#393* - EUkip: 'They Say A Fool & His Money .....'
Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!
EUkip: 'They Say A Fool & His Money .....' BUT He Would Say That Wouldn't He!
Many of you may have received the mailing I made to several 1,000 people yesterday as follows:
Other than Greg@GlanceBack.Demon.co.UK
will I regret go straight into the spam box.
Having mailed almost 10,000 people I will TRY to reply if I can to any and all contacts!
You will find the article at:
Of serious significance - the attached proved difficult to include in a readable style in the blog but I felt you should see it to understand the gravity and complexity of the dishonesty and corruption in EUkip under the leadership of Nigel Farage and his placemen and cronies.
Do distribute widely, as John West deserves Justice, not bullying and a pack of lies from the corrupt in the leadership of EUkip. It seems all too clear that the lies levied against him are merely to suppress an honest man of no mean courage who is speaking out and exposing the corruption, dishonesty and self enrichment of some very dubious characters who have dishonestly seized control of EUkip.
These sordid people have trumped up false scenarios and happily bear false witness - is it any wonder so many good men and women have left EUkip, either forced out on lies and invented stories of BNP or the like or merely in disgust at the profligacy and financial plundering that seems endemic amongst the leadership.
Interestingly many who have questioned the accounts in any way have been lied about and forced out - John de Roeke, Petrina Holdsworth (who assisted in exposing apparent theft running to 10s of £1,000s), Richard Suchorzewski (who challenged 28 points in Andrew Smith's shoddy and dishonest accounts), Dr. Eric Edmond ex-Barnk of England economist (who dared to ask the extent of his liability as an NEC member).
There were others!
Consider the long long list of decent people who have been forced out or who like John Pratt the chairman of Wales have resigned for the sake of their reputation as with Prof. Tim Condon, Dr. Vernon Coleman, Sterling Moss (patron), Drew Belobaba (solicitor), Dr. David Abbott, Sir Patrick Moore (patron).
In fact since Nigel Farage seized control over 50% of the membership has departed and a huge tranche of 5 year memberships are about to run out that were 'created' through the Ashford scam.
If you want more details of EUkip and its scams just look through the almost 400 factual postings I have made at:
The details on the blog are ALL verifiable, not surprisingly they are avidly searched by EUkip's NEC, leadership, staff and lawyers for the slightest error that could be used to silence the truth!
I have made ONE mistake to date that has been brought to my attention and it was corrected within 15 minutes of verification and an apology made both privately and publicly.
There is ONE other error I spotted the other day, which I have not corrected yet as it is not of great consequence - I wonder if you can spot it ;-)
If you require further details or further provenance my full contact details can be found at:
Sorry, if you have not been keeping up with the facts about EUkip and its slide into the gutter there is rather a lot of homework to catch up on and it may come as something of a shock to you that something YOU like I did so much to support has turned rotten!
Greg L-W.
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I would like to thank the very very many people who wrote thanking me for continuing to fight for Britain and to expose the EUkip which many many of them felt had so betrayed them. Elderly people who had donated from their pensions only to find out those they were funding were spending more per bottle of wine than they earned per week.
It has been a sad duty responding to as many as I could and I am genuinely sorry that they were so basely duped.
I have also removed the 32 'e'Mail addresses that are no more. The 6 people who asked for me to remove their address from those mailing lists that will be done and the corrected addresses will be in use for next time.
I do apologise to the not inconsiderable number of people who contacted me (about 15 on these lists as I update them quite often) who contacted me to say their husband was no longer a member due to 'circumstances beyond their control'!
I am sorry for your loss and that, as several of you said, that their partner died betrayed by EUkip for whom they had had such hopes.
I did however receive ONE letter in opposition to exposing the corruption and dishonesty of EUkip's leadership - which I have posted in full below, in blue (small) I have then dealt with it item by item thereafter. I presume since there is fact after fact, detail after detail and example after example exposing dishonesty, corruption, self enrichment, bullying, lies etc. about EUkip leadership, NEC, MEPs and staff plus some supporters - one is forced to wonder why this ONE individual is prepared to stick his neck out in support of such dishonesty.
Text as received:
Hi Greg.
I do find you very sad and would recommend you attend an anger management course, I must be honest I do not know how you find the time to continually moan and complain about UKIP, the only non racist party trying to protect this country and its inhabitants from a fascist EU Parliament.
Do you think you could find some good in the party and praise the hard work and pressure suffered by our leader Nigel Farage, Mike Natrass and the other UKIP MEP's; you would not last five minutes with their work load. Please also consider the NEC and the numerous loyal workers in the party all trying hard to improve our MEP Election results.
