The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!
Clearly now Mark Croucher is acting for and on behalf of EUkip as shown in various ways - Firstly his tenacity in making a fool of himself on a serial basis attacking me when a misguided perception can only be seen as of benefit to EUkip in suppressing the publication of substantiated facts about EUkip by myself.
Seemingly colluding with EUkip in a dishonest attempt at extortion.
Persuing and defaming people based on no substantive evidence yet repeatedly making the same defamatory statements - aided by Brendan Padmore on Anthony Butcher's corrupt Forum, which provides him with almost as duplicitous a platform as the very common man does, which is widely believed in its surrilous anonimity and serial duplicity to be Mark Croucher acting through a pseudonym or assosciate to further harm EUkip.
Being supplied with relevant internal legal documents - idiotic as they may well be! Shows beyond reasonable doubt that Croucher's sordid behaviour is rewarded by EUkip as he has absolutely no personal claim to a right to information nor any moral right to distort and misrepresent to defame the actions of decent and honourable individuals.
That Mark Croucher is assisted in his underhand and duplicitous behaviour by the bufoon Bob Feel Martinis who has done so much to harm UKIP and its reputation by supporting and thus colluding in corruption - together with the liar and cheat Mick McGough who has been shown beyond doubt to be a liar for his own personal gain CLICK HERE
It is clear that croucher is being supplied with legal advice given to EUkip - presumably by Rachel Oxley as even Ma Zucherman the claimed Solicitor and Party Secretary would not, surely, be so crass as to have wasted time producing this foolish document, albeit Croucher, in his duplicity, may have selectively quoted from the document!
Clearly the advice is crass as it is founded on assumptions when it is perfectly clear to all mut a malicious interpretation that a genuine effort was made by merely ONE individual to provide some assistance to any private individual unable to sustain their persuit of justice against an undeniably corrupt organisation namely EUkip - with seemingly unlimited access to members funds and funds from the tax payer with which to bully and intimidate decent people and cheat for its own ends - that they have cheated and corrupted due process is beyond all reasonable doubt CLICK HERE
That their senior members have lied and cheated is undeniable.
Further that they have indulged in Witness Intimidation is unarguable.
That they have on provable occasions been prepared to bear false witness and distort fact to suit their personal gain is attested to.
We now have further attempts to defame and bully.
I would contend that this shows beyond all reasonable doubt that EUkip leadership, NEC, MEPs and senior staff have shown themselves unfit for any public office.
Should anyone wish to proceed against EUkip via The Police, OLAF, The Electoral Commission, Data Protection Commission, Standards in Public Life or any similar body please be advised and absolutely certain that there is not one word in the entirety of this Blog revealing fact after fact after fact of the behaviour of EUkip that I would not be willing to attest to in any Court of Law, in the context in which I presented the material.
I am happy to have any version I may have posted used as evidence as I have NEVER set out to decieve, lie or dissemble - nor defame any individual without substance. Nor make any alteration other than to correct facts or clarify the meaning/intent of my posting.
& NEC is what gives the remaining 10%
a bad name!
Clearly now Mark Croucher is acting for and on behalf of EUkip as shown in various ways - Firstly his tenacity in making a fool of himself on a serial basis attacking me when a misguided perception can only be seen as of benefit to EUkip in suppressing the publication of substantiated facts about EUkip by myself.
Seemingly colluding with EUkip in a dishonest attempt at extortion.
Persuing and defaming people based on no substantive evidence yet repeatedly making the same defamatory statements - aided by Brendan Padmore on Anthony Butcher's corrupt Forum, which provides him with almost as duplicitous a platform as the very common man does, which is widely believed in its surrilous anonimity and serial duplicity to be Mark Croucher acting through a pseudonym or assosciate to further harm EUkip.
Being supplied with relevant internal legal documents - idiotic as they may well be! Shows beyond reasonable doubt that Croucher's sordid behaviour is rewarded by EUkip as he has absolutely no personal claim to a right to information nor any moral right to distort and misrepresent to defame the actions of decent and honourable individuals.
That Mark Croucher is assisted in his underhand and duplicitous behaviour by the bufoon Bob Feel Martinis who has done so much to harm UKIP and its reputation by supporting and thus colluding in corruption - together with the liar and cheat Mick McGough who has been shown beyond doubt to be a liar for his own personal gain CLICK HERE
It is clear that croucher is being supplied with legal advice given to EUkip - presumably by Rachel Oxley as even Ma Zucherman the claimed Solicitor and Party Secretary would not, surely, be so crass as to have wasted time producing this foolish document, albeit Croucher, in his duplicity, may have selectively quoted from the document!
