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Originally Posted by B.A.Ware [Brendan Padmore]
Greg you made the following post on 04-12-2008, 04:24 PM
Quote G.L-W.:
I presume that he is commenting on the meeting where the utterly discreditted BNP look alike Peter Reeve was witnessed in an act of common assault and is now under investigation by the police.
END Quote of G.L-W.
It has been brought to the moderator’s attention that this is completely false and no such investigation has taken place.
I’m sure you are aware that it is quite a serious accusation to accuse someone of criminal activity I’m also sure you are aware we have been encouraging members to be careful with their posts and have been actively moderating potential libellous posts that could drag the forum into any legal situations.
You have already received several warnings concerning the contents of your posts so I must ask you to either post a retraction and apology for your allegation or provide substantive proof of this allegation to either myself or another forum moderator, if this proof or retraction is not received within the next 24 hours I'm afraid you leave me no opportunity to ban you from posting here.
Oh sorry,
I overlooked the fact that you permit lies dishonesty, slurs and attacks on me with monotonous regularity yet expect chapter and verse detailed back up of my every statement.
When will all the moderators on the Democracy Forum - previously The UKIPForum - be playing on a level playing field?
When FACTS are provided and material comments are snipped perhaps you can justify why I having provided provenance get facts cut.
However to deal with your latest spurious and vexatious complaint:
Originally Posted by B.A.Ware
Greg you made the following post on 04-12-2008, 04:24 PM
Do you happen to know on which thread so that I can read it in context?
Originally Posted by B.A.Ware
I presume that he is commenting on the meeting where the utterly discreditted BNP look alike Peter Reeve was witnessed in an act of common assault and is now under investigation by the police.
I understand this to be a true and accurate statement of fact.
If Reeve has a problem with this statement of fact and is serious about complaint he has my phone mumber and my address, he can contact me, direct or he can have his solicitor contact me.
Clearly he is using deliberate vexatious methods or someone who has no knowledge of the facts is acting vexatiously without knowledge and similarly they were in a position to clarify the facts directly with me themselves or via their lawyers.
Originally Posted by B.A.Ware
You have made a serious allegation in that Peter Reeve has committed an act of common assault and is under police investigation for this assault.
Correct as I understand he is - though he may not as yet be aware of the facts.
Originally Posted by B.A.Ware
It has been brought to the moderator’s attention that this is completely false and no such investigation has taken place.
No sir it has not - please do not misrepresent the facts.
It may well have been CLAIMED that the facts differ from those I have stated. Since NEVER ONCE has a matter of substantive complaint been upheld against me yet EUkip has been shown to be duplicitous, dishonest, corrupt and bullying may I point out that I have no need of further provenance whereas the complainant has every need.
Originally Posted by B.A.Ware
I’m sure you are aware that it is quite a serious accusation to accuse someone of criminal activity
Of course I am aware of that, clearly I would not have made the statement of fact had I had doubt of its factual veracity.
Originally Posted by B.A.Ware
I’m also sure you are aware we have been encouraging members to be careful with their posts and have been actively moderating potential libellous posts that could drag the forum into any legal situations.
I have been careful with every post I have ever made and would not dream of wittingly libelling anyone and I resent the inferrence that I might be cavalier with either my reputation of that of the Forum.
Originally Posted by B.A.Ware
You have already received several warnings concerning the contents of your posts
Yes and you will note not a single posting of mine has been upheld as inaccurate in any substantial way.
You will also realise such complaints as there have been have been based on retrospective implimentation of newly invented rules! Seemingly designed to suppress the truth about EUkip's dishonesty, corruption and style & or the exposure of facts about its leadership.
Originally Posted by B.A.Ware
so I must ask you to either post a retraction and apology for your allegation or provide substantive proof of this allegation to either myself or another forum moderator,
I trust the facts led are addequate.
Should they be inadequate to Reeve he has perfectly acceptable recourse under law, which he would be ill advised to utilise as I will substantiate any false allegations he may make in said Court of law.
Reeve has NOT been libeled as statement of a fact can not be a libel. - Perhaps the reason that complaint has been lodged with yourselves rather than by due process.
Originally Posted by B.A.Ware
if this proof or retraction is not received within the next 24 hours I'm afraid you leave me no opportunity to ban you from posting here.
This is clearly not a true statement - you have every choice.
Just as a choice has been made in moderation to permit gratuitous attacks upon me yet penalise established facts, when I make them.
Perhaps you should point out to your complainant that I have a 100% record of NEVER making a libelous statement on your forum. If you choose to dishonestly remove me there is little I can do to prevent you - I appreciate you have a problem moderating, which is the easiest of jobs if you maintain a level playing field but a nightmare if you become embroilled in dissent.
For details of common assault I refer you to the relevant police station where complaints have been lodged and to the victim of the common assault and the witnesses. IF Peter Reeve is an honest man, which I very much doubt, he will be able to confirm the matter for you shortly.If those who have informed me that they witnessed the common assault have misled me I apologise for relaying the facts as stated to me as fact from a public meeting where Peter Reeve was seen to have committed an act of common assault against a member.
No doubt time will be the arbitter of these facts.I wonder also since you gave me 24 hours to respond if you would advise when you will be dealing with the numerous comments I have made under the green button complaint system or is that also a one way street?
Should Peter Reeve feel he has a legitimate complaint against me for having made public his common assault - providing the minimum detaisl of the factual even I feel sure he would utilise his solicitors - however since this complaint is not founded on substance merely vexatious bullying which has become EUkip's style I doubt I shall hear further of his unsubstantiated claim that he did not commit common assault.
What are YOUR constructive suggestions Please be aware that EUkip and its executive staff have a track record ofdishonesty, vexatious nuissance and threatening on this forum as noted by the utterly dishonest and duplicitous letter to Butcher's Service Provider.
I trust this helps to put the dishonesty of EUkip's frequent claims, in context.
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
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