Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!
This was mailed to me this morning from Butcher's list - which I gather has devolved into a propaganda site for corruption and the lies and distortions of EUkip with spam RSS and serial posting.
I gather the odious and duplicitous Croucher has been functioning, as ever, as the errand boy with his lies and poison.
The item below was no doubt stirred up by his dishonesty.
Today, 12:08 AM
#88 (permalink)
Independent UKIP
Uber Member
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: London
Posts: 2,466
Originally Posted by Geoffrey Collier
Defence funds appertaining to such people is not of any interest to me, or for that matter, others.
Why on earth not? Who precisely are the "others" you have in mind? It has everything to do with UKIP. Mr Lance-Watkins was I believe formerly very close to Mr Farage. Mr Warry was top of the UKIP list in Wales for the 1999 European elections and successfully or otherwise wishes to remain an UKIP member. Edmond is still I believe a party member and is a former or current member of the UKIP NEC depending on your perspective. He was undoubtedly elected to that committee. I'm sure you will make me see sense as to how matters relating to UKIP which concern those 3 individuals all very closely associated with UKIP are quite correctly not of any interest to you who has such interest in how UKIP operates. Thanks.
A pity that the poster lacks the integrity to put his name to his challenge but let me see if I can assist him.
Why on earth not?
Really it is quite simple - it is none of your godammed business.
Who precisely are the "others" you have in mind?
ANY Others - it has been made abundantly clear that anyone wishing to support those who have been attacked and dishonestly abused by Nigel Farage and his undeniably corrupt claque of cheats and liars forming his leadership team and support group may phone the numbers which were published to make personal arrangements to make donations towards the costs of the victims.
It has everything to do with UKIP.
No not a thing - it has to do with those who value Justice, honesty and have an abhorrance of bullying. If YOU are unhappy about the integrity of those involved then DO NOT make a donation - give youir money to the liars, cheats, disemblers and crooks in EUkip!!
Mr Lance-Watkins was I believe formerly very close to Mr Farage.
My position regarding Farage has NEVER altered - I have ALWAYS promoted him where possible as UKIP's only consistent assett but UTTERLY unfit for leadership and incompetent to lead or manage - as trustworthy as a cart full of monkeys and totally without morality. UKIP's greatest assett and EUkip's greatest liability.
A barrow boy without ANY Officer qualities too glib, too weak and too self centred to lead but a good performing monkey based on slick sound bites in compensation for competence, plausibility or gravitas.
Mr Warry was top of the UKIP list in Wales for the 1999 European elections
As I recall having been a candidate with the Referendum Party he joined UKIP and became Chairman of Wales - after the election as I recall having sold his Pub and House in Wales he moved to Cheltenham and was elected Branch Chairman and remained there until his recent relocation.
and successfully or otherwise wishes to remain an UKIP member.
A man of unimpeachable integrity who after a military career in service wishes to see our Country Independent and Free in control of its own borders and destiny. Out of the EU and believes this can ONLY be achieved if EUkip is cleaned up with plausible accounts and accountable officers answering an elected NEC of some calibre.
Edmond is still I believe a party member and is a former or current member of the UKIP NEC depending on your perspective.
I believe if someone has EARNED a Doctorate they are entitled to the respect of it being used and EUkip is much demeaned by the constant denigration of ability, intelligence, competence and intellect just because of the shamefull calibre of trash, liars, cheats and self seekers on its NEC and leadership team.
He was undoubtedly elected to that committee.
And has without doubt been lied about, attacked and disgracefully treated in the service of the few remaining decent folk in UKIP to make way for the greed, corruption and incompetence that now has risen like scum in EUkip.
I'm sure you will make me see sense
That Sir will be a reflection on your integrity and values not upon those you seek to challenge.
as to how matters relating to UKIP which concern those 3 individuals all very closely associated with UKIP are quite correctly not of any interest to you who has such interest in how UKIP operates. Thanks.
I trust that clarifies the matter for you.
Simply put - unless you wish to contribute to the cleaninfg up of EUkip to remove the rotten head and make UKIP once more electable for decent men and women of integrity removing the liars, cheats and disgracefull trash Farage has gathered around him the matter is of absolutely no concern of yours.
Further - a measure of the dishonesty of such as Croucher may well prove visible to you when you note that I made it clear from the start that I had no intention of ANY involvement with ANY money and have pointed out that whatever stories the liars and cheats surrounding Farage may choose to invent about me - I put my name to every item I write, I am available by phone or eMail, I have offered not only to stand by EVERY FACT I have led and to do so in public whereas the filth that has risen in EUkip and the likes of Butcher & Padmore in providing them with unchallenged platforms all too often act in concert and in anonimity.
To understand how gross would be a Britain with EUkip MPs merely look at how their leadership and its supporters act - look at the corruption, dishonesty, unaccountability - the £100s of £1,000s that have seemingly been trousered, the fact that their internal elections aren't even trusted by their members.
Can you name a single member of the leadership team you would give a serious, responsible executive job to? Would you trust them with YOUR business and YOUR money?
Have you noted just how few of the leadership of EUkip and its NEC have EVER had a serious major job? Name the CEO! Identify the Director of a PLC! Not ONE would seem to have an achevement to their name - NOT ONE!
With no one of consequence nor recognisable ability is it any wonder that EUkip is finished?
The tragedy is that there is a desparate need for a Party that opposes EU membership as seemingly a majority of the peoples of Britain would vote for such a cause yet EUkip is so corrupt in the public's eye that it garners 2-8% of the vote WHEN LUCKY.
HELP US to clean up EUkip and hand it back to the members as a party fit for UKIP supporters to vote for - with either Farage out on his ear or prepared to stop acting like a spoilt child.
Farage may well be claimed to be the force behind the party for 15 years but sadly his self indulgent, insecurity, drunken womanising, greed and self interest have been the force that has destroyed the party from behind as he weakly made not one sound competent decision and gathered the weak and sychophantic around him - just look at his team - risible and in the main revolting! Liars, cheats, petty crooks, incompetent and largely utterly unemployable.
I trust this helps Independent UKIP understand his position.
I am happy to attend any public meeting to be cross examined on any and every point I have made.
Do remember - I am not asking you to vote for me, nor to fund me, I seek no office nor prefferment - Do not forget that virtually every item I have written for over 10 years has been scrutinised by the lawyers of the corrupt and to date I have never been found to be dishonest nor ever to have deliberately lied. Unlike those who hide their lies in anonimity or half truths and repetitions of dishonesty.
Should you need clarification of a single fact - by all means contact me and judge for yourself as numerous do each week. Deal direct don't settle for the dishonesty of Butcher & Padmore made in weakness and intimidation or the obvious lies of Croucher or the dishonest misrepresentations of poor old gullible Bob Feel Martiniz - don't take their bait, check the FACTS.
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country:
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:
*Force Politicians & Snivil Cervants To Remember They WORK FOR US; make
Public Servants ACCOUNTABLE!*
*The corruption ...
6 years ago