Clearly the advice is crass as it is founded on assumptions when it is perfectly clear to all mut a malicious interpretation that a genuine effort was made by merely ONE individual to provide some assistance to any private individual unable to sustain their persuit of justice against an undeniably corrupt organisation namely EUkip - with seemingly unlimited access to members funds and funds from the tax payer with which to bully and intimidate decent people and cheat for its own ends - that they have cheated and corrupted due process is beyond all reasonable doubt CLICK HERE
That their senior members have lied and cheated is undeniable.
Further that they have indulged in Witness Intimidation is unarguable.
That they have on provable occasions been prepared to bear false witness and distort fact to suit their personal gain is attested to.
We now have further attempts to defame and bully.
I would contend that this shows beyond all reasonable doubt that EUkip leadership, NEC, MEPs and senior staff have shown themselves unfit for any public office.
Should anyone wish to proceed against EUkip via The Police, OLAF, The Electoral Commission, Data Protection Commission, Standards in Public Life or any similar body please be advised and absolutely certain that there is not one word in the entirety of this Blog revealing fact after fact after fact of the behaviour of EUkip that I would not be willing to attest to in any Court of Law, in the context in which I presented the material.
I am happy to have any version I may have posted used as evidence as I have NEVER set out to decieve, lie or dissemble - nor defame any individual without substance. Nor make any alteration other than to correct facts or clarify the meaning/intent of my posting.
Naturally in view of the ease with which EUkip have been raising money to fund their self enrichment scam as MEPs and their parasites has given them the realisation that the so called defence fund is now so large financial advisers have advocated holdings in Gold via Swiss Bankers - and one who is all too well aware of EUkip's corruption may well assist us as he is domicile in Zurich!

However do read this scurrilous material from EUkip and its agents seemingly desperate to prevent any blockage on their way to the troughs of the EU, where as we know an MEP can easily trouser £1,000,000 in a single term at the expense of the tax payer leaving much slack to fund associates invest in wine, buy pubs for retirement, pay wives, fund mistresses, purchase prostitutes, enrich their pensions and all at the tax payers expense for more details on the self enrichment programme that is the incentive for such reprehensible behaviour as shown by Croucher and others CLICK HERE:

However do read this scurrilous material from EUkip and its agents seemingly desperate to prevent any blockage on their way to the troughs of the EU, where as we know an MEP can easily trouser £1,000,000 in a single term at the expense of the tax payer leaving much slack to fund associates invest in wine, buy pubs for retirement, pay wives, fund mistresses, purchase prostitutes, enrich their pensions and all at the tax payers expense for more details on the self enrichment programme that is the incentive for such reprehensible behaviour as shown by Croucher and others CLICK HERE:
In order to overcome the suggestion in
(No (a) above would seem to be quoted! G.L-W.)
(a) above, Mr Lance Watkins then modified the call for funds.
Initially, it was suggested that numbered receipts would be issued to all donors.
In light of the information in (a), this was subsequently changed to the issuance of anonymous receipts, making the donors difficult if not impossible to trace, and thus assisting them in evading their liability in the event of an unsuccessful legal action.
The ultimate loser in this plan would be UKIP, should it successfully defend a legal action brought by beneficiaries of the fund, as it would then be unable to recoup its legal costs.
(Nonsense - the claim for costs, in the unlikely event that the individual being persecuted by EUkip lost any case they may bring, would, if awarded, be claimed against the plaintiff)
The controllers of this fund (in the form of a steering committee) were then listed as being Dr Eric Edmonds, Mr Niall Warry, Mr John & Mrs Alison West.
The assumption is that Mr Greg Lance Watkins would join these individuals.
The assumption is that Mr Greg Lance Watkins would join these individuals.
Evasion of Liability
The starting point is the Doctrine of Evasion, a fundamental public policy. In essence, it states, “Whereas a person may legitimately plan his or her affairs so as to avoid the incidence of obligations or liabilities imposed by the law, no-one is allowed to evade the operation of otherwise mandatory provisions once duties and liabilities have been properly imposed or incurred”.
If we accept that the intention of the fund was to evade the liability of individual members, then clearly an offence has been committed. In actual fact, these offences are of a criminal nature, and consist of fraud, conspiracy to defraud and money laundering Fraud Act 2006 C35 Section 3 states:
3 Fraud by failing to disclose information A person is in breach of this section if he—
(a) dishonestly fails to disclose to another person information which he is under a legal duty to disclose, and
(b) intends, by failing to disclose the information—
(i) to make a gain for himself or another, or
(ii) to cause loss to another or to expose another to a risk of loss.
