

Saturday, 8 May 2010

#981* - UKIP's Hopes Crash To Earth - As Ever In The Wrong Place!

#981* - UKIP's Hopes Crash To Earth - As Ever In The Wrong Place!  


Clean EUkip up NOW
make UKIP electable!

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque & the NEC
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

UKIP's Hopes Crash To Earth - As Ever In The Wrong Place!!


Early on the morning of 06-May-2010 whilst most serious politicians were seeking out those few extra votes and glad handing party workers to thank them for their contributions and hard work Nigel Farage had decided to go on a jolly in a light aircraft towing an advertising banner.

Surely one pays someone to go and do the tedious and in fact quite dangerous job of towing banners. This is the taxi run end of flying crop dusting and banner dragging! It also has a very poor record in America where it is more common.

Anyway up they went just before 08:00hrs. the pilot failed in his 12 year old Polish plane to pick up the banner and it is reputed that he failed upto 7 times!

In fact I believe that on his 5th. pass having possibly cut his speed a little too much he picked up the banner and it SEEMS he tried to open up and climb but it SEEMS the banner MAY have been caught by a gust of wind and a cable caught a control plane (aeleron or similar) the plane now well of the ground no amount of 'tugging and yanking' made the plane respond.

The banner would seem to have been VERY WISELY let loose and caught by the wind ended up some distance from the plane.

The plane would seem to have crashed out of control.

Being a very small 3 seater the plane 'interfacing with the ground' at speed came off very much the worst! The final crash scene revealed the plane had flipped upside down.

Fortunately and to some extent surprisingly there was no fatality and Nigel Farage was extricated he was very badly 'thumped around' in the accident and his lap strap had held him, probably completely unconcious for a period.

Sadly someone released a series of photographs showing him seemingly unconcious upside down in the wrekage and then stumbling around completely dazed.

I gather he has broken ribs, damage or fracture to his sternum and a smashed or broken tooth (teeth?).

Taken to hospital from the scene Farage's agent later said "Nigel was unconcious but still speaking" a strange comment but why are we not surprised!

Subsequently in hospital it was we understand discovered he also had a chipped vertebra. Due to concerns about his heart he was transfered from the General Hospital to The John Radcliff Hospital at Oxford for further tests and monitoring and I understand his wife was brought to the hospital from Kent for a brief visit.

This morning I am pleased to hear Nigel Farage was released from hospital.

I gather that the pilot's injuries were considered life threatening but ocver 50 hours after the incident there is no report of his death and it is to be hoped he will make a full recovery in time - But I know not!

Conspiracy Theorists are already providing more than adequate material with talks of severed cables and Scenes of Crime Officers etc.

This is a bit silly minded that the plane CRASHED! ALL air accident scenes are considered 'scenes of crime' and ALL air accidents are investigated fully and long after the event there will likely be an AAIB Report made public.

There is every likelihood the plane had snapped cables - if the aileron or similar jammed or was jammed the possible 'tugging and yanking' by the pilot could well have parted the control cable! Impact with the ground seems the most likely cause of bust cables!

Turning the plane back over could well have broken the cable lets leave it to the  AAIB rather than speculate, especially as Nigel Farage really isn't significant enough for ANYONE to have attempted sabotage based on politics.

Clearly there will be fantasists dreaming up conspiracies to fit the shreds of comment made! Get real Nigel Farage has led a Political Party without vision, without competence and with staggering ineptitude leading it to what I believe was a 3.1% share of the vote after 17 years!

Farage did do a little better than expected in Buckingham but having syphoned off much of the resource and cash available from anywhere within the party it is hardly surprising but even then his result was based on the vile and grubby propaganda of gutter politics at which he Mark Croucher and others in his claque are so experienced at.


Name Party Votes % +/-
John Bercow Speaker 22,860 47.3 -10.9
John Stevens Buckinghamshire Campaign for Democracy, The 10,331 21.4 +21.4
Nigel Farage UK Independence Party 8,410 17.4 +13.9
Patrick Phillips Independent 2,394 5.0 +5.0
Debbie Martin Independent 1,270 2.6 +2.6
Lynne Mozar British National Party 980 2.0 +2.0
Colin Dale Monster Raving Loony Party 856 1.8 +1.8
Geoff Howard Independent 435 0.9 +0.9
David Hews Christian Party 369 0.8 +0.8
Anthony Watts Independent 332 0.7 +0.7
Simon Strutt Cut The Deficit Party 107 0.2 +0.2
Majority 12,529 25.9
Turnout 48,344 64.5 -3.8

You will note, despite the wild claims made, that he was going to beat Bercow and be UKIP's first MP it was clear before the election was called that despite ALL the conditions being in his favour he didn't stand a chance and even his supporters were expecting a second place and were largely too despondent during the last week to campaign. They clearly felt that they had not so much failed to win but had clearly and resoundingly lost despite being party to some particularly dirty underhand tricks.

An interesting but not wildly relevant statistic in this UKIP debacle is the fact that in the GE of 2005 Labour & Lib.Dim. in this seat had a joint total of 38% and this time round without Labour & Lib.Dim. standing and with no Tory campaigning the relative unknown John Stevens with limited resource thrashed Farage in getting so much as one vote more with so little effort and UKIP's highest profile candidate (most people couldn't name more than 3 other UKippers of note) - the strange fact of note is that John Stevens & Nigel Farage shared the same 38% figure of the vote obtained by Lib.Lab. in 2005.

Is UKIP being destroyed by the corruption, dishonesty, lies, smears, vindictive attacks and indubitable lack of any signs of morality, integrity or leadership such that clearly they are without exception unfit for office and must for ever limp along dependent not on votes for them but a smattering of protest votes and the efforts of the self seeking as they fight in disregard of ANY decent rules or behaviour for their personal place at the trough - hence the endless internal exposures of cheating, duplicity and lies.

In Buckingham in desparation a series of smear campaigns were launched by UKIP but even then UKIP's popularity waned and the relative outsider the clear also ran John Stevens ended up beating Farage and UKIP into an ignominious third place with 1/3rd. of the votes of John Bercow and clearly trailing John Stevens.

One has to ask whether it was worth so debasing UKIP with their huge spend, self serving Farage use of party resources and gutter propaganda from Mark Croucher - surely UKIP must concede such behaviour does more to harm UKIP than ever to enhance it. It is even arguable that UKIP being overtaken in Buckingham by a near unknown with little support may well be down to the distaste and distrust of UKIP inculcated by the look at me childish behaviour of Farage and the corrupt behaviour of such as Mark Croucher, clearly endorsed by Farage.

Is it not time for UKIP to reflect and realise they have clearly over the years done themselves immense harm with their childish antics and gutter behaviour.

One parting thought on this subject is not just to wish Nigel Farage and his pilot a full recovery but to point out to the Conspiracy Theorists that if you look closely at the photograph of the accident - even before they had extricated Farage and his pilot the engine is quite clearly missing, could it have been stolen to cause the crash!

I understand there is no truth in the rumour that a tubby middle aged chap, who had forgotten who he was, was seen putting a pair of wire cutters into THE desk draw later in the day.

Here is the media take on his release:
'I must be the luckiest man alive': UKIP's Nigel Farage leaves hospital after election day plane crash

Last updated at 4:45 PM on 8th May 2010

Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage knew his plane was going to crash five minutes before it hit the ground.

The politician spoke about the 'horrific' experience as he was released from hospital today following the election day smash.

As he left John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford following two days of treatment for cracked ribs, bruised lungs and a chipped spine, he said: 'It's difficult to believe we have come out of it as luckily as we have.'

He said he "must be the luckiest man alive" to have escaped without worse injuries.
Nigel Farage

Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage has been released from hospital following his plane crash

His plane crashed spectacularly on Thursday morning as a UKIP banner it was displaying became wrapped around the rudder.

It came to ground in a field where rescuers rushed to help Mr Farage and his pilot, who was also hurt.

As he described the accident for the first time today Mr Farage, who had cuts to his nose and lip, revealed they had known five minutes in advance they were going to crash.

He said: 'You have to take off, and then you have to pick up the banner. But something went wrong.

'Basically the banner hooked around the tail of the plane which meant that whenever he came in to land, it would be a nose-dive landing.

'So we spent five minutes knowing we were in for a crash landing and the question was just how big and bad it was going to be.'

Nigel Farage's plane crash

The politician's plane crashed in a field after a UKIP banner wrapped around its rudder

Mr Farage, 46, said he tried to keep calm during the five minutes and let his pilot take over.

