Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!
it would seem that EUkip and extremist parties may well in their utter dishonesty and un published accounts and scams be the benefactors of a Freedom of Information leak that has exposed the sum total of not a lot!
MPs at Westminster hasve had a tacit agreement approved that they may draw a set amount as Secondary ALLOWANCE - to suppliment their salary since 1971 when implimented in 1972. This is a SUPLIMENTARY ALLOWANCE OF INCOME - not expenses, but to square the circle in the parliamentary books almost any old receipt has been allowed to balance this OFFICIAL scam approved by Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Nick Clegg and EVERY MP since 1971.
Hence the injured pride of the MPs when caught doing what ALL MPs do!
That the utterly corrupt EUkip may well benefit from the legitimate practices of Westminster to feed from the troughs on the EU Gravy Train is an obscenity beyond measure.
The thoughts of an ex EUkip executive and Branch Chairman:
We should give our vote carefully and reluctantly or not at all. On
which note...
... I can't tell you how ashamed I am over the corruption in UKIP.
When I should have simply walked away (or involved the police!) I
tried to fix things from within, wasting my time (and my children's
childhood) to get creeps like Farage to where they are now.
'Remorseful' doesn't do justice to how I feel. If he had been dealt
with at an early enough stage, and his cronies, we might now have
an opposition party of some stature and honour ready to take on
the fallen giants and defeat them. Instead we have pigs at a better-
funded trough squealing for more, ere they are forced to lose weight.
Spotted a genuine UKIP policy recently? Noticed a clear manifesto,
giving direction to the country, or any real leadership?
Neither have I. The reason is simply because Farage hasn't got an idea
in his head save where the next tranche of funding is coming from. And
since he's silenced all dissent, there's nobody in the party thinking
anything else!
UKIP's 'policy' has the joined up thinking of a kitten with a skein of
wool: you know there must be two ends, somewhere, and that,
theoretically, it could be used to make something useful. When the
kitten's finally finished with it though, sorting out the mess will take
longer than throwing the whole lot out and starting again. "Oh look,
here's an interesting loop: let's play with that for a bit until I get
And he's promoted a culture of lying and cover-up in what should be a
scrupulously honest party.
I was horrified to hear bare-faced lies on Any Questions last Friday
night, but not surprised. Lying without the twitch of an eyebrow has
been used against me by other politicians in public meetings: you can
call them out, but as long as they look and sound innocent enough you
just sound strident and false, even if the truth is on your side. Then
the moment is gone, and the liar has won that round.
Farage plays that game to perfection these days. I wouldn't play cards
against him. But to claim that UKIP is free of all corruption, and that
it instantly removed corrupt people as soon as it spotted them, is
outstanding, even by his track record.
There is one question that every UKIP member should ask of EVERY person
they meet higher up the party hierarchy, and they should go on doing so
every time they encounter that person, until it is satisfactorily
Before becoming the first UKIP MEPs, Farage, Holmes and Titford, ALL
THREE, promised publicly that UKIP MEPs would publish their accounts, so
that they were above reproach and everyone could clearly see where the
money came from and where it went to.
THEY HAVE NEVER DONE THIS, neither have any of their later MEP
You should be asking, persistently and loudly for those accounts, until
you get them. If you are fobbed-off, go on asking until either they
deliver the truth, or they resign.
Then, if you really want to untangle the skein that is UKIP, call a
really big meeting, and step well back (or well forward!).
Otherwise throw it away and get something new, but this time don't let
dilettante kittens anywhere near it.
Remember what Nigel Farage of UKIP claimed:-
The programme was Meridian TV's 'Seven Days', the reporter Phil Hornby, and the broadcast was from Strasbourg on 25 July 1999.
Phil Hornby: Is there something, Nigel Farage, a touch hypocritical about you flying out on these free flights and enjoying the restaurants and so on of the parliament here, and enjoyng the gravy train, so-called, life of an MEP? How do you square that circle?
Nigel Farage: You will remember that right through (the 1999 Euro campaign) that we said we are not going on the gravy train; that we are the only people who are intending, annually, to publish so that the public can inspect them, our expense accounts, our allowance accounts, and the excess that we get - the excess that we are forced to take - particularly on travelling allowances, we are going to be putting into a trust fund and that money will be used to help victims of the European Union in our country, so I do reject the allegation that we're on the gravy train and there's certainly no chance of the three of us going native.
& Barbara Booker has reminded us, with her excellent memory and even better data recal system - or the other way round, I'm never sure:
I have copies of what Jeffrey Titford and Nigel Farage published (distributed at the 2000 annual conference). These are not full details of expenses as promised, but summary income & expenditure statements for the year ended 31 August 2000. JT shows an excess of income over expenses on MEP travel and daily allowances amounting to £6450, and NF an excess of £5000, ie £11,450 altogether. Neither statement shows any donation on the expenditure side to metric martyrs or any other eurosceptical cause, although NF's has a separate note to the effect that he made payments to victims of EU legislation from his private accounts, amounting to £650.
What the statements do show among the legitimate expenditure items are payments which are not allowed under European parliament rules. JT spent £2557 on UKIP promotional and recruitment leaflets, £718 on grants to Eastern Region branches, and £2750 on contributions to by-election campaigns. NF spent £4420 on contributions to by-election campaigns and £1000 on UKIP promotional and recruitment leaflets. That amounts to £11,445 altogether and is, I feel sure, the reason they had to repay money to the European parliament.