Criminal Justice Act 1987 Section 12 (1) states:
If (a) a person agrees with any other person or persons that a course of conduct shall be pursued;
and (b) that course of conduct will necessarily amount to or involve the commission of any offence or offences by one or more of the parties to the agreement if the agreement is carried out in accordance with their intentions, the fact that it will do so shall not preclude a charge of conspiracy to defraud being brought against any of them in respect of the agreement.
Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 C29 Part 7 Section 327
(3) states:Concealing or disguising criminal property includes concealing or disguising its nature, source, location, disposition, movement or ownership or any rights with respect to it.
Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 C29 Part 7 Section 328
(1) states:A person commits an offence if he enters into or becomes concerned in an arrangement which he knows or suspects facilitates (by whatever means) the acquisition, retention, use or control of criminal property by or on behalf of another person.
Nothing in the above precludes the possiblity of other legislation being contravened, particularly political legislation, ie Political Parties, Elections & Referndums Act, but the focus of this report has been on criminal law.
To view the original posting of this crass extract posted on behalf of EUkip by Mark Croucher on a public Forum CLICK HERE
To view the original posting of this crass extract posted on behalf of EUkip by Mark Croucher on a public Forum CLICK HERE
This is a staggering revelation of the incompetence of EUkip and their fundamental dishonesty in asking a gullible and ill informed public to vote for them.
Clearly they are wasting a huge amount of member's money (when you appreciate that to form and set up a Limited Company can be done for under a couple of hundred Pounds yet they were instructed to allocate £10,000+vat for the task by Ma Zucherman for the task - it was only the intervention of Del Young that resulted in the request being turned down and subsequently Ma Zucherman gained £5,000+vat) Minded of the cost of lawyers when using amateurs to appoint them imagine the cost of this opinion, when you consider it seemingly is but an extract!)
Clearly they are wasting a huge amount of member's money (when you appreciate that to form and set up a Limited Company can be done for under a couple of hundred Pounds yet they were instructed to allocate £10,000+vat for the task by Ma Zucherman for the task - it was only the intervention of Del Young that resulted in the request being turned down and subsequently Ma Zucherman gained £5,000+vat) Minded of the cost of lawyers when using amateurs to appoint them imagine the cost of this opinion, when you consider it seemingly is but an extract!)
As was originally admitted on the request for funds to help cover the costs of the Wests legal actions, donors to a legal expenses fund are liable for costs in the event of an unsuccessful action.
To avoid donors having to cover this cost, the fund was specifically set up so as to anonymise donors, making them impossible to trace.
The only potential loser in this set up was UKIP, who would remain out of pocket even if they won their case as their costs could not be recovered.
It has already been discussed elsewhere how the fund, despite collecting for the Wests, failed to hand over any of the money. And how despite the fund being 'anonymous', Niall Warry was supposedly able to contact the donors.
One question remains, which is why Snipped-Watkins substantially altered the text on his original call for funds to remove most references to the anonymity granted to donors. One possible answer could come from the following report:
This item above was prefixed to the idiotic and amateur opinion led by EUkip's appointed adviser as quoted.
This however followed it as the malicious and mendacious Croucher's summary!
Could this be the reason why Petrina refused to participate in the fund, because its basis was founded on criminal actions and evasions of legal liabilities, the precedent for which was set by Tolstoy v Aldington? Are the perpetrators of this fund guilty of fraud, while the donors are guilty of conspiracy to defraud? Clearly Liar-Watkins knew there was a legal liability to cover costs in the event of an unsuccessful action, as that was the point of anonymising the fund. Did he incite the commission of a crime with the terms of the fund? Is he now trying to cover his tracks by substantially altering the original posting?RgdsM
Mark Croucher is in fact libelling individuals but as it is understood that he has all but nothing to his name and has NEVER acted honourably or been seen to in this matter or related matters it is unlikely that anyone could be bothered taking action as it is likely a Court would merely state 'consider the source'!
Mark Croucher has built himself a reputation over many years, as can be shown withing EUkip and on their Web Site, as an unreliable and duplicitous witness. Quite clearly inm the hands of a fool a little knowledge claimed is a dangerous thing! Yet again he The BFM and Mick McGough have brought EUkip into disrepute.
Seemingly, based on the most febrile of claims, EUkip through their agents seek to carry out a vendetta. They may have noticed that when there were attacks on me and others I count as friends I commenced a widespread broadcast of facts exposing EUkip's corruption.
EUkip and its surrogates saw fit to make fatuous and dishonest quasi legal threats and so I increased the output of facts.