He said: 'I didn't panic. There wasn't anything I could do. I thought: 'I'll just sit here quietly and keep calm - he doesn't want to die either.

'But it did seem to last for quite a long time I have to say, and then going in for impact - it is a pretty horrific feeling.'

He said he thought about life and the world as he waited to crash in a field at Hinton-in-the-Hedges, Northamptonshire. He was rescued from the plane, with petrol pouring onto his hair.

As he left the hospital with his wife and family he said he felt 'a bit smashed up, a little bit out of breath'.

He said: 'But when you look at the pictures, and think about the accident I've been through, I think I must be the luckiest man alive.

He joked: 'Looking at the picture of me in the wreckage, note that I've still got my top button done up and my tie on.'

Nigel Farage in his plane

Mr Farage, pictured minutes before the accident, had flown several times to promote his party

The accident meant the politician missed the election count in Aylesbury for the Buckingham constituency, where he had hoped to unseat the House of Commons Speaker John Bercow.

The attempt failed, as Mr Bercow kept his seat with 22,860 votes. Mr Farage finished third with 8,410 behind independent candidate John Stevens on 10,331.

Mr Farage remained upbeat today. He said: 'I just can't believe my luck. To survive something like that is unusual - to do so without being in a wheelchair for the rest of your life, goodness me.

'I'm going to be better in three weeks' time. I'm going to go back to Brussels and annoy everybody, so I have been incredibly lucky. It's a real escape.'
Sally and John Bercow

The accident meant Mr Farage missed the election count in Buckingham, where he lost out to House of Commons speaker John Bercow

The crash was not the first time Mr Farage had cheated death - he was hit by a car 25 years ago and left with a fractured skull.

He said: 'I'm not quite sure who's looking after me at the moment, but they're doing a frightfully good job.'

He said the worst part of the accident was being stuck in the plane.

'We were trapped inside it and there was petrol everywhere. I thought 'God, we've survived the impact and now we're going to burn to death'.

'That was one really scary part of it. I was greatly relieved when I was got out and we discovered that the engine had broken away on impact, so the hot stuff was elsewhere. We were very, very lucky on both counts.'

He planned to go home to rest following his release from hospital.

He said: 'Normally, my style is always to say I'm off to a huge dinner, a big party and tripping the light fantastic but I'm afraid none of that is going to happen.

'I'm going to be going home and I expect I'm going to be laid up for quite a long time.'

To view the original article CLICK HERE

INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)

to Reclaim YOUR Future

Friday, 7 May 2010

#980* - The Embarrassment Of UKIP.

#980* - The Embarrassment Of UKIP.
Clean EUkip up NOW 

make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER

the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!

The Embarrassment Of UKIP! 

CLEARLY for All its Smears, for all its lies, for all its back stabbing and bullying the electorate have renounced UKIP on all counts!

CLEARLY UKIP in its vile and dishonourable behaviour has done UKIP lasting harm!

In less than a day even UKIP supporters are baying for blood seeking to oust Pearson & Farage - there is no sympathy as they totally betrayed UKIP, its members and our Country in their venal self interest!

There seems remarkably little concern or interest in Farage's well being despite his stunt and the resultant accident. I wish him a FULL recovery but I can but hope he takes his vile manner of politics with him and leaves the stage - others are more harsh!


so UKip finally ended up with less than 1million votes despite standing to lose to the Tories on their so called leader's instructions they got 3.1% of the vote.

One has to wonder if their denerate and debasing behaviour was really worth all the effort - handing so many hostages to fortune to be brought up at future elections.

I was glad to see that Glen Tingle stood the course after being so comprehensively duped by UKip at the byElection in Norfolk though although he was one of the few UKip candidates to beat the odious BNP (which speaks vol;umes of the contempt in which UKip is now seen by the electorate for all the money they spent.

It does seem that when it comes to the crunch UKip's ONLY policy is to sneer and smear - it is sad to see a party with so rosy a future as it once had being destroyed in its bitter and venal jealousies by such truelly horrid people. The number of dishonest fabrications emanating from UKip like Croucher, Fuller, Denny, McGough, Reeve, Gulleford, Pearson, Wood, Coleman, Curtis, Smith, Agnew, Towler, Ison, Parr, Bannerman, Allcock the list is all but endless and their ilk - they bring such shame on the party that if it ever did manage to climb out of the gutter it stands little chance of a future.


Name Party Votes % +/-
Lorely Burt Liberal Democrat 23,635 42.9 +3.5
Maggie Throup Conservative 23,460 42.6 +2.9
Sarah-Jayne Merrill Labour 4,891 8.9 -6.7
Andrew Terry British National Party 1,624 2.9 -0.5
John Ison UK Independence Party 1,200 2.2 +0.3
Neill Watts Solihull and Meriden Residents Association 319 0.6 +0.6
Majority 175 0.3
Turnout 55,129 71.9 +4.5
One wonders if the odious behaviour of this duplicitous and untrustworthy John Ison revealing the depths of disloyalty UKIP will sink to and the underhand betrayal of his employer was justified! Surely such depravity in political terms does more harm than good.

That it would seem clear that amongst friends doing a sound test for a video when a member of THE TEAM commented and said to Nikki Sinclaire - who was UKip's 3rd. largest backer in the quarter before that unpeasant Tory low lifer Malcolm Lord Pearson of thisck as a brick the Troglodyte from Eton with such common Eton integrity that the dinosaur thinks it is acceptable to stab his own people in the back for his personal gain.

A member of the TEAM - quite possibly the dishonest and self serving John Ison said, 'so if UKIP has kicked you out you'll be at least £50K better off', we all know Sinclaire's response - might it have been to John Ison saying 'the way UKip so clearly broke the law the Courts are bound to find in your favour' but filth like skeptic with their sordid and dishonest UKip fantasy blogs show themselves for what they are.

Clearly UKip is just a one trick pony and the trick is do and say ANTYTHING for power and their leader's view is the members are just troglodytes and who cares if they leave the party ! (TO QUOTE Malcolm Lord Pearson. but of course he is firmly on record not only supporting the Tory Party but also telling the world UKip MEPs are dinosaurs, as he admits to corruption and money laundering!!).

UKip's one trick is stab anyone in the back, smear anyone lie and defame anyone ANYTHING to get your snout in the trough!

Here is the video Sinclaire and her team were making making:

Skeptyk, UKip, John Ison and their team really did show themselves for the vituperative and vile vermin they are - was it worth making UKip yet more dedicated enemies?

It was amusing to note in Stroud that Pearson got it spot on right when he realised UKip siding with the Labour chap and him personally campaigning for him would go down like a lead balloon and as a result the Tory candidate picked up votes and ousted Labour - just think how well Labour would have done without Pearson's malign intervention.

Then we have Castle Point and the unfortunate Bob Spink who although he got by far and away the highest UKip affiliated vote (10% more than Farage, without spending anywhere near the amount, without diverting all of UKip attention and without such selfish behaviour and the smears and dishonesty Farage's team stooped to) Bob Spink got 27% but even so he lost which probably was in part to his association with UKip who the public are increasingly learning not to trust and rightly so! Another Tory win aided by UKip!

One has to feel sorry for UKip particularly Nigel Farage, his near self inflicted flying accident not withstanding. Has he not realised just how metronomic, moronic and boring sign dragging and crop spraying is - just a taxi driver driving up and down in the air. Would I fly with a dragger or duster? The hell I would with their accident rate, from mistakes made out of boredom. Of course I feel sorry for the injured pilot he had a staggeringly boring and incredibly boring job - I didn't get that much of a kick doing circuits and bumps out of Pullau Bukam and a few flights and the novelty wears of.

Good luck to the pilot and I hope he makes a full recovery and doesn't end up with his PPL being pulled.

It was sad that after 17 years with all that money squandered and so much of UKip's resources going into Buckingham that in the end it all boiled down to lies and smears from UKip - wheeling Skeptyk, Annabelle Fuller, Mark Croucher, Stuart Parr and all the idiots with silly names, too ashamed to use their own names, just showed UKip were back on their one trick pony smear, slander, lies and defamation as a policy!

Farage's result with no main party running against him was most clearly little more than indifferent but that it was demeaned with the attempt to smear Garry Cartwright then desparately trying to smear Nikki Sinclaire with some cock and bull fantasy about her having a secret meeting with Bercow peddled by the serial liar Croucher and his septic alter ego chum.

We even had the most egregious scum rising with childish and crassly amateur publicity from the vile EFD racists praising their leader Farage as a hero and invincible superman - quite obscenely tasteless but why are we not surprised as there is no gutter too sordid for UKip to grovel in as a one trick pony ANYTHING and DEPRAVITY is acceptable to UKip leadership team for their one and only trick - self interest!

