Has Relaunched as http://ukip-vs-eukip.blogspot.com - The device of EUkip, used to keep material out of search engines, will cease in the light of the clearly systemic & endemic corruption, racism, sexual intolerance & self serving behaviour of UKIP’s leadership; aware of the malicious pursuit of individuals to suppress freedom of speech to hide the truth about UKIP the new blog will intentionally be less wordy thus no longer deliberately hiding facts & details.
I can not for a moment seriously fault what The BNP is stating but may I remind you that The BNP is not only founded on but has refused to renounce its roots in The Extremist White Supremacy Movement of America and thus its endorsement of the ritual murder of between 4 & 5,000, mostly young men – PURELY based upon their skin colour – Ritual Murder, mostly by lynching, carried out for entertainment.
I derive the same shame for my Country that The BNP has gained sufficient support that some consider they represent Britain.
May I remind you that The BNP policy of denial of the holocaust is an accepted fact thus effectively endorsing the murder of 10s, 100s, 1,000s in fact Millions of people just because of their religion – It is not that they like me question the glib assertion of 6,000,000 Jews slaughtered but that Millions were killed is irrefutable, whether 1 Million or 10 Million is not an issue The BNP claim the holocaust did NOT occur and that ‘Arbeit Macht Frei’ was merely a labour scheme where workers died of typhus and the like.
The BNP is an excrescence and represents absolutely no value which I have EVER understood to be either British or worthy of defence let alone protection.
The BNP and their ‘balancing’ organisations – extremists and self seekers like Searchlight or even Common Purpose and The Fabians have much in common in the dishonesty of their underhand methods, bullying and intimidation.
Sadly as so often in politics the laws of unintended consequences are of great significance – after 5 years of betrayal by EUkip as its MEPs engorged themselves and their bank accounts, defrauded and betrayed Britain and the elect orate and did much to aid and support our enslavement in The EU as ‘useful idiots’. Yet although the public were increasingly aware of the damage done to our Country EUkip has found favour with The media not on the basis of their likely achievement of 0 to 3 or 4 MEPs but both as a protest vote over Westminster allowances and venality but even more as a block to The BNP.
Even so EUkip can not claim any achievement with a gain of merely 0.30% even if they tried to claim they were something other than an acceptable protest vote of no merit in their own right - do not forget they suddenly woke up on Thursday and both to try to keep in view and also to prepare their excuses for their abject failure with only 0 to 3 or 4 MEPs elected themselves they launched themselves as The Origami Party making utter fools of themselves claiming their voters were too stupid to unfold the ballot paper! I wonder howmany votes UKFirst Party would have done had their ballots not been folded - perhaps they would have taken even more votes from EUkip of those who value leaving the EU but are sick of the behaviour of EUkip.
Having massively and deliberately raised the profile of The BNPFarage and his venal Faragista Fan Club; which has dragged UKIP into the gutter, surrounding himself with paid praise singers and some of the most vile people in Politics today in Britain, involvement with liars and cheats to gain victory is no achievement – to call in as support for such a failure of ability such as Croucher and his vile extremist friends in the pro EU Searchlight is NO achievem,ent.
EUkip has acted as the greatest recruitment sergeant in their history ensuring, with Farage’s self serving fantasies and personal greed, that The BNP was centre stage in any political discussion particularly since his faux ‘Reichstag Fire’ moment and the obscenity of the NEC Faragista Fan Club ‘Crystal Nacht’ of witch hunts, bullying, smearing and vile attacks on elected members and dedicated Patriots.
Shame on EUkip it is hard to tell which is the more vile!
To understand British values with some gravitas – not just a ‘cheeky chappie’ with the morals of an alley cat and the leadership skills of a barrow boy – may I suggest that you not only watch this video on You Tube
Then consider ‘British values and if you like many were duped into making a protest vote that had a further 10 clearly incompetent, corrupt and dishonest EUkip MEPs elected or if you went that one step further and based on the publicity Farage and his chums gave The BNP you may have even voted for them in your ignorance.
Thursday 4th. June 2009 was almost as great a catastrphy as was the day when our Politicians first betrayed us in entering into The EU or as it was then – an Act which was not only contra The British Constitution but was also unlawful and thus illegal under British Law.