EUkip lied and bullied the weak and unethical Anthony Butcher who abused his position and supported by the dishonest and morally reprehensible behaviour of Brendan Padmore chose to dishonourably act against me without legitimate grounds. I raised the output publishing additional EUkip documentation.
That I was lied about and misrepresented without any right of reply and claims already cleared were repeated by the intellectually challenged Bob Feel Martinis whose propensity for Mangling the English language has become a joke - yet we note on occasions his handlers write coherent comment for him, and the repetitive duplicity of McGough who is proven a liar and a cheat together with Croucher, Denny and others - has merely raised the stakes.
That EUkip endorsed the oh so common man in a series of particularly unpleasant comments about honourable people based on no material facts and so I have expanded my presence on thhe Blogs.
I seek no office - merely that Justice is seen to be done with the soliciting of donations from honest men and women of integrity to aid people oppressed by a proven corrupt large organisation clearly has scared the corrupt and challenged their route to the troughs on the gravy train!
Were the posturings and idiocy of EUkip's behaviour genuine I am sure after at least 300 postings by me exposing fact after fact to the best of my personal ability would clearly - if my revelations were untrue have led to legal action to silence me. Howver as not one word have I stated wittingly defaming anyone or bearing false witness.
These people are beneath contempt and I guess since my actions have been proven factually correct and their only defence is to seek to defame me personally and other honourable individuals perhaps we may need to raise the stakes.
I do not believe there is any place for liars and cheats in British Politics and I would and have taken the same actions against individuals of ALL parties when they have come to light as can be proven.
I do not believe that ANY of EUkip's leading candidates are fit for office - I believe them to be corrupt, dishonest and duplicitous.
That EUkip dares to claim WE seek to enrich ourselves fraudullently when seemingly that is their sole purpose politically! One need only read their last set of minutes wherein the did not mention a single matter of political consequence, merely how they can get back on The Gravy Train and how they can silence the truth and manage information internally - You ain't seen nothing yet!

It is interesting to note that as example EUkip stooped so low as to cite the underhand and duplicitous EUkip PPC Tolstoy (have they no shame - for further details CLICK HERE)as their prescedent and were forced to distort ECHR as of some relevance to my attempt to assist any individual oppressed by the corrupt and dis leadership, NEC and senior supporters of EUkip who have all, without question colluded in dishonesty and corruption.
I would rather be ruled by the EU than betrayed by EUkip.
It is my opinion that denied the pretence of democracy provided by the EU bribing EUkip as usefull idiots we are within our legal rights to take any action we see fit to redeem our independent sovereignty, Justice and the fundamental human risht of self determination.
In that EUkip's MEPs have done virtually nothing of value towards liberating these United Kingdoms in the 15+ years of the party and the election of 15 MEPs over 10 years save only as advised CLICK HERE enrich 15 individuals as £Millionaires - individuals who to a man have acted duplicitously, venally, dishonourably or stupidlt in betrayal of the principles it was perceived they were elected upon.
EUkip would be wise to clean up its own act where seemingly over £1,000,000 have gone missing, one must assume trousered, the accounts are a shambles, the selection of candidates was shamefull in its dishonesty, the present treasurer has as little integrity as each of those since John de Roeke left.
One must ask oneself if there is not one single one of these low lifes you can trust why would one vote for such people.
We do note that now out of self interest they seek a router back to the self enrichment scams where they have proved UTTERLY inefectual and unfit for purpose - yet we note they intend to invest a great deal in their personal re-election I am informed one candidate so enjoyed the ride on the gravy train that he intend to put £50,000 into his own campaign as it will pay dividends - hardly surprising when we are given to believe he may have made over £1,000,000 on his firast ride.
Need I say more?
Perhaps the imbeciles shoul;d report to a police station if they are so convinced that some misdemeanour has occurred.
Put up or shut up and return to the slime in the gutter from whence you came.
No fraud has been committed nor was any fraud to aid those oppressed dishonestly by EUkip. The matter of the fund are absolutely none of your business.
Perhaps whilst on the subject of dishonesty you might advise whether Nigel Farage has returned the money stolen by Tom Wise that was given to him to pay off his personal debt to Tom Wise's accomplace Lindsay Jenkins as reported in the media. We note having been under arrest since last June Tom Wise surrenders to bail on the 26th. I understand.
Mark Croucher has built himself a reputation over many years, as can be shown withing EUkip and on their Web Site, as an unreliable and duplicitous witness. Quite clearly inm the hands of a fool a little knowledge claimed is a dangerous thing! Yet again he The BFM and Mick McGough have brought EUkip into disrepute.