May 6th. 2010 was not only an indifferent result but in reality an embarrassing humiliation for UKip that made even the Lib.Dims. look as if they had a good day - the Lib.Dims. may have lost but their policies did NOT like their leader fail to get its policies up and eventually crash in stunning ignominy!

Will it be the obvious winners of the night the odious pro EU Tories who Nigel Farage and Malcolm Pearson did so much to help or will the Government be cobbled together out of the failures the catastrophic Labour party and their deeply unpleasant economic illiterate Brown in a pact of ANY depravity with the other loser of the night Nick Clegg (you can't call it the failure of the Lib.Dims. as there is absolutely no substance to their party just the pro EU £Millionaire Clegg and his economic clown Vincent Cable and I can well imagine what the smell under his nose is!)

We have a Prime Minister who no one voted for who is unsurpruisingly hanging onto the job he was never elected to and never earned the public have given the Labour party one of the biggest rejections in history to get rid of this catastrophic economic illiterate who will go down in history as the very worst Prime Minister in modern history.

No one voted Gordon Brown and it seems a majority vote is insufficient to vote him out!

My political advice is clear - The Tory Government makes absolutely no deal with the Lib.Dims. their policies are just hot air, unsound and pro EU.

I suggest the Tories stand their ground as the majority party and take office spending the whole of the time explaining to the British peoples EXACTLY the obscenity of the damage done to Britain item by item by the treasonous liar Anthony Charles Lynton Blair who has done so much to damage and destroy these United Kingdoms whilst he has so grossly enriched himself at our expense.

They can clearly show Gordon Brown's staggering incompetence and the incompetences of the various cabinet members who have without exception damaged our country.

At the end of this period used to tell the truth Labour has fudged and hidden I suggest The Tories announce an election date on the Thursday before the clocks go back to maximise on daylight voting hours. This may prove difficult, under which circumstances perforce the election may be in early November.

I suggest to men and women of competence, integrity and patriotism that if they do not stand already within a party as candidates then stand for YOUR principles, values and patriotism - consider standing with integrity and presenting honesty, transparency, probity and direct representation with an aim to reduce the size of government, seek participation of the people and make decision making closer to the end user THE PEOPLE!

Join INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance and seek to help our people and our country.
Help to Reclaim OUR Future.

Come and join in and make a difference - consider helping to position yourself ready to serve your Country, Your peoples and Your future for the next election whenever it comes.

We have a limited time to wake the people to the truth, which is that qalthough it was Brown and before him Blair that so very much damage was done clearly Howard, Hague, Major, Thatcher, Heath and the planoply of the Party Political concept has betrayed and failed us in these United Kingdoms as the politicians formed their little gangs as the Lib.Lab.UKip.Con. sold out OUR country for their comfort.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
to Reclaim YOUR Future 


#979* - Let us hope the news despite check ups to the contrary the news is wrong!

#979* - Let us hope the news to be adequately secure and web  

lean EUkip up NOW 

make UKIP electable!  
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque 

the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Let us hope the news to be adequately secure and web !
The critical time is over the next 1!


Please be advised that it is my opinion that there is absolutely no call for the pictures currently available on the internet of Nigel Farage involved in and shortly after his plane crash of yesterday.

We wish Farage well and appreciate his injuries MAYBE considerably more complex and serious than at first thought and that he had clearly been considered to be sufficiently evidenced from earlier tests that the reports of the injuries may be an under estimate and Farage has now been reoved to The John Radcliff Hospital as a centre of excellence to follow up on fears of damage to his heart.

Such damage can vary from auortal aneurisms and rupture of the sack in which the heart sits.

Let us hope it is nothing so serious and at worst he may have lost the rythm short term from shock. No clear statements are as yet announced .

Justin Adams, the pilot, has however been taken to Coventry Hospital and there are unconfirmed reports that his injuries are thought to be life threatening.

So let us all hope that despite the pictures which show Farage far from well, clearly in pain and bewildered - more so than at other times! Let us hope there is no long term or permanent damage and may the pilot from Sky Banners make a full and rapid recovery.

At £350 per hour for rental of the plane and £100 for the banner one would surely have thought Farage should have kept his feet firmly on the ground!

INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate

Thursday, 6 May 2010



The light aircraft that crashed at Hinton-in-the-Hedges airfield, near Brackley, injuring Ukip candidate Nigel Farage and the plane's pilot.
Photograph: Rui Vieira/PA

Clean EUkip up NOW
make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership,
their anti UKIP claque
the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!



I hear Nigel Farage is quite literally out for the count.

All jokes and headlines aside I hope that both he and his pilot are found to have superficial injuries from which they rapidly recover - I have no inside track as I have been assisting INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance candidates for the last couple of days.

We are very pleased with our results todate but very much doubt we will find this converts to votes! Our work starts tomorrow as there is no doubt PARTY politics has betrayed us with Not a Single Party being honest with the electorate NOT ONE - they have all produced resplendent manifestos full of utterly dishonest promises that NOT ONE can keep - firstly Britain has a £3 Trillion debt a real unemployment rate of approaching 8 Million and a Snivil Cervice that is approximately 75% over staffed and over funded.

Did ANY Party tell you that?

Then we have UKIP with its dregs of society morality issueing as a Party NOT as extreme supporters smears, lies and abuse of the British Courts and Justice system with their two faced policies and their sordid dishonest and often anonymous blogs (probably far too ashamed to put their name to the lies and fabrications) you will note I have NEVER needed to shelter in shame behind anonymity as I have done all I can to publish the truth and facts - NEVER ONCE have I deliberately published a lie and never once has an untruth remained on my blog if I have made a minor error in over 1,000 blogs I have NEVER made a consequential error nor invented lies to smear and defame people.

Very different to the filth UKIP makes a habbit of publishing.

Last time the BBC quoted a minor incident and I commented on the well being of the individual my comments were taken completely out of context and deliberately and dishonestly misrepresented - that was when Anna Lindt the Swedish politician died subsequent to an event the BBC reported as the equivalent of 'egging' or similar in a shopping centre whilst she was campaigning for the destruction of the Swedish currency and surrender to the central banks of the EU.

I do not regret my comments as they were made in complete good faith and they did manage to get the opposition to surrender to the EUro onto the front pages of the British Broadsheet Press - what I do regret is that it highlighted the utter dishonesty of the likes of Christina Speight, Stewart Gulleford, Stuart Coter and numerous of the utterly dishonest leadership of UKIP who tried so hard to make capital out of the poor woman's death for their own self serving and self interested sake - I was disgusted that they were happy to stoop so low.

At that stage of course I had had no dealings with such as Annabelle Fuller and her foul mouthed dishonesty or her part time 'friend' the idiotic and malicious Chris Mounsey with his childish language and vile comments nor had I realised how evil Mark Croucher was and just how underhand and corrupt he was and so on through the self enriching scams and betrayals that are clearly the motive of the tro faced leadership of UKIP.

Here is the latest news of Farage's crash (why was he jollying around - you pay some moron to fly your adds around mindlessly whilst you go and do something worthwhile like go around your workers and helper thanking them for their efforts surely!). Why was Farage Joy Riding on this day of all days? I must say he has been conspicuous by his absence as leader of UKIP acquitting his responsibilities - but then UKIP is only a branch of the Tory Party we note.

Here in Somerton & Frome they so hugely betrayed their candidate Barry Harding it seems he had to read in a local paper that UKIP had done a knife job on him and was telling UKIP supporters who wish to Leave-the-EU to vote for the Tories who are just like the LibLabUKipCon and you can't put a fag paper twixt them in their venal desire for self enrichment!

Anyway let us hope that the pilot was not seriously injured and Farage is rapidly recovered sufficient to continue conning UKIP's unfortunate membership soon with his Tory chums.

Ukip's Nigel Farage injured in aeroplane crashNigel Farage suffers minor injuries after two-seater aircraft towing Ukip banner crash-lands in Northamptonshire
Thursday 6 May 2010 11.00 BST Article history

The former Ukip leader Nigel Farage escaped with minor head injuries after a light aircraft towing a "Vote Ukip" banner crashed in Northamptonshire this morning.

The two-seater plane crash landed at Hinton-in-the-Hedges airfield near Brackley. Farage was taken to Horton hospital in Banbury after witnesses saw him walking out of the aircraft covered in blood.

A source at the hospital confirmed that Farage was admitted this morning, although there are conflicting reports about the extent of his injuries. "He's going to be fine," a spokeswoman for Ukip said.

