The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership
& NEC is what givesthe remaining 10%
a bad name!
with Chepstow race course on my doorstep it is a good thing I have NEVER been into betting on rather stupid horses with midgets on their backs running around in circles on pre planned outcomes!
There was much merit in having a meeting in the central part of the Eastern Region and stating its outcome as The Newmarket Declaration with 20 Constituencies making a declaration.
I bring in the allusion to Horse Racing as like any horse I might back I can assume it would still be running having set out on the 29th. September 2009 at Newmarket - EUkip's corrupt and incompetent leadership and Farage's little puppet are finaly getting around to getting their revenge for the timerity of Branch Chairmen and representatives having the timerity to question their god like self importance as leaders!
The Declaration, which can be found elsewhere on this Blog - I suggest that you just type Newmarket Declaration into The Search Box, top LEFT, and that will provide you with the entries to date on the subject that will take you to Click Here
The Covering Letter and Declaration were as follows:
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 10:21 PM
Subject: UKIP 2008.
Dear Mr Nuttall and NEC members,
Last Saturday, 27th September, there was a meeting in Newmarket of UKIP Activists from the Eastern Counties, chaired by myself, Martin Harvey. I am chairman of the Broxbourne and Harlow UKIP branch.
The agenda was a positive one to do with campaigning for maximum effect at all elections. After the first two agenda items had been completed, I realised that the problems within the Party were dominating the discussion, and a vote was taken that determined that the problems be debated in order to clear the air so that usual business could continue.
The ensuing debate produced a declaration that received unanimous support from the meeting, and I set out that declaration below.
The Newmarket Declaration.
At a meeting of Eastern Counties Branch Chairmen representing twenty one Constituencies, Branch Officers and Members, at Newmarket on 27th September 2008,
The following points were resolved;
The Eastern Counties regional committee is constituted contrary to its own binding rules, therefore its decisions since its inception, including the MEP selection process, have been and `are unlawful.
The dissolution of the existing committee and the establishment of a new committee in accordance with UKIP rules, be effected forthwith.
That such election be overseen by an impartial independent body.
We note seriously the grave reservations of Piers Merchant, in his official capacity as official returning Officer about the conduct of the Eastern Counties Selection Proceedures.Newmarket 27th September 2008
To see this in situ and in context Click Here
After a month not a word was heard from the self seekers in leadership! Gollom had gone to ground, Titford had of course moved to Sussex and he was now under investigation on several counts by the Police in the region - one of which was considered of sufficient gravity that the Police have passed the file to OLAF for further investigation and when OLAF complete the investigation (look how long it has taken with Tom Wise also with Clark and with Farage in their own various OLAF and Police investigations).Nothing was heard from the usurper as Regional Organiser who was much too busy Organising the Region for his and his mistresses personal gain.
- nor from Farage's puppet NuttAll, no doubt taking the Farage line of ignore it and it will go away.
Of course Farage has been consistently wrong on this addage! The money seemingly fiddled at Ashford hasn't gone away, the money seemingly trousered (£170,000) in Wales hasn't gone away, The £211,000 that was listed as 'Other Expenses' in his Lyminster Office still seems to have been trousered, then there is the £250,000+ that would seem to have been trousered when obtained from the tax payers for a Petition that Farage, Lott & others never held.
Martin Harvey requested the attendance of Farage's placeman NuttAll to answer the questions brought up by the Newmarket Declaration of 29th. September.
Finally after much manoeuvering, bullying, posturing and the dishonest removal of members - the odious and incompetent NuttAll has engineered a meeting that HE will chair - presumably to ask himself questions!
This Ugly little meeting will be attended by members SELECTED by the defendant NuttAll - appositely it is to be held in Ugley in Essex, many miles from Newmarket and far less convenient in some Roadside Tavern called The Chequers.
The meeting will be at 10.30hrs. on Saturday 17th. January - over 3.1/2 months late!
In attendance will be the uninvited and illigitimate liar, cheat and fraudDavid Bannerman who lied and cheated to con his way into top place on the dishonest listing of candidates (See: Returning Officer's Report) - David Bannerman has consitently brought EUkip into disrepute with his lies and serial dishonesty but as an ex Tory Plant currently salaried by the EU it is hardly surprising he cares not what damage he does to EUroRealism and I note that he has now parachuted in another dead beat and incompetent Tory failure Ken Irvine who brings no relevant expertise save experience of his own failures, yet is risibly titled 'Campaign Manager' for the EU elections - what a joke he showed himself to be at Lextrum House last week.
He couldn't even catch the right train! He showed he hadn't a clue what he was doing and almost lost EUkip agreements which John Bufton had obtained and he clearly hadn't costed anything as he glibbly talked of £1/4 Millions of other people's money - the man is a rascal - but look at his masters!
Well Martin and the few who are willing to make the effort to turn up to this self serving charade managed and manipulated by rascalls for their personal gain - I suggest the honest folk who do turn up say not a word but record every lie from the self important staffers. Say not a word as they are looking for reasons to fire anyone who actually wants to actively oppose oure membership of the EU as with John West, Dr. David Abbott, Niall Warry, Dr. Eric Edmond, Petrina Holdsworth, Robin Page, Geoffrey Collier etc. etc. all of whom find their elected positions or membership under threat - yet you will note NuttAll, Arnott and the discreditted Marta Andreasen are neither of stature, substance nor elected and Bannerman is just a two bit Tory failure and petty con man.
I wonder who will turn up who can be trusted

Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians and Snivil Cervants.The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!
To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future!
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country.Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Diktat is imposed from The EU but Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.
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