Has Relaunched as http://ukip-vs-eukip.blogspot.com - The device of EUkip, used to keep material out of search engines, will cease in the light of the clearly systemic & endemic corruption, racism, sexual intolerance & self serving behaviour of UKIP’s leadership; aware of the malicious pursuit of individuals to suppress freedom of speech to hide the truth about UKIP the new blog will intentionally be less wordy thus no longer deliberately hiding facts & details.
Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership & NEC is what gives the remaining 10%a bad name! DOUGLAS DENNY BETRAYS HIS ASSOCIATES, HIS PARTY & HIS COUNTRY - DESELECTED BY THOSE WHO KNOW HIM BEST!
Denny has once again shown himself to lack integrity, morality or ethics. CLICK HERE or LINK HERE
Many will recall that although elected to the NEC by an ill informed membership he had been fired for dishonesty, untrustworthy behaviour and attempting to corrupt an election. Having been elected to the NEC it was a majority vote of the NEC which voted to remove him. Not based on false witness and trumped up claims as were dishonestly manufactured against Dr. David Abbott, aided by an agent of Searchlight, nor in the manner of dishonesty to hide the truth as brought against Dr. Eric Edmond - nor even for association with a guest of Nigel Farage's and for asking, as effective treasurer, for clarity of financial data as with Martin Hasslam.
Denny was voted out for undeniable and indeffensible corruption and dishonesty in the leadership election! A leadership election members had misguidedly entrusted to this dishonest little man - who to be fair was but one of the many who lied, cheated and colluded to seize the leadership for Farage - who could not in any state but Zimbabwe be claimed to have won a fair vote to become leader.
Denny was chucked out, by a democratic vote founded on established and proven and replaced by Geoffrey Kingscott as Returning Officer in the last leadership election sham! That Denny so besmirched the reputation of the NEC as to adopt the Communist style process of re-writting the minutes as has Malcolm Wood and also Hugh Williams within EUkip as clearly proven and shown elsewhere.
Denny is an inadequate and vicious little man without principles, willing readily to lie and cheat to curry favour with his puppet master.
Denny has openly attacked those who seek probity and transparency in the party and his public behaviour on forums such as that formerly called UKIP Forum has been dishonest and degrading for UKIP - much as it may have served him well personally and kept his master in comfort on the gravy train.
It is hard to find ANY action this odious little man could be commended for - he openly attacked the last credible Chairman, is clearly not only a know all of huge self interest but also a bully and busy body with a prodigious chip on his shoulder - sad in one so blinkered.
Denny, and those like him, that the undeniably corrupt Farage has gathered around him bring shame on the ethics and principles of what was UKIP. Such that however many votes the new befouled EUkip may gain they will be votes AGAINST the values of these United Kingdoms and a betrayal of Patriotism.
As there is clearly no Party of ethics and probity supporting us or our Country then let the EU & Local Elections and any election hence forth, until we are free and our Sovereign democracy and independence are restored, be a vote as a referendum.
A referendum to leave the EU and in opposition to the dishonest and duplicitous Lisbon Constitution.
Just write on YOUR ballot papers LEAVE THE EU
Do not fail to vote in either disgust or apathy.
Make YOUR VOTE count write: LEAVE THE EU
Risk being one of an honourable few in Britain but remember no British Politician has altered one significant phrase in either the CAP or CFP ever - despite every candidate stating that both the CFP & the CAP should be changed.
Britain WAS a democracy, whatever its faults - a Country both the indiginous peoples and the immigrants it sheltered and its friendas around the world valued and respected.
When EVERY SINGLE British Politician for 40 years promises to make a change yet finds they have absolutely no power or authority to represent our peoples, how can it be right that we are forced to remain and fund what can thus ONLY be seen as our enemy?
Even The President of Czechoslovakia makes it clear the EU of which HE IS PRESIDENT lacks democracy or integrity - for more details & a video of his spee ch to The EU CLICK HERE
Minded that this arrogant self important unelected little man - for all he emulates the strutting style of Adolf Hitler is openly attacking the speech of Vaclav Klaus the elected President of Czechoslovakia but also the President not of Klaus' toy parliament of parasites (Massively Expensive Parasites) bribed and pampered to buy them off as low grade sales reps fiddling their commission sheets unchecked but Mr. Klaus is The President of the EUropean Union - whatever one's opinion of that vile institution.
Pottering is a mere Snivil Cervant yet he clearly states and is unchallenged when he claims the EU Parliament is so important it makes 75% of all law in the EU (rather contrary to the treacherous Herr Corbett MEP and the treacherous criminal Mandelson Lord of The Fiddles).
However even the sordid little peacock Pottering failed to remind us, and we can be certain such as Straw, the Millipied brothers, Blears or any of the other aliens in our Government will not raise the matter - Be minded that Article 2 Section II of the ECA clearly states that it shall be the duty of The Minister concerned to enact law in compliance with the EU and to do so if need be (if Parliament would reject it? - G.L-W.) either by Statutory Instrument or by Order in Council!
Have you never wondered why so very many laws are enacted during Parliamentary recess?
So 75% of ALL British law is NOT enacted through Parliament at Westminster but by imposition as diktat from the clearly undemocratic EUropean Union! AND The balance of all law MUST comply with the diktats of The Council of the EU.