His agent, Chris Adams, told BBC News that Farage had been "drifting in and out of consciousness and is now being X-rayed".

He added: "Nigel was unconscious but he can talk."

The pilot was more seriously hurt with back injuries. He was taken to John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford after being cut of out the plane.

TV footage showed extensive wreckage to the fixed wing plane which lay upside down in field 20m from the airstrip.

The plane was towing a banner with the slogan "Vote for your country - Vote Ukip". Eyewitnesses said the banned became caught up in the plane's tail fin.

A Ukip spokesman said: "We've had unconfirmed reports that either the banner got snagged up or there were cross-winds and it was an unfamiliar airfield to the pilot, who had to be cut out of the plane."

The aircraft was believed to be a 1960s-style biplane which left the Winchester area early today and flew into Hinton.

The accident happened as it was taking off again from Hinton, the spokesman said. The plane was due to fly over the counties of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire.

A Northamptonshire Police spokesman said: "Just after 8am a light aircraft came down at Hinton in the Hedges airfield near Brackley in Northamptonshire.

"Two people were on board the aircraft, pilot and passenger, and both suffered what are believed to be minor injuries."

The crash is being investigated by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch supported by Northamptonshire Police.

Farage, an MEP for the South East of England, is standing for election in Buckingham against the speaker John Bercow. He stood down as the leader of Ukip last year.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

Don't you love Chris Adams, Nigel Farage's agent, his comment is poriceless:
"Nigel was unconscious but he can talk."
Why are we not surprised!!

Good luck Nigel and we hope it is a FULL recovery and though he may care little I trust his family are not too worried! - it may teach him there is more to life than .......

INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate

Tuesday, 4 May 2010



Clean EUkip up NOW 

make UKIP electable!
The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque 

the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!



This piece of filth is Douglas Denny, an outright liar, a cheat and undeniably and proven corrupt yet he is on the NEC of UKIP and represents the party all too often as a spokesman. He was dumped from office as returning officer for corruption, lies and cheating in a leadership election - by the NEC he sat on!

For more details of this vile little liar so typical of UKIP CLICK HERE & HERE

This egregious poece of filth is Mark Croucher who is a media representative for UKIP and their racist, anti Jewish, anti homosexual and pro EU membership chums on the Pan EU Political Party EFD with UKIP CLICK HERE.

A particularly vicious and unpleasant poece of filth who having sought my assistance in the past turned out to be a revolting dishonourable and underhand liar - Mark Croucher has serially lied about me claiming that I was anti Jewish which is a lie - though I note he now actively promotes the EFD group for Nigel Farage who have anti Jewish members, holocaust deniers and Nazi sympathisers.

Mark Croucher also lied and tried to dupe people into believing I was a friend of Nick Griffin's and a supporter of the BNP - he is a liar. We note he is now actively supporting as media manager the EFD and its racist, xenophobic members who advocate killing Africans before they arrive in Italy and have convictions for setting fire tho the belongings of immigrants.

For more details of the UKIP Pan EU Political Party EFD grouping CLICK HERE

This nasty little serial failure having it seems defaulted on his bills having made a complete fool of himself and lost his money trying to be a businessman in order to ingratiate himself with UKIP lied about me to the BBC claiming I was a BNP supporter. He also loed about Richard Suckorzewski claiming he was a BNP supporter which could hardly have been more wrong CLICK HERE

It is this revolting cowardlyexcrecence of a man who tried to frame Poers Merchant when he was dieing of prostate cancer and to weak to respond or defend himself yet Mark Croucher with his chum Denny and other NEC members tried to tamper with UKIP records to make it seem Poers Merchant was Junius and when clearly shown to be a liar changed his tune to try to pretend Piers Merchant was a member of the group that is Junius - Mark Croucher rarely gets caught sinking that low.

Nigel Farage has openly stated that part of Mark Croucher's job is to dig out or fabricate dirt on UKIP personelle for Farage to use to control them.

Commencing January a year ago Mark Croucher set out to try to bankrupt me and harass me by abuse of the British Courts.

When this revolting little man, acting as UKIP's agent, aided by the convicted Benefit Fraudster and UKIP Press Officer Clive Page and UKIP's Chairman Paul Nuttall - claiming in the region of £120,000 for use of freely available publicity photographs of Nigel Farage, Godfrey Bloom & Jeffrey Titford the Court totally rejected every aspect of their mallicious vendetta and awarded costs against them - UKIP has a moral duty to refund my costs to the tune of £12,500 and Mark Croucher has a legal obligation to pay £8,500 of my costs.

The details of the Court Case can be seen CLICK HERE

UKIP clearly have a complete contempt for British Courts and have failed to honour their obligation - UKIP's behaviour is beneath contempt they have used an agent to try to suppress free speech and the truth by abuse of the Courts they now lack the integrity to settle their very clear moral debt and are making every effort to shelter Mark Croucher by employing him through complex means within the EU so that he can hide from this debt of honour in complete contempt for British Justice and the British Courts - despite being a party that supposedly claims to oppose the EU they use the EU to hide from their debts.

UKIP are utterly contemptible and if you vote for this level of filth you have no one to blame when you too are betrayed - just as have been many of their long suffering members by this piece of filth:

Malcolm Lord Pearson of Rannoch is a vile and corrupt liar who having entered into an agreement with Nikki Sinclaire MEP for the convenience of the scum that had him as his puppet betrayed Nikki Sinclaire and furthermore published and distributed to the UKIP members a letter which was publicly proven to be a pack of lies.

This sordid little twerp with his Eton lack of morality and track record of flipping houses to maximise his expenses and drawing 100s of £1,000s from the public purse despite his personal £Millions from his Father's business as this imtellectual pygmy could NEVER have made a success of anything had it not been laid out on a platter for him by his Father - he is untrustworthy, duplicitous, self centred, egotistical and completely out of touch with reality and having been the placeman for Nigel Farage this particular piece of filth is campaigning based on the populism of attacking Muslim women for wearing Burqas , Niqabs and Hijabs when there are only around 1500 to 2,000 in all of Britain dishonestly stirring hatred and hysteria for political gain with a good vehicle for the racist vote but well disguised!

Hardly surpriing when one realises he is an award winning Zionist CLICK HERE

Currently this odious little man is actively campaigning against his own loyal members, for and on behalf of his chums in the Tory Party! A stab in the back to those who misguidedly trusted him and his view is 'I don't care they are just troglodytes and who cares if they all leave the party after the election'. On 2 constiuencies in Somerset he lacked even the courtesy to consult either his members or their PPCs but betrayed them in public in the press arrogant, ignorant and duplicitois piece of filth he is.

This is the disloyal and duplicitous piece of filth that hasn't bothered reading the Party Manifesto - had not made so much as a pretence of reading it - why would he care he is working for the Tories!

It was this dishonest and corrupt little man who when caught and exposed money laundering through a shell company called Global Britain claimed his co- conspirator Stuart Agnew who was, with Pearson & Farage conspiring to fraudulently accept donations and advising a young lady how they could break the law with her - Pearson stated Agnew was one of the competent MEPs the rest of UKIP MEPs were dinasaurs!

These people are scum - UKIP is stuffed with liars, cheats, low lifes and the corrupt - no other Political Party has ever had one of its serving MEPs sent to prison for fraud, embezlling public money and money laundering yet Farage and his cronies did all they could to try to cover-up his criminal activities. Tom Wise was eventually sentenced to 2 years in prison CLICK HERE.

The self serving self enriching scum that is UKIP's leadership are unfit for office to a man And the corrupt woman they have see CLICK HERE and also HERE

They really are filth aren't they as the Returning Officer showed exposing amongst others the duplicitous piece of filth Christopher Gill CLICK HERE

In the claim of exposing the EU's cottuprion there was at no time the understanding was they would clean up in the EU and each make £Millions from the scams and fiddles! Yet 5 MEPs have been under investigation by OLAF and we understand their files are in the EU seeking redemption of funds before passing the files to the British police.

We understand that additionally Stuart Agnew, Pearson, David Bannerman, Nigel Farage and Peter Reeve will be under investigation by OLAF for their corruption as proven and shown by The Sunday Times.

Then we have this piece of filth:

Need we say more of this piece of filth, who is UKIP's current press officer but fortunately by publishing the truth about him he was unable to stand as PPC in Dorset! A revolting individual who whilst married boasted of his homosexual conquests and whose wife denounced him on the internet for lewd behaviour with their daughter in his bath!

UKIP really are revolting aren't they - clearly I could go on and on exposing the truth about these scum.