Rather than pour out a continuous stream of puerile rubbish can I respectfully suggest you turn to religion, visit a psychiatrist or join the other rejected misfits who gain some satisfaction by clinging together in a corner and sharing each other's feelings in a mutual hug and joint satisfaction in issuing condemnation and interference with a genuine party rather than getting off their idle arses and doing something to help this country.
That is how I feel and thousands of people like me.
Sorry to say this but I do hope you have a bad day.
PS I will not grace any further outbursts with the courtesy of a reply.
In that this seems almost certainly to be, in the light of the 'e'Mail address and the links it provides, Brian Seymour husband of Jill Seymour the NEC member may I take the liberty of quoting Mandy Rice Davies, whom I am assured Brian is easily of an age to remember, who said 'Well he would say that wouldn't he'.
By the way I liked your web site ;-)
I was trying to work out what on earth anyone would use a while Land rover for in Britain!!
IF you are not that Brian Seymour in view of the location - I'd keep an eye on your wife if I were you, she isn't working in the pub again is she?
Brian Seymour said:
Hi Greg.
I do find you very sad and would recommend you attend an anger management course,
Which does rather show just how little you know or understand of what you are talking about - how foolish of you to undermine your opinion with such a clearly off base and gratuitous insult.
You make a fool of yourself before you even start - I note however that does not prevent you continuing similarly!
Brian Seymour said:
I must be honest I do not know how you find the time to continually moan and complain about UKIP,
Perhaps it is the work load you say in a sentence or two that I am unable to sustain. Joined up thinking rather than rant and childish offensiveness would make your comments more plausible.
Brian Seymour said:
the only non racist party trying to protect this country and its inhabitants from a fascist EU Parliament.
That it is itself a fascist party in the obscene manner in which its imbecilic NEC behaves and with a clear and undeniable lack of leadership - merely a dedication to centralised control and a clear contempt for members.
In what way do you see the treatment of Del Young as being non racist or the way in which Dr. J.T. Rajan was exploited. The idiocy of the anti Islamic maunderings of Gerard Batten seem rather at variance to your claim.
EUkip has much to be ashamed of not least of which is the way in which it has exploited and betrayed its grass roots UKIP members so many of whom are decent, honourable patriotic and determined people betrayed by their leadership and the revolting gaggle of rascals that remain on the NEC after so many decent people have been bullied off or lied about.
Sir, with respect I understand your desire to defend your wife - would that EUkip's leadership had such honourable motives.
Frankly I do not believe you have a clue what you are talking about.
Do you buy apples based on how red and shinny they are when in presentation mode or do you try to check for worms and maggots?
Brian Seymour said:
Do you think you could find some good in the party
I point out what is good in the party on a daily basis and in most of my many conversations and phone calls - it is the members, though they are much betrayed by the sordid solids that have floated to the top of the septic tank that is the leadership of EUkip.
Brian Seymour said:
and praise the hard work and pressure suffered by our leader Nigel Farage,
Just how long have you known Nigel Farage? You really have been snowed haven't you.
Do you take your sales reps. & salesmen's word for how hard they work or do you look at their figures and results.
Had it occured to you to use the same brain and the same standards that have kept your business afloat when you judge your public servants/politicians. Be minded that as an MEP one makes a clear £1,000,000 on scams in a single term and walk away with a disproportionate pension having spent at least 80% of the time on so called work scheming or working at getting re-elected.
What work precisely would you expect from one of your salesmen for some £300,000 a year + Bonuses?
What do you contend is the WORK that Farage or any other MEP does? It would not make a blind bit of difference if they did not turn up - save to their incomes! Work that achieves absolutely nothing is not relevantly called work!
Brian Seymour said:
Mike Natrass and the other UKIP MEP's;
Just what has Mike or any of the other MEPs actually done - what have they achieved? In a period when polls tell us 55% of the peoples of these United Kingdoms wish to leave the EU and some 80% of the balance wish to alter our links with the EU to erradicate the Political aspects and control - one must look on in astonishment at 12 MEPs with a spend of many £Millions who have managed to trash the membership (fallen by over 50% the best leaving, many dead remaining!), lose sight of the message, reduce the party to an irrelevant farce and average 1-3% in elections.
If that is the result of these idiotic clowns in their chicken suits and inflatable beach toys, whoring and drunken, with £Millions unaccounted and accounts a shambles, minded that the party faces a whole series of potential Court cases brought by people they have lied about, besmirched and attacked, Court cases for dishonesty, criminality and dishonourable behaviour.