Perhaps, without Civil Unrest, we are beyond the point of no return BUT I caution that Civil Unrest is an inevitable consequence of membership of The EU.
There is every possibility that The EU in its demise WILL give rise to some 200,000,000 deaths in the wars of disassociation – be minded Britain and The EU are net importers of food – we make NOTHING which we can, without the most staggering of ‘deals’ export as The EU & Britain make NOTHING which the rest of the world wants or needs at a price it is willing to pay.
Just howmuch is a BMW, VW, Merc., Ford Focus? A Tatta will market new in Britain next year for about £1,200 – Do YOU believe the world will buy ONE of our cars when they can buy almost 10 Tattas for the price of our cheapest!
Now price our Civil Planes (did the Airbus ice up due to a design fault?) – Then there is Galileo a satellite surveillance system the encoding of which was broken by kids at College in the USA with parts bought from Tandy – or perhaps the utterly useless Euro Fighter neither fighter or bomber with a dud HUD and poor cornering and speeds that outstrip its radar – for the money a heap of junk relative to the F series US planes available with maintenance and parts off the shelf at a fraction of the costs, the same is true of the idiot boys toys, Choppers our Generals want where they cost so much you wouldn’t risk using them in battle!! How very useful – an overpriced ornament?
No - The 4th. June 2009 was a sad day for Britain.
Do Please Circulate this IT MATTERS.
Regards, Greg L-W.
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Public Servants ACCOUNTABLE!*
*The corruption of s...
*This blog has moved to here, where the name has been changed to Turbulent
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#Doc040* - UKIP MANIFESTO - 2010
#Doc040* - UKIP MANIFESTO - 2010
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*Please Be Sure To** .[image: Follow Greg_LW on Twitter]. Re-TWEET my
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*& Signators. *
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*Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable! *
*The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership & NEC is what ...
this blog comprises some 157 pages as a .pdf but sadly they do NOT load to
Blogger so I have put this at your disposal for study as a rather hard to
*Clean Politics up NOW & make TRUTH electable!*
*The corruption of some Politicians is what gives the remaining 10% a bad
*Clean Politics up NOW & make Politicians electable!*
*The corruption of some Politiciansis what gives th...
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*From:*Greg Lance-Watkins
*Date:* 21/05/2008 18:43:18
*To:*EUroRealist - What IS Britain's Exit & Survival Strategy? List
*Subject:* & in The Year 1908
CATERPILLARS and BUTTERFLIES was named after the letter head I used for my EUkip News Letters.
My Name is: Greg LANCE-WATKINS I have been an active supporter of UKIP for well over 10 years, as I had hoped that they would get us out of the EU.
This is a blog of, where possible, factual information with my personal comments regarding UKIP which I consider more accurately named EUkip now that they seemingly have lost sight of the goal & gone native!
I started my Blogs when EUkip decided to use staff and sock puppets to attack first my News Letters and then me on Forums etc. When they decided to set up a Blog attacking me and with vituperate dishonesties, in order to suppress and distort the truth I enjoined their game.
DO Copy Any Facts YOU need to your blog with links to here please. The more links the better.
Attempts to suppress the freedom of speech by EUkip are expected to hide the truth. EVERY time they are able to shut a site 5 more mirror sites will open, hosted off shore. To ensure the truth gets out.
EUkip must not be allowed to suppress the FREEDOM Of SPEECH to hide the truth.
EUkip know me well and are welcome to contact me to correct any substantially inaccurate error I have made by mistake.
Enjoy the site & read back through the archive I add material at random by date order.
My eMail Address Is:
My Phone Number is:
44-1594 – 528 337 calls may be recorded & from witheld numbers are screened out.
Please mark eMails regarding this Blog with THE BLOG URL & NAME in the subject line & then the details.
For more details about me, IF you need them http://GregLanceWatkins.blogspot.com including contacts, biog, Publishing CAVEATS etc. + Copyright Info.
My primary UKIP related blog is:
ACCURACY on my many web sites, blogs & postings:
For full details see:
Most of my blogs post comments after moderation to delete spam, advertising, libel, abuse, foul language, pornography & gratuitous attacks by cowards too ashamed to put their name to their comment!
IF I can help or IF I have made an error that needs correcting let me know.