It matters not a jot who is elected - what matters is that those who seek election whether Labour, Conservative or Lib.Dim. will in the future need the votes of those who write:
LEAVE THE EU On their ballot papers - to gain seats in the future.
There is no other honourable way for a true Patriot of these United Kingdoms to vote be they of Caucasion, Asian or Negroid stock - If they do not value these United Kingdoms and their history, their language, their sacrifices, the opportunities, Justice, values, borders and care - whether they worship a spot on the end of their ****, a prophet, 3 Pansies in a vase, the flicker of Zorroastruism, christianity in any of its forms as with Islam or judaism, the moon, the sun (where ever that seems to hide) or like Gordon Brown a large pile of other people's money.
IF you do not value our values or wish to impose yours you are perfectly at liberty to leave, taking your intollerance and ingratitude with you.
Clearly there is only one honourable manner in which to vote if you value these United Kingdoms - Write on YOUR ballot paper:
Be a member of an honourable if select group who value their country above their self serving and corrupt Politicians who have clearly betrayed us. Enriching themselves at our expense.
TO LEAVE THE EU If you act alone but act honourably You have nothing to be ashamed of - YOU did YOUR best!
What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.
Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.
The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING! To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!
Regards, Greg L-W. 01291 – 62 65 62
I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country. Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples. Write Upon Your Ballot Paper: LEAVE THE EU ****: nose
*Force Politicians & Snivil Cervants To Remember They WORK FOR US; make
Public Servants ACCOUNTABLE!*
*The corruption of s...
*This blog has moved to here, where the name has been changed to Turbulent
Times. We are still publishing daily posts, covering a wide range of
topical ...
#Doc040* - UKIP MANIFESTO - 2010
#Doc040* - UKIP MANIFESTO - 2010
*UKIP Manifesto *
* Empowering the people*
In June 2009, the UK Independence Party (UKIP)
beat the ruling Lab...
What role UKIP?
Even in an uncertain world, certain predictions can be made with a high
possibility of them being correct. Thursday. May 5th, 2016, will be the
likely dat...
StolenKids - MARIE - GLASGOW
A new StolenKids blog has launched today in the sidebar.
Remember the aim of StolenKids is to give people an empowerment working
with others.
This yo...
Nigel Farage letter reveals concerns over fascism
Nigel Farage letter reveals concerns over fascism
*Please Be Sure To** .[image: Follow Greg_LW on Twitter]. Re-TWEET my
*& Publicise My Bl...
*& Signators. *
*The Declaration of Independence: A Transcription*
Marta Andreasen MEP Quits Nigel Farage’s UKIP
*Marta Andreasen MEP Quits Nigel Farage’s UKIP*
*Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable! *
*The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership & NEC is what ...
this blog comprises some 157 pages as a .pdf but sadly they do NOT load to
Blogger so I have put this at your disposal for study as a rather hard to
*Clean Politics up NOW & make TRUTH electable!*
*The corruption of some Politicians is what gives the remaining 10% a bad
*Clean Politics up NOW & make Politicians electable!*
*The corruption of some Politiciansis what gives th...
This page is just an overview.
To see a larger version of any of the leaflet pages just click on it.
To follow up in...
*From:*Greg Lance-Watkins
*Date:* 21/05/2008 18:43:18
*To:*EUroRealist - What IS Britain's Exit & Survival Strategy? List
*Subject:* & in The Year 1908
CATERPILLARS and BUTTERFLIES was named after the letter head I used for my EUkip News Letters.
My Name is: Greg LANCE-WATKINS I have been an active supporter of UKIP for well over 10 years, as I had hoped that they would get us out of the EU.
This is a blog of, where possible, factual information with my personal comments regarding UKIP which I consider more accurately named EUkip now that they seemingly have lost sight of the goal & gone native!
I started my Blogs when EUkip decided to use staff and sock puppets to attack first my News Letters and then me on Forums etc. When they decided to set up a Blog attacking me and with vituperate dishonesties, in order to suppress and distort the truth I enjoined their game.
DO Copy Any Facts YOU need to your blog with links to here please. The more links the better.
Attempts to suppress the freedom of speech by EUkip are expected to hide the truth. EVERY time they are able to shut a site 5 more mirror sites will open, hosted off shore. To ensure the truth gets out.
EUkip must not be allowed to suppress the FREEDOM Of SPEECH to hide the truth.
EUkip know me well and are welcome to contact me to correct any substantially inaccurate error I have made by mistake.
Enjoy the site & read back through the archive I add material at random by date order.
My eMail Address Is:
My Phone Number is:
44-1594 – 528 337 calls may be recorded & from witheld numbers are screened out.
Please mark eMails regarding this Blog with THE BLOG URL & NAME in the subject line & then the details.
For more details about me, IF you need them http://GregLanceWatkins.blogspot.com including contacts, biog, Publishing CAVEATS etc. + Copyright Info.
My primary UKIP related blog is:
ACCURACY on my many web sites, blogs & postings:
For full details see:
Most of my blogs post comments after moderation to delete spam, advertising, libel, abuse, foul language, pornography & gratuitous attacks by cowards too ashamed to put their name to their comment!
IF I can help or IF I have made an error that needs correcting let me know.