I think it is their total lack of honour and integrity that disgust me most - yes I may well be biased these are the people who promised to be different and promised to work to get us out of the EU and they have in absolutely every detail lied and betrayed us.


One would have thought UKIP would have paid their moral debt to me rather than shelter their vile little agent Mark Croucher behind the skirts of the EU to avoid paying me the £12.1/2 Thousand they owe.

The contempt in which UKIP clearly holds Her Majesty’s Courts and any concept of British Justice is staggering when you think this collection of low lifes seek election to positions of authority and governance.

Having after a year of underhand and duplicitous harassment when Mark Croucher acting as UKIP’s agent aided by the UKIP Chairman a duplicitous low life called Paul Nuttall and the UKIP Press Officer a benefit fraudster with convictions Clive Page – They lost the case and were ordered by the Courts to pay my legitimate costs – in an undeniably dishonest and cowardly manner they have failed to honour their debt and have chosen to hide behind employ by the EU where Mark Croucher is a media manager promoting the racist, anti Jewish, homophobic pro EU EFD a pan EU political party grouping that is chaired by Nigel Farage.

UKIP are clearly unfit for office – any office and completely without honour or integrity as they shelter their corruption in The EU.

UKIP really are the scum of the earth aren’t they – Consider:
It is clear that with the election barrelling down on us in just a few days one is forced to ask oneself whether voting for the lesser of two evils isn’t just voting for evil.

The Party Political system is a spent concept and with the LibLabUKipCon doing little more than telling lies to get your vote you must remember just what a mess this country is in  terms of finances, immigration, unemployment, industrial collapse and indisputable unrest and distrust – is there any collection of people as hugely and rightly distrusted as the LibLabUKipCon?

The trouble with the LibLabUKipCon is that you can’t put a cigarette paper between them as they swan around on over generous salaries, near unaccountable expenses and spiv like attitude to honour and integrity – look at a little Party like Ukip:
  • Several £Millions seemingly gone missing unaccounted and presumably ‘trousered’
  • 2 MEPs imprisoned from the last Parliament
  • Stuart Wheeler walked away in disgust
  • The seriously enriched leadership so greedy they pay their family!
  • Malcolm Lord Pearson risible in interview completely out of touch and under investigation for money laundering!
  • Stuart Agnew MEP admitting on camera to criminally defrauding the tax payer.
  • Stuart Agnew MEP colluding with others to commit a crime involving Nigel Farage, Lord Pearson and himself.
  • Stuart Agnew MEP explaining how he, the serial liar and cheat David Bannerman and Peter Reeve defraud the tax payers deliberately and wittingly.
  • The duplicitous Marta Andreasen refusing to continue to be associated with Ukip’s accounts.
  • The lies and professional incompetence and irresponsibility of Andrew Smith, Nigel Farage and others EARNING a guilty verdict and forfeiture and costs debt of £3/4 Million!
  • Public humiliation of the Party when they were found Guilty in a Court of Law and fined over their treatment of John West.
  • Public humiliation when in the Cardiff Courts their agent Mark Croucher lost the case they had brought aided by Paul Nuttall and Clive Page and was ordered to pay costs – currently being sheltered in the EU in contempt of British Justice and British Courts (how very Ukip hide in the EU!!)
  • 5 MEPs understood to have had their files passed to other EU departments by OLAF pending their being passed to The British Police.
  • Official warning for their sloppy and unprofessional handling of membership records and data!
  • Censure by The Information Commissioner under The Data Protection Act for their deliberate failure and dishonesty in handling of a Freedom of Information Application.
  • John Wittacker MEP (past Chairman) lost case in the employment Courts – leading to the Judges comment that he was an ‘untrustworthy and implausible witness’.
  • The lies and dishonesty of Christopher Gill in his management of The PPCasMEPs selection process.
  • The dishonesty and corruption in MEP placement.
  • The abject betrayal of principle in forming a pro EU Pan EU Political Party EFD grouping representing racists, anti Jewish, Nazi sympathising, sexually intolerant, holocaust deniers and xenophobes some with criminal records and with incitement and use of violence and bullying – that is how Ukip leadership see themselves and their party!
  • Dishonesty and failure to publish promised accounts – the only Ukip MEP to honestly publish transparent accounts has been Nikki Sinclaire but she was thrown out as a Ukip MEP having embarrassed Ukip by refusing to be associated with the scum in the UKip EFD group.
The list is clearly long and that is but a fraction – if you want more details see:
either blog provides a trail of 100s, if not 1,000s of similar comments – interestingly to date despite constant abuse from those trying to protect their positions at the troughs on the gravy train of the EU there has not been a single solitary consequential error of reportage on either blog.

Clearly it is up to YOU who you vote for You may be corrupt and wish to see your Country befouled by such corruption – that is a matter for your conscience.

However do you really believe that Your Country is likely to gain by enriching and rewarding the clearly corrupt venal and self serving LibLabUKipCon to just flow on in their cosy relationships, as they swap candidates and exchange constituencies for their own gain at the expense of democracy and peoples right to self determination.

This cosy relationship is all too visible in its support of self enrichment of the Politically corrupt LibLabUKipCon – Did YOU see a single leaflet, hear a single speech, note a single campaign of consequence anywhere in Britain led by any of the LibLabUKipCon in opposition to the New Constitution Lisbon Treaty – Until AFTER the Bill had passed through Parliament.

Did you notice that once the Bill had passed there were 5 days of utterly pointless debate in the House of Commons and dishonourable promises of referendums – knowing full well that the surrender document would come into force, which it did on
01-Dec-2009, before anyone could organise the promised referendum.

Well done Ukip – yours was the cleverest con on behalf of the EU – you even produced a DVD after the bill had passed to look as if you were doing something – it fooled many of the gullible.

One expected Labour to be politically self serving and throw their lot in with the neo Communist EU, one expected them to betray our Country in terms of their perceptions of globalism with some foolish concepts of International Socialism and evil organisations like The Fabians and Common Purpose – One even understands their betrayal and determination to undermine and betray Britain by stirring up a misguided class based hatred, whilst their ‘chums’ became immensely wealth.

One expected successive Labour Chancellors to be economic illiterates and now in desperation they seek to blame our allies in America for their crass economic incompetence and the irrefutable fact that near single handed Gordon Brown has bankrupt Britain whilst his butt boy Blair was enriching himself - (Blair is thought to have ripped off Britain almost in the manner of an African Potentate selling us out here and betraying us there for rich rewards amounting to between £50&90 Million – he is not alone!)

Labour have lived down to expectation – they have not betrayed me they have done as expected.

One knew the Conservatives were self serving and dangerously incompetent – one need only have watched the manner in which the crooks and Uriah Heeps of Tory front bench politics manipulated the sad figure of Margaret Thatcher – she never had a clue what was going on around her and were it not for her Willie she would not have survived – but she suited the greeds and self importance of the likes of Douglas Hurd, Geoffrey Howe, Pym & Prior the foolish woman responded to the flattery of those around her who bought their jobs with their supplicancy as with Lawson, Brittan, Hesseltine, Major, Biffen, Gilmour, Baker, Riffkind, Patten, Ridley, Fowler, King, Walker, Hunt and so on – NOT AN HONEST PATRIOT AMONG THEM!

They betrayed us and Margaret Thatcher was too stupid to realise – NOT ONE stood their ground and spoke out and exposed the EEC for what it was or the EU as it has now become – even poor old Tebbitt hadn’t a clue what was going on under his nose – and one is forced to wonder – as they woke up – was there any surprise that IRA Bombers were paid to Blow Up the core of the party in Brighton. Too easily one overlooks the fact that much of the sectarianism of Ireland has less to do with beliefs than it does to do with the manipulation of the weak and the gullible by criminals for power and gain – WHO PAID the IRA Bombers and how much was the contract worth to the coffers?

The Tory conflict between the Communist trained and funded likes of the Unions, CND, Common Purpose, Fabians and Labour party has been one long false flag war. CND were funded by the Kremlin, Wilson, Brown, Kinnock were all in their way protégés of Russia – Prescott as the Communist/EU Gauleiter running the Blair Government amassed a fortune for himself and his son and like Jack Straw was yet another of Barbara Castle’s pupils in the black arts of Communism – look at Straw’s early communist career and at Prescotts various terms as an MEP moved from department to department to train him for his role.