Seemingly, based on the most febrile of claims, EUkip through their agents seek to carry out a vendetta. They may have noticed that when there were attacks on me and others I count as friends I commenced a widespread broadcast of facts exposing EUkip's corruption.
EUkip and its surrogates saw fit to make fatuous and dishonest quasi legal threats and so I increased the output of facts.
EUkip lied and bullied the weak and unethical Anthony Butcher who abused his position and supported by the dishonest and morally reprehensible behaviour of Brendan Padmore chose to dishonourably act against me without legitimate grounds. I raised the output publishing additional EUkip documentation.
That I was lied about and misrepresented without any right of reply and claims already cleared were repeated by the intellectually challenged Bob Feel Martinis whose propensity for Mangling the English language has become a joke - yet we note on occasions his handlers write coherent comment for him, and the repetitive duplicity of McGough who is proven a liar and a cheat together with Croucher, Denny and others - has merely raised the stakes.
That EUkip endorsed the oh so common man in a series of particularly unpleasant comments about honourable people based on no material facts and so I have expanded my presence on thhe Blogs.
I seek no office - merely that Justice is seen to be done with the soliciting of donations from honest men and women of integrity to aid people oppressed by a proven corrupt large organisation clearly has scared the corrupt and challenged their route to the troughs on the gravy train!
Were the posturings and idiocy of EUkip's behaviour genuine I am sure after at least 300 postings by me exposing fact after fact to the best of my personal ability would clearly - if my revelations were untrue have led to legal action to silence me. Howver as not one word have I stated wittingly defaming anyone or bearing false witness.
These people are beneath contempt and I guess since my actions have been proven factually correct and their only defence is to seek to defame me personally and other honourable individuals perhaps we may need to raise the stakes.
I do not believe there is any place for liars and cheats in British Politics and I would and have taken the same actions against individuals of ALL parties when they have come to light as can be proven.
I do not believe that ANY of EUkip's leading candidates are fit for office - I believe them to be corrupt, dishonest and duplicitous.
That EUkip dares to claim WE seek to enrich ourselves fraudullently when seemingly that is their sole purpose politically! One need only read their last set of minutes wherein the did not mention a single matter of political consequence, merely how they can get back on The Gravy Train and how they can silence the truth and manage information internally - You ain't seen nothing yet!

It is interesting to note that as example EUkip stooped so low as to cite the underhand and duplicitous EUkip PPC Tolstoy (have they no shame - for further details CLICK HERE)as their prescedent and were forced to distort ECHR as of some relevance to my attempt to assist any individual oppressed by the corrupt and dis leadership, NEC and senior supporters of EUkip who have all, without question colluded in dishonesty and corruption.
I would rather be ruled by the EU than betrayed by EUkip.
It is my opinion that denied the pretence of democracy provided by the EU bribing EUkip as usefull idiots we are within our legal rights to take any action we see fit to redeem our independent sovereignty, Justice and the fundamental human risht of self determination.
In that EUkip's MEPs have done virtually nothing of value towards liberating these United Kingdoms in the 15+ years of the party and the election of 15 MEPs over 10 years save only as advised CLICK HERE enrich 15 individuals as £Millionaires - individuals who to a man have acted duplicitously, venally, dishonourably or stupidlt in betrayal of the principles it was perceived they were elected upon.
EUkip would be wise to clean up its own act where seemingly over £1,000,000 have gone missing, one must assume trousered, the accounts are a shambles, the selection of candidates was shamefull in its dishonesty, the present treasurer has as little integrity as each of those since John de Roeke left.
One must ask oneself if there is not one single one of these low lifes you can trust why would one vote for such people.
We do note that now out of self interest they seek a router back to the self enrichment scams where they have proved UTTERLY inefectual and unfit for purpose - yet we note they intend to invest a great deal in their personal re-election I am informed one candidate so enjoyed the ride on the gravy train that he intend to put £50,000 into his own campaign as it will pay dividends - hardly surprising when we are given to believe he may have made over £1,000,000 on his firast ride.
Need I say more?
Perhaps the imbeciles shoul;d report to a police station if they are so convinced that some misdemeanour has occurred.
Put up or shut up and return to the slime in the gutter from whence you came.
No fraud has been committed nor was any fraud to aid those oppressed dishonestly by EUkip. The matter of the fund are absolutely none of your business.
Perhaps whilst on the subject of dishonesty you might advise whether Nigel Farage has returned the money stolen by Tom Wise that was given to him to pay off his personal debt to Tom Wise's accomplace Lindsay Jenkins as reported in the media. We note having been under arrest since last June Tom Wise surrenders to bail on the 26th. I understand.
What is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU. It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our border.
NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty.
Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants.
The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!
To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country.
Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper: