of certain members seeking justice within the increasingly corrupt and venal EUkip.

May I bring to the attention of the more intelligent readers:

01. The appeal was made in good faith.

02. Such funds as were donated are fully accountable.

03. The 'e'Mail addresses were as supplied to me.

04. Eric Edmond discussed the matter with myself and agreed to assist.

05. Eric Edmond advised John West that he was involved.

06. Eric Edmond discussed the matter with Niall Warry.

07. The purpose of obfuscation of collection points was that we believed it would be distasteful for any recipient of the funding to be identifiably indebted to a given donor - a point agreed by those concerned at the time.

08. Not one of the numerous donors has shown ANY distrust of the handling of the fund, nor have they requested ANY further clarification.

09. I personally asked Niall Warry, Eric Edmond, John West or any other individual involved NOT to make public any privy information. John West chose to make NO comment, Niall Warry to treat with humour and ridicule and Somerset Yokel (IF he is in fact Dr. Eric Edmond and not an agent provocateur) opted to act dishonourably in a futile attempt to refute the facts.

10. IF the name Somerset Yokel does hide the identity of Eric Edmond then it is sad that he has so let himself down but even so I have absolutely no reason to believe that any money he may or may not have received was handled other than honestly.

11. I appreciate that Eric Edmond has little or no control over his temper tantrums and may well not recall his actions during such outbursts. I can assure you the 'e'Mail as listed was as supplied and further were questioned via John West who confirmed he also used a Tiscali list as I recall (It was 9 months ago!!)

12. At no time did Edmond EVER advise me that he was no longer willing to act as a collection point nor did he inform Niall Warry. I have no reason to believe that Eric Edmond saw fit to renege on his agreement though it would not surprise me as he has proved untrustworthy in other aspects. I do not believe however that he would have done other than pass on any monies he may or may not have received.

13. Since not a single donor has shown themselves to be disatisfied with the management of the fund may I suggest those of EUkip cast out the moat from their own eye rather than scurrilously and corruptly trying in desperation to claim that others are as dishonest as they have proved themselves to be.

Be aware that appart from a strange understanding of honour on the part of Edmond, it would seem, there has NEVER been an instance of consequential deliberate dishonesty led against either myself or Niall Warry.

However we do know that Croucher, Moran, Denny, McGough, Bannerman, Colman, Farage, Smith, Gill, Nuttall, Andreasen, Reeve, Padmore, Onions, Parr, Fuller, Huw Williams, Towler, Butcher, Lott, Carver, Jenkins, M. Wood, Curtis, Clark and many others are proven liars and cheats as are many who are too ashamed to put their name to their comments and shelter personalised attacks behind false names or on Forums where they make cowardly attacks that have no substance or substantiation in fact - as with the dishonesty of Bob Feel Martinis or the regular childish dribblings of Mike McGough, Croucher and their ilk.

Sadly it surprises few that having gained their seats and status in the EU by aiding The BNP and capitalising on the dustbin vote of protest against the political corruption of the EU rubber stamping office of Westminster EUkip has dragged Britain into the gutter with them prostituting both principles and our Country for personal gain in collusion with some of the most revolting people in EUropean politics since Goering, Eichman, Borman, Barbie, Mitterand, Goebels, Mussollini, Mosley, Tyndall Blair and their ilk.

Unlike EUkip not only can we account for every penny donated but also unlike EUkip it is absolutely none of your business and it is a matter of shame that EUkip supporters seek to make mischief dishonestly over this matter whilst corruptly and dishonestly handling members money.

May I suggest filth like McGough, Butcher, Croucher, Denny, Septic and their sordid ilk, if they believe they have ANY right to further information make application - not as cowards where the accused will act honourably and refuse to engage or are denied the right to comment in their defence - Seek out a lawyer and having established your own probity make a legal and official application of me for further details. Edmond has shown his answers are unreliable however to date not a single solitary piece of filth from EUkip has managed to show I have misled or lied deliberately on ANY issue.

Put up or shut up and crawl back into the slime from whence you came!

The fund was set up in good faith to address just the sort of bullying and dishonesty shown by those now dishonestly seeking to infer dishonesty. Unlike EUkip the fund has been handled with absolute probity and completely to the satisfaction of every donor and each recipient.

IF anyone has ANY doubt it is their duty to involve the police - just as honest members of UKIP have involved OLAF, The Police, The Electoral Commission and other authorities in investigating the dishonesties perceived of EUkip and its corrupt and discreditted leadership.

We await the eventual judgement against Tom Wise in the light of the irrefutable evidence as do we of the lies of Andrew Smith and others that have resulted in a guilty verdict in the Courts already and we now await the probability, due to the dishonesty of Farage, Smith, Wittacker, Lott and others, that forfeiture and costs may well run to well in excess of £1/2Million.

Then there will come a time for accounting for the sum approaching £1Million stolen by duplicity from the members and donors who aimed to fund UKIP via Ashford call centre in its various corrupt guises, also those who thought they were donating to UKIP via credit card payments to a privately held credit card system in The Wrest Country or via Ramsgate etc. Then of course there is somewhere in excess of £1/4Million that was seemingly trousered by Nigel Farage and David Lott for a petition which never took place!

May I suggest that EUkip and the filth that supports them seeks toi clean up its own befouled act before it dishonestly casts aspertions against others as a corrupt diversionary tactic.

ANYONE in any doubt or misunderstanding of this blog and my assurances is more than welcome to comment, not as cowards behind my back on corrupt forums but directly by 'e'Mail or phone and I will publish both their question and their answer.


What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.

The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!

To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!

Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62


I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:

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