The Lib.Dims. are just the whores of politics willing to do deals with anyone for no reason beyond greed and power – these are the people who espouse immediately joining The EUro despote the fact that over 80% of their voters when polled wanted to keep the £, not so surprising when you realise that the vast majority of those who vote for them think they are voting for The Liberals and can YOU, as an informed politically active voter, can YOU name 3 Liberal policies – now Dick Clegg, Treacher, Cable and Huges aside can you name 2 Lib.Dim. MPs or MEPs – Yeah, I thought not but people will still vote for the rascals.

I think I have provided more than enough reasons and adequate reference as to why Ukip are unfit for purpose – in fact almost any purpose, being mostly spivs like Farage or useless nere do wells like Clark, Bannerman, Agnew, Croucher, Denny, McGough, Smith, Gill and their ilk – individuals one wouldn’t trust further than you could kick them and justifiably so!

Of you would like more detailed facts please do not hesitate to contact me on 01291 – 62 65 62

Greg Lance-Watkins
Greg_L-W (
01291 - 62 65 62

INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 

Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate)
to Reclaim YOUR Future 


Sunday, 2 May 2010



Clean EUkip up NOW 
make UKIP electable!  

The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque 
the NEC is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name! 


as a result of seeding the internet with defamatory and largely dishonest comments it would seem the odiotic Bedroom Broadcaster on the internet from America with his afternoon show has finally found someone to give credence to his fantasies - I expect he and Douglas Denny will get on famously as both are clearly far from trustworthy and crassly incompetent when it comes to the level of their dishonest and irresponsible witterings.

These are the messages posted on the internet seeking any foolish and unsourced and uncorroborated fantasies.

The lack of responsible due dilligence by irresponsible amateurs in the Hollie Greig case has been my fear for the case from the start as the RELIABLE witnesses will attest and those who have responsibly carried out due dilligence.

Here is the advertisements for information put out by, I believe, the dishonest and unreliable self seeker Paaul Drockton - in his temper tantrum at being exposed as something of a fool:

Masquerading as - truthseeker444 View Post

I have been searching for Douglas Denny, and was taken to this thread. I read an article he wrote on 2006 about Greg Lance Watkins.

GLW has this week seriously tried to derail a campaign I am involved with, and I am trying to gather info on him, can anyone here either guild me to Douglas, or give me info on GLW?
To which a third party responded:
If you are REALLY interested in the truth why not ring him yourself on 01291 626562.
And if you don't may I suggest you are not really interested in the truth at
To which was received the fatuous and unfounded reply:

To which was received the fatuous and unfounded reply:

If I thought there was the slightest possibility of GLW telling me the truth, I would indeed ring him, but truth and GLW seem to be strangers!
Plus why would I want to subject myself to one of his rants!
 So sadly, like others in the Hollie debacle who are trying to have  their 15 minutes of fame he is not interested in fact, he has no interest in balance he is looking for ANY source however dishonest that will feed his fantasies.

Below is the response he garnered from the unchecked and unreliable source Douglas Denny seen by some as UKIP's village idiot and by others for what he really is a venal self serving faolure who having failed to get his branch to nominate him as a PPC when he, his wife and only one other voted for him and everyone else voted for an unknown (relatively) newcomer to UKIP. Denny was then parachuted in to stand in a nearby constituency where I understand he is having great problems getting help leafletting as the branch is on the quiet distributing leaflets for Andrew Moffat of The BNP as they would rather him to Denny.

Denny has for many years been seen as a weedling toady for Farage and was at one time thrown off the job of internal returning officer by the NEC for corruption, dishonesty and trying to rig an internal election FACT.

Here his Denny's statement - verbatim and then I have published it again below with some FACTS & dates inserted - I hope this helps show just how dishonest Mr. Drockton is:

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Greg Lance-Watkins Exposed Before?

Originally Posted by douglas denny

Let's get it a little closer to the more likely truth, based on observation of this person and his methods and information about him obtained over some time. A slightly more balanced view from the above sycophantic piffle from Mr GLW's bottom-cleaner Mr. Warry and his tongue.
I have studied GLW's output for some years now and can confidently say GLW is undoubtedly a political agent provocateur with an agenda to damage UKIP in whatever way he can muster.
All this nonsense from Warry about him wishing to 'clean up' UKIP is blather and bluster to divert attention from his real purpose.
He has an alleged history of covert activites with MI5 in the past fishing for extreme persons by advertising in magazines. This is admittedly hearsay but has been transmitted to me via three different (separate) sources. One a high ranking Conservative. I believe it is possible.
Even if not so, he shows all the expertise of this kind of activity with his efforts over the last few years with daily outpourings of anti-UKIP propaganda and manipulation of anti-UKIP people.
I think he is undoubtedly paid, and I would put the Conservative Party as the most likely contender as to his controlling interest; not MI5 as some seem to think - though that is not without possibility as a recent newspaper article suggests MI5 activity regarding UKIP, with a question from Lord Pearson in the Lords asking directly if MI5 have at any time been investigating UKIP, and not answered satisfactorily by directly denying MI5 surveillance/ manipulation of UKIP.
GLW has groomed disaffected UKIP people for many years with telephone calls and his drooling support of their attacks. He manipulates and supports them using their anger against UKIP as the oxygen to attack UKIP.
It is classic black propaganda technique - set-up a ring of antagonistic agents against the target and coordinate their efforts. Exactly what SOE did in WW2 in France and elsewhere, and what MI5/6 and CIA try to do always and everywhere their interests lie.
His own offerings are a mixture of fact and pure fantasy with a sprinkling of what he hopes are plausible lies - but absolute lies nevertheless... and always with a view to making damaging allegations, more often than not completely unfounded - but no matter, the potential for damage is there.
He is undoubtedly the kingpin of an anti-UKIP axis of internet networked dissafected UKIPers, which include Petrina Holdsworth and all the usual suspects you often see here. The 'Junius' character is in close contact with him (if not actually the evil one himself). I could name a large list of people who are suspected or almost certainly included in this activity.
He was an intersting fellow to observe in the early days, but is the biggest bullsh1tter I have ever come across in my life, and I became bored with his rubbish rants a long time ago. It astonishes me he carries on. The pay must be good supplementing his pension from MI5.
Some years ago I enjoyed fencing with him for a long time here and through e-mails with the deliberate intention of playing him like a fish to make him ever more enraged, to make ever more exhorbitant and ridiculous statements and rants - and which he fell into my trap very nicely thank you and exposed himself as the extremist he is. I like to think my efforts have diluted his effect over time by this method of showing-up his rubbish for what it is and everyone now knowing what a fantasist he is.
He is a Walter Mitty character, who probably actually believes the rubbish he propagates (just as Tony Bliar does), as he cannot distinguish anymore between fact and fantasy as he has dealt with the fantasy for so long it comes naturally to him and both are the same in his mind.
He has directly accused me of all sorts of heinous crimes including smears of the worst kind, which is why I declare an interest in this missive and admit I cannot stand the character as I think he has no honour and deserves no respect at all as he has shown repeatedly he is an evil man: for example by publishing private information and letters of mine - obtained illegally. A gentleman does not publish other people's private letters sent to them - and certainly doesn't publish them if they are obtained illegally and when sent to someone else. That is the work of evil people like blackmailers.
Luckily, he has made his internet persona into a figure of fun as no one believes him that knows anything about politics and UKIP - he has made such ridiculous claims in the past so often. This boy has cried wolf too often to be believed.
He is actually a failure as an agent provocateur, as the clever ones keep a low profile and get the agents to do the damage whilst guiding them and giving support. In short he has blown it!
He is however an extremist with potential I think every bit as dangerous as some terrorists because of the following:
1) Having been involved with the police for possession of modified bullets. ( I believe they were mercury tipped).
2) He has given his support to the assasination of a Swedish minister by an extremist terrorist.
3) He has also suggested armed insurection against the legitimate British government.
Whoever his controllers are: (MI5? Conservatives? BNP?) they are using a dangerous rogue who could get them into trouble if the link is ever proven.
And what if there is no link to another organisation? and all these years he has been pouring out these reams of daily anti-UKIP bile and propaganda for no other reason than to please himself? (a possibility logically one must consider) .... then he must be insane, as his activity is so obsessive and focussed - and he is then more dangerous an extremist than I think.
Posted by Paul A Drockton M.A. at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Greg Lance-Watkins Exposed Before?

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Greg Lance-Watkins Exposed Before?

Originally Posted by douglas denny

Let's get it a little closer to the more likely truth, based on observation of this person and his methods and information about him obtained over some time. A slightly more balanced view from the above sycophantic piffle from Mr GLW's bottom-cleaner Mr. Warry and his tongue.
Well I guess that says just about all anyone would wish to say about the foul mouthed and unpleasant Mr. Denny and Drockton who publishes this much without checking a single fact!

