#167* - CONSIDER YOUR Ballot Paper!
Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!
It is a fine line but failure is NOT an option!
I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country:
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:
Originally Posted by Hartlepool
The establishment would judge these as spoiled ballot papers, just like putting a rude comment on them wouldn't they?
Indeed they would and surely that is better than the clear majority staying at home in pure apathy because they are not prepared to trust politicians any more.
Already the establishment is nearing self destruct - when people like me with little financial expertise were predicting the present catastrophy 10 years ago accurately and are aware of the fire storm still pending whilst the so called experts pretend (well I hope pretend) they didn't see it coming - who can respect Bankers, accountants, politicians and the barrow boys of the City as 'The Establishment'Clearly we are in grave peril at the hands of experts, The higher up the tree the monkey climbs the more you see its Rs.
I believe in terms of economic maelstrom you ain't seen nothing yet and it will NOT be the so called Establishment that can see our peoples through the impending currency collapse, anarchy and famine - They have proved their incompetence.
With a lot of hard work we COULD take the moral high ground and leave the politicians without a valid mandate.
At the moment there is NO Political Party whom ANYONE of integrity and morality could vote for to GET OUR COUNTRY BACK.The Tories will never again Lend UKip their vote the way they were betrayed by EUkip last time.
Never forget that every single so called ballot paper spoiled is scrutinised by every candidate, every agent, every returning officer and noted by the media.
Noticable numbers of such votes WILL make an impact.EUkip is unlikely to unless the rotten head can be removed rapidly giving UKIP a chance to rebuild.Do not forget EUkip will not only have limited funding but will have numerous of the 50% of the active members of integrity who have left in disgust (some 15,000 even by EUkip's figures) many of whom have vowed to actively campaign against EUkip in the light of EUkip's dishonesty - rather than see corrupt, venal and self seeking EUkip liars, louts and betrayers returned.
Surely any decent person would rather see people like Derek Clark, Nigel Farage and their ilk tossed out rather than EUroScepticism dragged into their gutter for a further period of their betrayal and self enrichment.
Clearly there is much more to follow when the BNP styled bully boys and low lifes who have infiltrated and hijacked EUkip's leadership and NEC with Farage and his cronies are removed.
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
I SUGGEST – since there is clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country:
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:
*Force Politicians & Snivil Cervants To Remember They WORK FOR US; make
Public Servants ACCOUNTABLE!*
*The corruption of s...
5 years ago