#123* - EUkip Before The Courts AGAIN!
Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable!
You will have read the build up to this shot across EUkip's bows in the copy eMails I have published from my leadership contacts.
John West first of all queried the dishonesty and incompetence of the selection and election, he wrote with queries and complaints, expecting an honest due process since it was administered by Christopher Gill whose reputation led Mr. West to believe he could trust Gill - how wrong he was! I understand his Private & Confidential letters were widely circulated by Gill himself - I know the copies I was sent certainly were!!
Gill's behaviour was beneath contempt as was almost every aspect of the corrupt process.
Those in doubt need go no further than to read EUkip's own appointed Returning Officer's report, which I have widely circulated and will be on this blog when I get time to post it as I'm trying to post in cronological order working back AND keep up to date (sorry I'm falling behind a bit, well a lot actually!)
Mr. West has made it abundantly clear that he did not expect to get selected merely experience and a fair chance in line with what was promised in the contract that EUkip entered into and acknowledged when they accepted his money.
You will have noted that not content with a criminal breech of the Data Protection Act, which the leader condoned - even it seems forcing his Chairman to sign a dishonest pack of lies in a letter which led to John Wittacker's fortuitous resignation. I say fortuitous because it gave Farage the opportunity to parachute in his own unelected puppet bought and paid for. Nuttall quite clearly lacks competence, integrity or morality and so clearly lacks the respect of all of his NEC that he had to call the Police to restore order when he found himself chairing his first NEC!
Mr. West has asked in many ways and often for a simple apology and now it seems he is ratchetting up the pressure, as it is clear that he has no intention to knuckle under to the bullying, lies and distortions being levelled at him and his wife, by EUkip.
Nor even to the illegal kangaroo courts and contrived ambushes - EUkip is digging its way deeper and deeper, in its dishonesty and disgracefull behaviour, it is fast reaching an irredeemable situation esspecially now their corrupt 'Reichstag Fire' moment has been 'spoofed' and the manipulation of their own Constitution rumbled - it makes a 'Kristall Nacht' more difficult to orchestrate and large as they may look in their shaving mirror they are far short of a Wanasee Conference & Final Solution.
They may be that odious but they just ain't that clever!
Hence this rather weak article in the local papers but when you think that Neil Puffet was unaware of the fraud, lies, embezelling and money laundering of Tom Wise as reported in the MSM or the fact that Tom Wise had been arrested and had just had his bail extended by some 3 months, for further investigations! This chappie seems a little out of touch as his sister paper in the same building has published the story - he failed to see the humour when I asked if he read the local papers!!
To be fair his sister paper did publish the drivel about Titford & Gulleford being cleared and the rumour has it that Mr. West made mallicious and unfounded allegations against Gollom & his handler - That Mr. West is likely to be prosecuted for wasting police time is utterly untrue, in fact I have spoken to the police and I can assure you that is a lie. However, one which I note the unwise in EUkip's team have committed libelously to paper.
Perhaps the next round!
The Evening Star - Ipswich
UKIP taken to court by candidate
12 November 2008 16:17
by: Neil Puffet
AN Ipswich general election candidate is taking his own party to court following a row over the selection process for becoming a Euro MP.John West, who will stand for election for UKIP in the North Ipswich and Central Suffolk constituency in the next general election, is demanding a £500 deposit back after failing to get the nod to represent the party at the next European elections due to be held next June.
Mr West declined to reveal details of the dispute but told The Evening Star he has lodged the matter with Ipswich County Court.UKIP have around three weeks to respond and if the matter is not settled the issue could go before a judge.Mr West, who is also UKIP chairman for Ipswich and east Suffolk, said:
“I can confirm I'm taking legal action against UKIP over the MEP selection process.”A spokesman for UKIP said: “Mr West underwent the same process as the rest of the candidates.“Unfortunately on this occasion he was not successful.
“We gather he is looking for the return of his deposit and the party will look into this at a senior level as soon as it can.”
Ipswich County Court was unable to confirm if a claim has been made.The East of England constituency has a total of seven MEPs representing the area in Brussels - in 2004 two UKIP candidates were elected from the region.
It is clear that EUkip haven't a leg to stand on as their own report from their own returning officer unequivocally admits their guilt - compounding this interim payments in liue of potential damages have been made as 'doucers' to Robin Page, Lyndda Robson and no doubt others wherein EUkip are in breech of contract, as outlined in the Returning Officer's report. I gather payments so far are in the region of £250, presumably as they try to negotiate damages for breech of contract.
Astonishingly EUkip are still dishonest enough to ask people to vote for them despite the undeniable fact that they can't run their own party!
This is a party which in 15 years has failed to run ANY training - how might they fare with the education brief?
This is a party with scant regard for Constitution - how might they be if called upon to uphold our Nation's destiny?
This is a party that has let their administration & justice internall tumbrel out of control - how might they behave with the Home Secretary's department?
This is a party where a senior spokesman said:
“We gather he is looking for the return of his deposit and the party will look into this at a senior level as soon as it can.”
Yest you will have seen elsewhere on my blog copies of the correspondence in which NuttAll - Farage's bought & paid for puppet - stated that he had taken legal advice (he's doomed if that is Oxley or Zucherman as it is increasingly clear the closest they have come to Silk is oggling it in a club!) NuttAll unwisely and briefly refused to either apologise or make good the payment.
It will be interesting to see, in Court, the provenance that every participant in the selection in discussion had personally paid, had provided a CRB, had provided their electoral role number and was a resident at the time.
Is EUkip alter its technique and stop digging but now try to fill the ends in - because it looks suspiciously as if their situation is terminal! In that it is quite clearly of their own making one is forced to wonder whether it is deliberate - as a false flag operation or merely on the childish basis of 'I'm having a party & you're not coming!'
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
MAY I SUGGEST – since there is no political party of repute advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country:
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper:
*Force Politicians & Snivil Cervants To Remember They WORK FOR US; make
Public Servants ACCOUNTABLE!*
*The corruption of s...
5 years ago