In passing Mr. Warry os more accurately defined as Major T.N. Warry Royal Green Jackets Retired - if you require more details of this man who was Chairman of UKIP in Wales and has many years of honourable military service try

Denny on the otherhand is an unemployed Optician, who does the occasional locum day.

I have studied GLW's output for some years now and can confidently say GLW is undoubtedly a political agent provocateur with an agenda to damage UKIP in whatever way he can muster.
However you will note not one shred of evidence to support his claim though I can understand his ire an agent of UKIP recently, aided by UKIP's Chairman Paul Nuttall & Press Officer Clive Page (a convicted Benefit Fraudster) recently lost a case against me in Court after over a year of malicious harrassment and underhand practices taken to intimidate me and suppress the truth. I won the case against me and UKIP's agent was ordered to pay my costs CLICK HERE To date UKIP has dishonourably and dishonestly in contempt of Court and in contempt of British Justice failed to honour their moral debt and have sheltered Mark Croucher in the skirts of EUropa! So much for being opposed to EU membership!

Last November I was primarily responsible for UKIP MEP Tom Wise being sentenced to 2 years in prison for corruption - details

All this nonsense from Warry about him wishing to 'clean up' UKIP is blather and bluster to divert attention from his real purpose.
I do not believe I am alone in my desire to clean up UKIP, an aim which has lead to a capaign of lies from the likes of Douglas Denny, Mark Croucher, Gawain Towler, Malcolm Wood and others. You may find the resignation letter from a past Chairman of UKIP Wales, an elected NEC member and a contender in a leadership election of some guidance with regard to UKIP and how vile the likes of Denny are CLICK HERE

I can of course provide a great deal more corroborative and substantive evidence, fully cross referenced should you care to act responsibly and establish FACT rather than proceed on hearsay and unsound fantasy.

For further FACTAL information may I suggest that you read the FACTS just CLICK HERE or alternatively HERE  - Obviously there are many other web sites that show the basis of the unpleasant and proven dishonest Mr. Denny's vituperative ire. Sadly in telling the truth one makes few friends amongst the corrupt, the venal and the foolish - as the likes of Mr. Drockton and the foul mouthed Sandra Barr have made very clear.

He has an alleged history of covert activites with MI5
Please provide one single solitary item of evidence - in all of the years Denny has trotted out this lie he has not been able to produce a single solitary shred of evidence to support his lie - he can not as it is a complete fabrication. Douglas Denny has no self respect and is well aware he has on numerous occasions been shown and proven to be both a fantasist and a liar. Yet again he repeats a lie that he KNOWS he can not substantiate.
in the past fishing for extreme persons by advertising in magazines.
This too is a lie of Denny's making and oft repeated lies merely show him to be a liar - were this lie founded on ANY fact he would be able to produce one of these many advertisements he has invented. Douglas Denny being a liar can not produce a fact to back his dishonesty.
This is admittedly hearsay but has been transmitted to me via three different (separate) sources.
Three other liars - will Mr. Denny identify these liars publicly - clearly if they are NOT liars there will be evidence to back their claims.
One a high ranking Conservative.
Are we supposed to believe the claimed rank of the undeclared liar gives credibility to Denny's lies?
I believe it is possible.
Stephen Hawkins believes it is possible there are other life forms in the universe - some people believe there are fairies but very few believe a word Douglas Denny as he is clearly a liar and off with the fairies!
Even if not so, he shows all the expertise of this kind of activity with his efforts over the last few years with daily outpourings of anti-UKIP propaganda and manipulation of anti-UKIP people.
So Denny now admits he has absolutely no facts and has been telling lies all along but as he read a comic at some stage that I publish facts and details, all cross referenced and corroborated much with published documentary truth, that show beyond doubt that Douglas Denny is a liar and UKIP is utterly corrupt and unfit for office ANY office working in collusion with anti Jewish, racist, xenophobic, sexually intollerant and pro EU membership partners ina Pan EU Political Party EFD grouping that totally betrays UKIP's core principles and memberss' beliefs I am some sort of agent! For substantiation and cross referrences of these claims CLICK HERE

I think he is undoubtedly paid,
Another lie based upon Doglas Denny's fantasies, without a shred of evidence.
and I would put the Conservative Party as the most likely contender as to his controlling interest;
Another lie presented as some sort of fact yet Denny provides not a shred of evidence - he is a liar.
not MI5 as some seem to think -
Another unattributed claim without provenance and without evidence - this has now drifted from the fanciful thoughts and lies of Douglas Denny, he is now so bereft of fact he is quoting the alleged thoughts of un-named claimed individuals.
though that is not without possibility as a recent newspaper article suggests MI5 activity regarding UKIP,
And everything in the papers is true I presume - do bear in mind even the papers didn't publish this as a fact - merely as a speculation.
with a question from Lord Pearson in the Lords asking directly if MI5 have at any time been investigating UKIP, and not answered satisfactorily by directly denying MI5 surveillance/ manipulation of UKIP.
I must admit the UKIP's Tory PEERson asked if it was the intelligence services duty to carry out surveillance on political parties and it was rather 'dead batted' as a question. Strange as it may be to someone as isiotic as Denny security services rarely publish their itinerary and I understand they are NOT answerable to either The House of Lords nor the House of Commons let alone some crass and rather thick PEER!

Let us hopw that the Intel. is kept on ALL political parties as it always used to be and that this is not one of the cost cuts to fund Labour propaganda - I understand that Intel. is answerable to the J.I.C. who report via the Chairman of the J.I.C. to The Cabinet Office.

GLW has groomed disaffected UKIP people for many years with telephone calls and his drooling support of their attacks.
Oh as when Douglas Denny, Nigel Farage, Mark Croucher and many others used to phone for help or as with Mark Croucher who wanted to attend a Huntsman Weekens when he heard that Nick Griffin had phoned and asked me if he could attend (probably Croucher was looking for a job - he is now media manager for the racist and anti Jewish pro EU EFD group!) - Just another dishonest slur from Denny without any factual evidence or examples!
He manipulates and supports them using their anger against UKIP as the oxygen to attack UKIP.
I wonder who he means and why they would be angry - might it be at the corruption, dishonesty, cheating and vile bullying that is both systemic and endemic withing UKIP.

For a couple of examples see

It is classic black propaganda technique - set-up a ring of antagonistic agents against the target and coordinate their efforts.
Oh is it - I wonder where this foolish little man read that - Biggles or Spy vs Spy.
Exactly what SOE did in WW2 in France and elsewhere, and what MI5/6 and CIA try to do always and everywhere their interests lie.
I must admit that I haven't read many spy novels as it is not my genre - I accept what Denny says may be true but he does make hiself look a bit silly when he makes accusations without ANY evidence - I guess that is why despite his fascination with these fantasies he failed to get anywhere in intel. Having read his staggeringly childish letters to the police etc. over some 12 years one can hardly be surprised.

His own offerings are a mixture of fact and pure fantasy with a sprinkling of what he hopes are plausible lies
What a ridiculous accusation to make without being able to cite a single example to corroborate his loes - Not one example!
- but absolute lies nevertheless...
Please identify a single solitary lies of commission, omission or substance - surely in the many years Denny claims to have studied me that he can not provide a single fact must tell any rational individual the poor man is a complete twit. That he is a dishonest, untrustworthy and malicious twit is clearly proven.
and always with a view to making damaging allegations, more often than not completely unfounded
I challenge the liar Denny to provide a single instance, out of the literally 1,000s of postings and eMails over the last 15 years, that he can show to substantiate his utterly dishonest statements.
- but no matter, the potential for damage is there.
No the potential for damage is that the truth about UKIP becomes known and I am happy to provide the truth - consider:

Perhaps if you require clarification of this clear and undeniable criminal collusion you may wish to CLICK HERE

He is undoubtedly the kingpin of an anti-UKIP axis of internet networked dissafected UKIPers, which include Petrina Holdsworth
Oh now the ex Chairman is gratuitously defamed by Douglas Denny, without fact or evidence!
and all the usual suspects you often see here.
So many of them yet clearly Douglas Denny has absolutely no evidence to defame people - next with similarly febrile evidence he will be accusing The Archbishop of Canterbury of being a paedophile & the Bishop of Chichester of being a pederast, whilst all who realise he is a liar a cheat and a corrupt coward will have the intelligence to ignore him whilst the gullible will leap on his lies with glee!
The 'Junius' character is in close contact with him (if not actually the evil one himself). I could name a large list of people who are suspected or almost certainly included in this activity.
But he won't because it is so much more effective smearing people without any evidence and less knowledge - hugely funny when you read his maunderings - note he implies I am Junius and then he announces a long list of people are Junius - get a grip Denny you just look like a fool.