A measure of just what filth runs EUkip is that they are reliant on a retired professional gambler to pay their bills for dishonesty and stupidity to a tune potentially of £1/2 > 1M and HOPE (falsely) that the Police, OLAF, The Data Protection Commissioner, The Information Commission and various individuals abused by the party will drop their claims.
Do you fondly believe that armed with an Official Report produced by The Returning Officer that clearly shows EUkip failed to act with honesty and integrity and ran an utterly corrupt selection election process that ANY Solicitor already armed with 'A Brief' would drop the case?
Do get real. You are a businessman, not a fantasist surely.
Brian Seymour said:
you would not last five minutes with their work load.
No I regret health precludes, beyond that since you know absolutely nothing of me other than the lies and spin you have been sold - what a foolish comment you silly old man.
Brian Seymour said:
Please also consider the NEC
The sooner the police and the authorities consider them the better.
Fortunately it is in hand on various fronts.
I understand entirely your instruction to your wife to persue the issue of transferring liability to a Limited Company however the record is such that Companies House & The Electoral Commission are well aware and liabilities beyond the joint and several liabbility of the NEC can not be transferred to the Company.
You may be unaware that Dr. Eric Edmond was NOT the first NEC member about whom the leadership dreamed up a totally dishonest pack of lies to remove them from the NEC for having asked Financial Questions - get Jill to look around her at the next NEC meeting and see if there was a single individual she would put in control of YOUR business were you unwell on a long term basis - there is not ONE I would trust to count the Church collection on a Sunday.
Brian Seymour said:
and the numerous loyal workers in the party all trying hard to improve our MEP Election results.
Yes it is terribly sad that they are so desparate that the most common comment is 'well what else' - You will note that even YOU merely put forward as your reasoning that there was no altertnative!
Can you say NOTHING positive about EUkip?
Brian Seymour said:
Rather than pour out a continuous stream of puerile rubbish
A rather childish and meaningless cheap shot Brian - just words.
Now back your abuse with fact. Below you will find almost 400 Blog postings containing facts, details, data, correspondence, provenance and reportage - do identify ANY that are inaccurate or as you sagaciously proclaim 'rubbish'.
If you consider exposing corruption and fighting for the liberation of these United Kingdoms over many years, accepting no payment and working at my own cost to be 'peurile' then sir there is no contempt that I can display that would measure the depth of your evil.
Brian Seymour said:
can I respectfully suggest you turn to religion, visit a psychiatrist or join the other rejected misfits who gain some satisfaction by clinging together in a corner and sharing each other's feelings in a mutual hug and joint satisfaction in issuing condemnation and interference with a genuine party rather than getting off their idle arses and doing something to help this country.
This comes across as a rather pointless self serving keyboard heroism - you make an idiot of yourself. I see no evidence that you have got off your idle arse as you so lyrically describe your behaviour - that does not mean you have not - I know not, just as you have not a clue what I have or have not done.
Let us see if you are man enough to apologise for your idiocy and offensive claims which clearly are founded on ill informed ignorance. Not your fault as such that you have been so easily duped but a fault of your judgement that you make such a fool of yourself.
Brian Seymour said:
That is how I feel and thousands of people like me.
That thousands of people like you is a matter of complete indifference to me and I'm sure that normally you are a pleasant enough chappie willing to fund your beliefs however misguided.
Brian Seymour said:
Sorry to say this but I do hope you have a bad day.
I hate to disappoint you but I had a rather pleasant day.
Brian Seymour said:
PS I will not grace any further outbursts with the courtesy of a reply.
I must say that is something of a relief as it is clear you have little worthy of note to say as it is obvious in political terms you are not only clearly illiterate but ill mannered to boot.
Sir, with respect may I suggest you do rather more and better research, before you produce more similar nonsense, that so belittles you. If you would care to ascertain facts rather than the rumour you are being fed - do by all means read through the rest of this blog and see if there is a single fact I should correct.
Do give me a call if you really wish to help our Country, by all means if you happen to be in this area, since Telford is not that far away, give me a call and we can meet, as I am happy to do ANYTHING based on fact and truth to liberate these United Kingdoms and restore meaningful democracy in a Sovereign free Nation with clearly defined borders.
I believe that if you really believe the silly letter you sent you are being conned rotten. So you paid for a dinner on HMS Belfast - in terms of the funding that achieved just how long would your business have lasted had you made a habit of making such crass investments?
Wake up, smell the coffee and start joining the dots!
What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.
Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.
The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!
To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:
*Force Politicians & Snivil Cervants To Remember They WORK FOR US; make
Public Servants ACCOUNTABLE!*
*The corruption of s...
5 years ago