Several years later, when in correspondence with Neil Herron about another matter, I asked him whether Steve Thoburn had in fact received £11,500 from UKIP MEPs as reported in the Guardian and other papers. He replied:
I can confirm that we did not receive a donation for £6450 from Mr. Titford nor £5000 from Mr. Farage. From recollection, but the records will confirm precisely, we were presented with a cheque at the Barnes Hotel in Sunderland from UKIP for £2500 in October 2000".
That £2500 was money donated to UKIP's Metric Martyrs Fund by party members and the general public. I understand the fund was started with a personal donation of £50 from Jeffrey Titford.
Nigel Farage: You will remember that right through (the 1999 Euro campaign) that we said we are not going on the gravy train; that we are the only people who are intending, annually, to publish so that the public can inspect them,
Farage is on record saying he gets £700 when the flight cost just £40?
He pocketed £660 per flight!
Then again:
Nigel Farage MEP Leader of UKIP The Times 13 Dec 2002
"They said I was defrauding European taxpayers, which I thought was delightfully upside down," a gleeful Nigel Farage says. He explains that, with Ryanair flying from Stansted to Strasbourg, "they are giving me £700 for a trip that's costing me £40".
The utter hypocrasy and dishonesty of EUkip beggars belief and clearly Nigel Farage is a moral dyslexic - he has absolutely no Officer Qualities and only the Hitlers, Stalins, Bushes & Blairs of this world found their evil concepts of control and greed on lies.
When Nigel Farage is unwilling to lie he merely employs the scum he has surrounded himself with to lie for him. Just how often does Farage remain in the room when the throat he has set up is actually cut - he is a moral coward as well.
Where are the signatures, the details the documents bearing his signature when clearly the death sentence or the disapearance be it votes or cash has his finger prints all over it.
I was right a dozen years ago when I said I would back Farage as the spokesman and front man for the then UKIP but he could count on my honest, substantiated, documented and open opposition on a relentless basis is he EVER made a bid for leader and he would destroy the party if he ever became leader.
How right I was - he has gathered around him some of the most odious and duplicitous people in British politics for a Century.
I will continue to oppose his destruction of UKIP even if he finds himself, by the failure of other parties, with 2 dozen MEPs - just look at them, consider just how dishonest, corrupt, self serving and revolting almost all of the candidates are.
However many MEPs are elected for EUkip on June 4th. anything over none will be an obscene failure for UKIP and the British people as it will have been achieved dishonestly, corruptly and in the most filthy ways imaginable.
Opposing Farage and maintaining homesty is like being in a street brawl with a gang of junkies and fighting by Queensbury Rules. But I will not sink to their level as it is better to lose with dignity and honourably than to win with dishonour.
A man I liked and respected, even for his massive insecurity and foolish imaturity is fast becoming a monster - one can see how a Hitler developes surrounded by corrupt sychophants willing to betray anyone and everyone without any loyalty for his false and pathetic goals.
Yes it is familial - a little boy rejected when his parents divorced, inadequate and guilty, brash and bullying to cover up. His Father a sad fool a Lt. in the TA who passes himself off as a Major in the Army.
Poor pathetic Nigel who has so lost sight of humanity that everyone is there to be used - even stooping to lies about cancer - You do NOT get testicular cancer twice and still sire children (so who Fathered his children?) unless of course you are a Pawnbroker's sign. A measure of the man! Then to seek sympathy for making a total fool of oneself and getting so drunk you are run over in a gutter - he has made little progress towards adulthood and all too much towards the imaturity of adultery.
He will sink to any level to feed his ego and betray his Country and its values - just look at the behaviour of those like Denny, Reeve, Fuller, Croucher, Nuttall, Andreasen and the others he has gathered to perform his vile bidding each of them bought and paid for in their own 'coin', whilst Farage turns a blind eye. Just as Chairman Mao had sex with multiple 12 year olds whilst his Courtiers were permitted to abuse the peasantry for gain.
EUkip's Emperor is not only naked but festooned and surrounded by ordure.
To think such hypocracy could be the net gainer from the stupidity of the 'Secondary Allowance' system at Westminster - NO Not Expenses ALLOWANCE - they were ALLOWED to claim to a certain level which WAS approved. Just as MEPs the Massively Expensive Parasites of the EU like Farage and Tom Wise are ALLOWED to trouser £660 of a £700 ALLOWANCE for a plane ticket.
Just as Farage & Titford have NEVER been called to task for their betrayal of Steve Thoburn and their oft repeated lie that they donated £11,000 of their own money to The Metric Martyrs.
A vote for EUkip anywhere in Britain is a vote for evil and the betrayal of Britain a vote for GREATER SUBSIDIARITY and CO-OPERATION to strengthen EU control over vassaq States.
Is it any wonder EUkip has been the greatest recruiting sargeant The BNP ever had?
What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.
Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.
The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!
To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:
*Force Politicians & Snivil Cervants To Remember They WORK FOR US; make
Public Servants ACCOUNTABLE!*
*The corruption of s...
5 years ago