Where is your evidence of a single one of the lies you so habitially publish - of course you have none! I forgot we have proved your dishonesty over and over, but being dishonest and corrupt by nature Denny has NEVER produced one single shred of evidence!

He was an intersting fellow to observe in the early days, but is the biggest bullsh1tter I have ever come across in my life, and I became bored with his rubbish rants a long time ago.
I think this is Denny secret squirrel code for: 'I can find no facts to prop up my claims and the more I say the more foolish I look'!
It astonishes me he carries on. The pay must be good supplementing his pension from MI5.
Another childish slur without ANY fact to back it.

Some years ago I enjoyed fencing with him for a long time here and through e-mails with the deliberate intention of playing him like a fish to make him ever more enraged, to make ever more exhorbitant and ridiculous statements and rants - and which he fell into my trap very nicely thank you and exposed himself as the extremist he is.
And being as clever as his shaving mirror tells him he is it is astonishing he was unable to find a single fact to show he was not an unmottigated liar and utterly delusional!
I like to think my efforts have diluted his effect over time by this method of showing-up his rubbish for what it is and everyone now knowing what a fantasist he is.
Delusional little man! Denny has failed to convince anyone as he has failed to produce a shred of evidence - a single corroboration of his lies.
An astounding measure of just how vile UKIP is this odious little liar Douglas Denny, corrupt and dishonest as he is is not only a PPC for UKIP but is a member of their NEC - is it any wonder that as a Party they are unlikely to have an MP elected after 17 years and will lise a huge amount of their deposits. They only had MEPs elected as a back lash against the allegations of sleaze in Wesrminster. Without that everyone has seen through this bunch of crooks, charlatans and spivs.

He is a Walter Mitty character, who probably actually believes the rubbish he propagates (just as Tony Bliar does), as he cannot distinguish anymore between fact and fantasy as he has dealt with the fantasy for so long it comes naturally to him and both are the same in his mind.
Again I challenge this proven liar to provide one shred of proof to substantiate his defamatory dellusions.

He has directly accused me of all sorts of heinous crimes including smears of the worst kind, which is why I declare an interest in this missive and admit I cannot stand the character as I think he has no honour and deserves no respect at all as he has shown repeatedly he is an evil man: for example by publishing private information and letters of mine - obtained illegally.
An eMail - NOT a letter and it was published as a result of a coleague of Denny's being disgusted by the duplocity of the fact that Denny was defaming and libeling a colleague on the NEC who to the man's face Denny was grovellingly defferential. I believed that since Denny had colluded in trying, with Croucher to fabricate evidence to frame Piers Merchant as being 'Junius' during the period Piers Merchant was largely incapacitated in the terminal stages of Prostate Cancer.

Douglas Denny and his fellow travellers disgust me as underhand, self seeking, vituperative excrecences.

Denny even betrays those he pretends are friends - no wonder I know no one who respects him!

A gentleman does not publish other people's private letters sent to them - and certainly doesn't publish them if they are obtained illegally and when sent to someone else. That is the work of evil people like blackmailers.
A terminology Denny has no cogniscence of clearly - not much point in 'whistle blowing' and exposing a crook if you aim to blackmail - so to add to liar, corrupt, cheat and low life I guess Denny has shown himself without doubt to be dishonourable, untrustworthy, disloyal and a fool!

Luckily, he has made his internet persona into a figure of fun as no one believes him that knows anything about politics and UKIP
Except the many 10s of 1,000s who read his blogs relentlessly knowing that to date never once has anyone shown a single one to be consequentially wrong and NEVER has one been shown to be dishonest.
- he has made such ridiculous claims in the past so often.
Do odentify a single solitary fact to back your lie Douglas Denny.
This boy has cried wolf too often to be believed.
Is the implication that someone other than a fool believes the proven and irrefutable lies of Douglas Denny?

He is actually a failure as an agent provocateur, as the clever ones keep a low profile and get the agents to do the damage whilst guiding them and giving support. In short he has blown it!
So he tries to pretend I am some fantasy figure yet he then says I'm not - Denny is clearly loosing the plot! Yet again absolutely no evidence and not a fact to his name!

He is however an extremist with potential I think every bit as dangerous as some terrorists because of the following:
Yet further dishonest misrepresentations!

1) Having been involved with the police for possession of modified bullets. ( I believe they were mercury tipped).
No WRONG - Having returned from 10 years in Africa, South America and the US my American girlfriend brought into Britain in a container of furniture in a concealed draw was a perfectly legal fire arm and 50 mercury drilled 38 rounds. Legal in Africa and mistakenly shipped into Britain - I had disposed of all of my firearms and ammunition legitimately in Africa before leaving.

There being no amnesty and aware she would risk deportation I accepted the liability.

Knowing there was no amnesty, rather than irresponsibly dispose of it I stripped it down and put parts in 3 separate safes in 3 separate buildings with the ammunition in another safe.

When challenged by the police, on a fishing expedition, as to if I had a firearm I said yes accepting the blame.

I collected the parts and assembled them and handed it, together with the ammunition to Kevin, who at the time was the local firearms officer as I did not trust the other police to not blow their foot off playing cowboys with it!

For this heinous crime in 1982 I was fined a nominal sum and actually I never paid the fine!

Do try to get SOMETHING right Denny you clown!

2) He has given his support to the assasination of a Swedish minister by an extremist terrorist.
An outright lie - Do check when I made the comment relative to Anna Lindt's unfortunate death. Trying to capitalise on her death in this despicable way is rather similar to trying to fram a man in the terminal stages of cancer - aware he lacked the fortitude, energy or time to defend himself.

3) He has also suggested armed insurection against the legitimate British government.
Another lie - no doubt cleverly concealed by misrepresenting the fact that I have often held up a lighter looking like a round of ammunition or a disarmed K40-II round and said:
'if we can not convince people through the ballot box, are unable to convince people from the soap box I fear there is every chance out children may be left to use the ammunition box to restore the liberty and democracy of these United Kingdoms'.

This is one of Douglas Denny's more despicable lies - NEVER have I advocated armed insurection, unlike the idiotic Denny I know how horrendous such an event would be, which is why for so many years I have actively campaigned for peace, the weak and the wronger..

Whoever his controllers are: (MI5? Conservatives? BNP?) they are using a dangerous rogue who could get them into trouble if the link is ever proven.
More childish defamation and fantasy and no evidence, corroboration of facts.
And what if there is no link to another organisation?
All the libellous defamation and now 'what if nothing he has said is true'!!! What a cowardly little creep!
and all these years he has been pouring out these reams of daily anti-UKIP bile and propaganda for no other reason than to please himself?
So here is an admission this vile little fool hasn't got a clue what he is talking about and his vituperative fantasies are merely and irresponsible product of his sick and delusional mind.
(a possibility logically one must consider) ....
So now Denny concedes ALL my actions must be considered as logical or how else could he logically consider them!!
then he must be insane, as his activity is so obsessive and focussed
In the light of the lies and fantasies of Douglas Denny that have so readily included unlimited numbers of other people - one is forced, with evidentiary provenance, to ask whether the wotld might be a better place if he were legally restrained from his quite staggeringly foolish defamation and lies.
- and he is then more dangerous an extremist than I think.
There is little doubt for the sane as to who has been proven beyond doubt to be dangerous and delusional!
Posted by Paul A Drockton M.A. at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Greg Lance-Watkins Exposed Before?
It is sad when one realises that there are some who are dishonest enough to exploit Douglas Denny and his lies when clearly he needs help and it is sad that without a shred of evidence and even eventually admitting he hasn't a clue what he is talking about and it is all conjecture of his tortured mind and too much time that there may even be people so gullible as to believe some of his malign and vituperative lies and distortions.

Please pass this on as I believe people should be warned just how evil UKIP and its dishonest agents are.

'Open the curtains, throw open the windows and permit the light of investigation and fresh air into family courts and sexual, emotional and physical abuse of the vulnerable - expose the abuse & the abuse of authority of those acting in OUR name! No child asked to be or enjoys abuse, it is for the gratification of the inadequate'. To understand the Concept & Service of StolenKids- where you can help yourself and others at: StolenKids- GO TO

To See The Links Page CLICK HERE

If I thought there was the slightest possibility of GLW telling me the truth, I would indeed ring him, but truth and GLW seem to be strangers!Plus why would I want to subject myself to one of his rants!

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